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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Bindi’s Reiki Treatment

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    • LittlePuffyTail
      18092 posts Send Private Message

        Bindi Bear got a Reiki treatment today. My friend is a Holy Fire Reiki Master and she offered to do a session with Bindi, since he’s an elder bunny with so many issues and she also went to visit Kyle who is currently hospitalized with digestive and kidney issues. I’ve always been interested in holistic treatments and am eager to see if there are any improvements. 

        Not gonna get into what Reiki is. Lots of info out there if you are curious. 

        This post is not meant to be a debate on holisitic treatments. I know some people are for it and some aren’t, which is fine. And I want to stress that holistic treatments should never be used as an alternative when vet care is needed, but rather as a supplement performed by knowledgeable people. Bindi especially seemed to enjoy his treatment and just stood there quietly for the whole thing. 

        He was her first bunny patient and she said he was sending her lots of energy and overwhelming emotions. She posted this on her FB page: “I got to treat this lovely 10 year old bunny yesterday (yes I said ten years old). This was my first bunny and he really enjoyed it. He moved on the table to guide my hands to where he wanted the reiki (which is very common in all species). And, as happens fairly often, he shot me back some love. Sometimes they make me suddenly feel a huge wave of emotion, usually a message for their human for me to tell them how much they love them.”  

        She told me “He just loves you so much”.   

        Am planning on having her do some more sessions with him in the future. She treats pets and people but prefers to work with animals (who wouldn’t ). She often has patients with cancer and does work for cat rescues who have difficult/stressed out kitties. 


      • sarahthegemini
        5584 posts Send Private Message

          Had never heard of reiki before but I’ve just Googled it. How interesting! Fingers crossed it provides Bindi with some relief. Poor little guy, he looks so sweet 

        • tobyluv
          3310 posts Send Private Message

            I have never heard of reiki either. I hope that the treatments will help Bindi.

          • Bam
            16979 posts Send Private Message

              Oh, Bindi!!! It seems he loved it! It just has to be good for him. I agree it shouldn’t replace school medicine when there’s a medical issue, esp a severe one like cancer. But as a complement or to relieve stress etc that school medicine can do very little about, I think it’s great.

            • Luna
              2219 posts Send Private Message

                Interesting! He looks happy and relaxed .

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Very interesting! Ive always had an interest in complementary therapies also. I think animals can respond very well to them.

                  I’d love to hear what she said from Kyles session also.

                • Q8bunny
                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                    Bindi looks so mellowed out
                    Did your heart just melt when she told you that? I would’ve been a blubbering mess… lol

                  • jerseygirl
                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                      I know! I teared up a little when I read that. :p

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        Yes, my heart did melt… sweet.

                        Kyle’s session, she said he didn’t seem as if his health is in a lot of danger right now. And that she felt something in his system was “narrow”. Which would certainly explain the blockages. But she wasn’t getting the emotional energy she got from Bindi. 

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                    Forum THE LOUNGE Bindi’s Reiki Treatment