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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE I saved a dog today!

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    • Vincent
      121 posts Send Private Message

        So as the title says, I saved a dog today! Here I was, two Starbucks drinks in hand, walking back home when this dog darts out across the main road!

        So here I am chasing this dog trying to call for him to come to no avail car drivers are honking their horn and yelling at me like I had a say in what the dog did, followed him into several yards to get yelled by their neighbours. Finally caught him put down my drinks and got him to sit and he starts licking my face while I’m looking at his collar.

        Luckily it had his owners phone number on it so I ring it up and a lady answers so I asked if she lost her dog and she said apparently I have and went on to explain that she was downtown at the moment (different part of town that the dog lives) and gave me her address and instructions to lock him on the patio where he has food and water and shade

        So, here I am without a leash or car just hunched over so I can hold his collar and making my way to his house and he isn’t really listening half the time and trying to go snoop into more yards so I just gave him him a little tug and said ‘This way Rukas (ands his name tag said) and he started following along again. Even though it took quite a while to get to his house

        But I got there and got him up on the patio and gave him a pat then locked him on the patio and parted ways.

        I am rather fond of him sorta miss him already, but I thought some of you might like hearing my story!

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Oh well done! I think I would be missing him & thinking about him a lot too. 

          Least you know where he lives now.  
          How was the coffee after all that??!

          The owner, did she seem overly concerned that he’d gotten out? I hope it’s not a regular occurence.

          Ive taken a dog home a couple times that lives a few streets away and the owners seemed to be pretty blasé about her roaming the streets.

        • ThorBunny
          824 posts Send Private Message

            This story brought a smile to my face The world needs more good people like you.

            Maybe you can go visit him now that you know where he lives!

          • Bam
            16979 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you for saving him =)

              And thank you for sharing the story!

            • sarahthegemini
              5584 posts Send Private Message

                Good job Vincent, anything could have happened to that little dog if you hadn’t saved him!

              • Vincent
                121 posts Send Private Message

                  Jerseygirl- Yeah she was super concerned! She was fretting about what could be wrong with the new fence to let him escape and if he was alright. Then she thanked me a hundred times when I told her I could take him back

                  And the frappachino was amazing after walking through the heat so it was definitely good!

                  Everyone else- Glad you guys like the story! Stray dogs aren’t exactly a regular occurrence here most people keep their dogs in their fence pretty good, so it was a pretty big surprise seeing a dog running across the road! And animals are just to pure to leave them like that so I was only doing the right thing

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    Way to go!!!

                  • Azerane
                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                      That’s so awesome

                      Last year we had three dogs that we “collected” on our street within a fairly short space of time. The first two were together and the owner seemed pleased to have them back though didn’t even realise they had gotten out yet. Then the other owner actually only lived about 5 houses down (no collar or ID on the dog, we just looked for someone outside), and hardly seemed to care. She was like “oh there she is, has she been visiting neighbours again? She does that all the time and enjoys visiting all the houses, she won’t harm anyone”. That made me so mad, that because her dog was small and friendly enough to most people, that it was ok to just let her wander at large. All it takes is one car to hit her, one kid to approach her in the wrong way and snap, one dog on a leash for her to approach that may not be dog friendly. It drives me crazy that people don’t think their small dogs can be a problem. Rant over, sorry

                      Yay, rescuing doggy!

                    • Vienna Blue in France
                      5317 posts Send Private Message

                        Returning dogs (straight or not, lol) is in my DNA, being from the UK, however since in France I’ve given up, there are so many and they are walking themselves!!!

                        Years and years ago when I was a Girl Guide we found a dog on one of our day long walks and he followed us…. (collar tag with tel but pre mobiles, but no dogs name) and it took 20 Girl Guides a few hours to correctly guess the dog’s name…!!!!!
                        he was a beautiful golden retriever and he was bombarded with dozens of names and when one girl called out his name (going through the alphabet) his ears pricked up.
                        So when at the end of the walk i phoned from a public phone box and asked if the people had lost a dog called “so-and-so”, she was amazed and said “yes! but how on earth did you know his name?!!” LOL

                        I did call up one tel num after finding a stray dog once and the owner said “so what?!”….. grrrrrrr

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          Haha! So what was his name, Vienna?

                          That gives me an idea. Who wants to play a game? A-Z of most common (or well known) dog names. :excited:

                          Im already stuck on A
                          I wanna say Annie for girl, not sure for boy..
                          B – Bingo

                        • Vincent
                          121 posts Send Private Message

                            A: Astro after the jetsons. (I don’t think that’s a common one though lemme try again)

                            Hmm.. probably Ace then for a boy dog? Ace is pretty popular

                          • Azerane
                            4689 posts Send Private Message

                              Hmm, an “A” name for a dog is tough, maybe Arnold, or ‘Arry, depending on which country you live in, lol. (Harry )

                            • Hazel
                              2587 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 6/28/2017 5:24 PM

                                I did call up one tel num after finding a stray dog once and the owner said “so what?!”….. grrrrrrr

                                If they’re happy to let their dog run loose in the streets, why even put a tag with their number on him? Maybe they should have added “Don’t bother calling unless the dog got run over”… Idiots.

                              • jerseygirl
                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By Hazel on 7/01/2017 10:30 AM

                                  Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 6/28/2017 5:24 PM

                                  I did call up one tel num after finding a stray dog once and the owner said “so what?!”….. grrrrrrr

                                  If they’re happy to let their dog run loose in the streets, why even put a tag with their number on him? Maybe they should have added “Don’t bother calling unless the dog got run over”… Idiots.

                                  Id be tempted to say “Okay then, I’ll just drop him of at the pound and you can pay their collection fee”  But one wonders if they’d bother to pick it up. 

                                  I think we have some good candidates for A there! ^ ^  I could only think of Atlas, but I don’t know how common that is. :p

                                  B is Bingo! B-I-N-G-O  !!!

                                  And for a female, Bonnie!! We had a dog named Bonnie growing up.  I think it is a pretty common dog name. 

                                  C is obvious – Charlie!  

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                              Forum THE LOUNGE I saved a dog today!