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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Overweight or normal dewlap?

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    • Clem&M
      138 posts Send Private Message

        Clem is almost 7 months old and unspayed, I’m planning to see if I can ask my family to take a day off to take me to get her spayed and ask my professor if she’d be fine with that reason (I hope so) to miss class. I know some people don’t like dewlaps on their rabbits but I find it cute, it almost looks like one of those turtleneck flaps. 

        Since she won’t let me weigh her and she won’t jump into her litterbox while on a food scale I’d like to see what you guys think of her form.


      • Bam
        16988 posts Send Private Message

          It’s a bit difficult to see her on the pic, a girl bun can have a dewlap and still not have a fat body. If you look at her from above, her body should be shaped like a drop with the hips as the broadest part of the drop. Nothing should bulge out around the shoulders or behind the “arms”.

        • joea64
          1423 posts Send Private Message

            It’s kind of tricky to tell with my own Panda and Fernando, being that they’re Polish bunnies, which breed always looks plump especially when they’re in a sitting or resting position. That being said, Panda doesn’t have a particularly noticeable dewlap (if female Polish buns in fact have them), and they both have the “teardrop” shape seen from above that @bam described.

          • Clem&M
            138 posts Send Private Message

              Is there also a way I could tell from petting her?

            • Bam
              16988 posts Send Private Message

                If you feel extra fat-deposits for example around the armpit-area. If you can’t feel her ribs without really really pushing your fingers in. (You can always feel the spine even in an obese bun, so that’s useless).

                How is her poop? Sticky poop can mean overweight -the bun can’t reach to eat her cecotropes.

              • Clem&M
                138 posts Send Private Message

                  Her poop isn’t sticky, they’re big and full of fiber as normal fecal pellets. I took some more pictures, hopefully they’re better, it was difficult getting her to sit still and she wouldn’t let me feel her up. 

                • Clem&M
                  138 posts Send Private Message


                  • Mikey
                    3186 posts Send Private Message

                      Her weight looks good to me As stated, its very common for female buns to store fat in their dewlap area. For males, dewlaps typically mean overweight/obese, but for females, its very normal.

                    • Bam
                      16988 posts Send Private Message

                        She looks fine to me too. Beautiful markings/coloring! Good poop is really good too (all bun parents are poop-obsessed!)

                        Buns so often choose not to cooperate when we want to take their pics or feel them over. So many beautiful pix that never get taken *sigh*

                      • Clem&M
                        138 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m glad to hear. I think she is a broken chestnut, I understand the poop obsession, I gotta check every day every hour haha. I noticed that her poops got smaller when I put some botanical hay in her litterbox expecting her to enjoy it, I suppose she didn’t. 90% of her photos were blurrs.

                        • Clem&M
                          138 posts Send Private Message

                            I was wondering, instead of starting a new post could you guys help me? I always wonder what type of lop she is, I’m between French and Holland, I feel like she’s more French but she doesn’t seem as big as one, and she looks nothing like most Holland lops, maybe she’s a mix?

                          • LittlePuffyTail
                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                              Agree, she looks great and adorable!

                               Not sure about the breed, though. Doesn’t really look Holland to me, more like a Mini-Lop.  A lot of mini-lops are actually mixes.

                            • Clem&M
                              138 posts Send Private Message

                                Thanks. Yeah, I figured she wasn’t, even though she was labeled as a holland lop at the petstore. She doesn’t has the round head. Thanks for the feedback.

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  My Bindi was labelled “Mini Lop” at the pet store but he’s clearly part woolly breed. He has much longer, thicker hair than regular Mini Lops. I suspect most pet stores are mixes.

                                • Clem&M
                                  138 posts Send Private Message

                                    To me that’s a good thing, I’m not against pure breeds but not a fan either, since they can be prone to health issues, though most breeders seem to be very careful with that.

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                                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Overweight or normal dewlap?