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Forum DIET & CARE Batavia lettuce – is it safe?

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    • Yilina
      246 posts Send Private Message

        Hi guys,

        I’ve read that some lettuces (iceberg, for example) aren’t good for rabbits. However, I found “batavia” lettuce in the supermarket today and I was wondering if it’s safe. We don’t get a huge variety of rabbit-safe veggies here and it’d be nice if I could add it to Tambor’s diet.

        I haven’t found anything about it online, only a wikipedia page in French, but it looks like this:

      • tobyluv
        3310 posts Send Private Message

          I’ve never heard of it, but I found some websites describing it. It seems like it would be okay to me. Maybe someone would know for sure.

        • Yilina
          246 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you, +tobyluv!

            I didn’t dare testing it, but if somebody has, please let me know! <3

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              I would think it would be safe, it looks more like a fancy leaf than an iceberg. Lettuce itself isn’t toxic, it’s more that iceberg lettuce tends to cause mushy poops. I would try it out and just add a small part of a leaf into their daily greens and see how it goes, you’ll soon know if it’s well tolerated or not And any green can be poorly or well tolerated by any different rabbit.

            • Vienna Blue in France
              5317 posts Send Private Message

                I couldn’t get chicories this weekend ( ) so came home with 6 huge lettuces (“letti” ? ) for their veg.
                They eat half in the morn and half in the eve (yup, big gullets!)
                Leafy lettuce is fine, especially dark green or red lettuces.

                But as Az says in introduce slowly if they are not used to it.

              • Bam
                16978 posts Send Private Message

                  I’d try it.i can’t say if my buns have had Batavia lettuce, but they have had lettuce that looks like that. I might even have grown some, I buy a bunch of lettuce-seed bags in early spring and never remember what the different varieties are called.

                  Vienna, letti! I want letti to be the plural of lettuce! Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be

                • Vienna Blue in France
                  5317 posts Send Private Message

                    Well – I hereby annonce it official in BB my dearest bam !!!!!!!
                    Six letti (pronounced let-eye!) it shall be

                    We shall “Make it so”

                  • sarahthegemini
                    5584 posts Send Private Message

                      That letti looks delicious

                    • Yilina
                      246 posts Send Private Message

                        Hi guys,

                        I know this is an old topic, but, just FYI, we haven been giving Tambor the “battavia” lettuce for a few weeks. It seems completely safe, no weird poops or anything unusual .

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                    Forum DIET & CARE Batavia lettuce – is it safe?