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Forum THE LOUNGE Any1 have mix Netherland Dwarf and Holland Lop ?

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    • Hayase
      23 posts Send Private Message

        As title said, are there any1 having this kind of 2 smallest breed mix together ? 

        Just want to know what their baby will looks like, are they gonna have normal ear, helicopter ear or lop ear ? Or is it gonna random on those babies just like lottery ?

        Also are those cross mix gonna weight like Netherland Dwarf (1 – 1.2 kg) or more to Holland Lop (1.8 – 2kg) ?

      • Azerane
        4689 posts Send Private Message

          Mixes can be anything. It really is a lottery like you mentioned. Ears can be lopped or upright, one of each or half lopped helicopter ear.

          Size is exactly the same. Mixed breeds can be in-between in size, as big as the larger breed, or as small as the smaller breed. I think Holland Lops are also a Dwarf rabbit so depending on genetics the offspring could be true or false dwarf as well which will alter size.

        • Hayase
          23 posts Send Private Message

            whoa thanks to your answer

            so basically it’s like lottery, either you get true netherland dwarf, true holland lop or true mix with helicopter ear. Counting false dwarf then there’s 6 possibilities

            wonder if there’s a member who have this kind of cross mix

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              Well you’ll never get a true netherland or holland lop, but you’ll get babies that resemble one parent much more than the other, making them more nethie-like or more holland-like. You could get one that has the nethie body and head shape, but has lopped ears. Or one that resembles a holland lop but has small upright ears.

            • Hayase
              23 posts Send Private Message

                to make it short, kinda lottery then but it is indeed make me curious especially both are counted as smallest breed

                I hope some members with this kind of mix post the picture here so I can know how this kind of cross looks like

              • lindaholmes
                1 posts Send Private Message

                  I have one!! I got her on the first of the month. The mom was a Holland lop & the dad was a Netherland dwarf. The girl I got the baby from, said she has one of their babies as well. The ears are floppy now but sometimes helicopter. The baby I have now is about 10 weeks old now & her ears are still up. I’m hoping they drop!!

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              Forum THE LOUNGE Any1 have mix Netherland Dwarf and Holland Lop ?