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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Bunny storytimes

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    • muffinandmunchbunny
      85 posts Send Private Message


        As there has been a lot of bad things happening currently (RIP), I’ve decided to cheer people up by collecting bunny stories! I’ve got a few, feel free to leave your own!

        Munchie once nudged me with her nose while I was playing with Muffin, I turned around and there she was waiting for me with her ears back, nose to the ground, waiting for me to pet her 

        One of the bunnies got a bit too excited, binkyed about and accidentally sat on the other

        Munchie always chins a certain corner of a box whenever she goes past it

        Hope you all feel the tiny bit better at least 

      • vanessa
        2212 posts Send Private Message

          Avalon doesn’t like to binky on linoleum, so he sorted it out by chewing through the linoleum to expose a 2-foot section of the carpet. That’s his stationary binky/bunny twist spot.

        • sarahthegemini
          5584 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By muffinandmunchbunny on 5/24/2017 2:08 PM


            As there has been a lot of bad things happening currently (RIP), I’ve decided to cheer people up by collecting bunny stories! I’ve got a few, feel free to leave your own!

            Munchie once nudged me with her nose while I was playing with Muffin, I turned around and there she was waiting for me with her ears back, nose to the ground, waiting for me to pet her 

            One of the bunnies got a bit too excited, binkyed about and accidentally sat on the other

            Munchie always chins a certain corner of a box whenever she goes past it

            Hope you all feel the tiny bit better at least 


            Buttercup has been known to flop and roll in her litter tray. One time tho Peanut didn’t know she was in there so he’s jumped in to potty and/or eat and has landed right on her. I don’t know which one of them was more shocked. Another time Buttercup jumped out of the litter box behind it where they like to rest and she landed on a flopped out Peanut  Revenge haha. 

            One time both buns were digging at my partner’s slipper (whilst he was wearing it) He told them off. Buttercup binkied away and he looks down and realises she pooped right on his foot 

          • vanessa
            2212 posts Send Private Message

              Posted By sarahthegemini on 5/24/2017 3:08 PM

              One time both buns were digging at my partner’s slipper (whilst he was wearing it) He told them off. Buttercup binkied away and he looks down and realises she pooped right on his foot 

              I was wondering how Avalon/Morgana get poop in their food bowl. I need to get a picture of her doing it – but this is the feeder… it’s outside their litterbox. They have to get in the litterbox to get to the feeder, so that I can be sure they are pooping where they are eating… Avalon is a good boy and poops in the litterbox while he’s eating at his “table”. Morgana skips the litterbox and sits on top of the pellet feeder/table. So she ends up pooping in one of the bowls, while she and Avalon eat out of the other. Sometimes he tries to stick his face under her butt to eat from the bowl that she is sitting on… So everyday I empty out her poops…

            • ThorBunny
              824 posts Send Private Message

                I found an old home video the other day that reminded me of my first rabbit!

                He lived in our sun porch near the gardening supplies, and would steal a small plastic flowerpot, just exactly the size of his head. Then he would grab the edge, flip the pot over his nose (covering his eyes completely) and run around like a crazy bun, bumping into walls and furniture. This was his absolute favorite activity

                Crazy rabbit!

              • pinknfwuffy
                660 posts Send Private Message

                  Olaf has never been much of a human food curious rabbit but recently poked his head into a bowl of dry Honey Nut Cheerios that I was snacking on. I waited to see what he’d do after some serious sniffing and investigating. He proceeded to take a cheerio out, one at a time, and make a little pile of them on the couch, never taking a bite. Seemed rather proud of it, too. I wish I waited to see how long this collection would go on but I also wanted to save some for myself!

                • Serenity
                  173 posts Send Private Message

                    When I first brought Fred and George home I let them settle in for a few days then let them out in a carefully cleared part of the grass I had gated off. Then George binkied like, eight times all the way around the circular cage, finally landing on Fred and starting a very hilarious game of tag between them.

                    Usually when I’m on the computer (like now, duh) I like to hold Ginny and she knows she’s my computer buddy. So the first time I got her out she had no idea what was going on and proceeded to type out a message to my friend that was very confusing to the recipient and then start wreaking all kinds of havoc that was, quite frankly, too adorable to stop. She now believes that the keyboard is her personal plaything.

                    Also, not much of a story, but whenever I feed Hermione banana she has the most adorable natural smile. She opens her mouth as widely possible and it makes the most adorable little bunny grin!

                  • Serenity
                    173 posts Send Private Message

                      OH and George has a very strange habit. I feed them a small amount of pellets every morning but George is very picky about how they are delivered. He will eat no more than 3-4 bites from my hand, and the pellets must immediately after be put in his food bowl where he will eat a few more bites, decide it’s too hard to eat them from the bowl, grab the bowl between his teeth and throw it around by jerking his head like a crazy bun until every piece of food is on the floor. I may NOT put the pellets directly on the floor, it HAS to go just like this or he will be grumpy for the rest of the day!

                    • vanessa
                      2212 posts Send Private Message

                        Serenity, lancelot does a similar thing. He wants his oellets on the floor. But i can put them directly on the ground. If i put them in a dish, he overturns it. So i put them in a plate to contain the mess, but then he pees in the plate…

                      • Ryn
                        37 posts Send Private Message

                          I was drinking kefir from a white plastic bottle and put it down on the floor. AJ came over and nosed it knocking it over. It’s become one of her favourite toys since. I cleaned it out and am even tempted to make it a bunny relevant label. Even when I set up little towers of colourful cups she still has to knock the kefir bottle over first.

                        • lavendarlapin
                          28 posts Send Private Message

                            My bunny’s name is Lola.
                            He is a huge trouble maker.

                            I’ll have a drink out and he zeros in on it every single time and knocks it over. Then he blinkies away.

                            He likes to chin me shoes/me because hello everyone this is my mommy.

                            Lola loves my little sister. He always runs to her and noses her for attention. He hates my mom. If she tries to pet him while I hold him he hides his head in my armpit.

                            My little brother is autistic and he’s kind of worried and skittish around Lola because bunny’s are erratic with their movement. Where as dogs who are more predictable moving he’s okay with. But one day my sister had a bowl of carrots and Lola was out. My brother stole one of her carrots and tossed it lightly to Lola so it landed an inch from his nose. Lola was over joyed. It was funny because he just sneaked over took a carrot and was like her you go rabbit. He pets Lola sometimes now it’s a big improvement.

                            I live in a small room for a while only big enough for my bed on the floor and Lola’s cage. Over the course of being there Lola chewed and spat out all the piping on my favorite blanket in protest.

                            I got lol a stuffed animal to help with his frustration. Instead he peed all over it and I had to throw it out because he knew it was fake.

                          • Serenity
                            173 posts Send Private Message

                              Just got a new HUGE two story hutch because my rabbits are spoiled and they know it. It literally has enough room for six to eight rabbits and instead houses four. Anyway, all of the rabbits quickly mastered the ramp between the two stories except for George because he is the biggest and I just assumed it’s too difficult for him. This morning I was trying to get him to eat breakfast (pellets) upstairs because that’s where his brother and sisters eat, but he wouldn’t go. Eventually I tried bribing him up with raisins but after 15 minutes he had managed to snatch like, 10 raisins from my fingers and he still hadn’t even put a paw on the ramp. In frustration I tried picking him up and simply placing him on the top level and to escape from me, he dashed up the ramp like he’d been climbing it his entire life.

                              Little trickster! 

                            • Serenity
                              173 posts Send Private Message

                                @Vanessa, Hermione has the same bad habit!  She likes to pee in her food bowl.

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE Bunny storytimes