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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE How to convince a pet owner to spay/neuter

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    • Yilina
      246 posts Send Private Message

        Hi guys,

        I know this may be a controversial topic for some, but I thought I’d ask for ideas and suggestions. A good friend of mine got a female kitten less than a year ago. She decided she wanted her to breed once because the cat “was so maternal” (I’m actually figuring out what she means exactly with “maternal”, as she hadn’t had contact with other cats or animals).

        She went into heat at about 6 months old and got pregnant. My friend wanted her to get pregnant later, but didn’t do anything to prevent that other than to lament it. She had 3 kittens (one died) but she was only able to place one with a friend (a friend who cannot pay the adoption fees to rescue a cat, so he’s probably not in a good situation to pay for vet fees if the kitten gets sick). Her cat is free around the neighbourhood (she says she should keep her at home during her heat but doesn’t do it) and, less than 3 months later, she seems to have got pregnant again. My friend told me about this worriedly.

        I’ve tried to talk her about the benefits of spaying/neutering. Here, every July, spaying/neutering is free if you make less than a certain salary (and she qualifies). She has looked into this but doesn’t seem motivated. We live in a place where people tend to be very careless about their animals and there are stray dogs and cats literally everywhere (there is a shelter as well and they cannot cope with how many animals they receive). However, she seems to find repulsive the idea of stopping “nature” and the maternal instinct of animals. She goes on saying that shelters are killing machines but, then, doesn’t think of any other way to stop overpopulation.

        Do you have any arguments or points to convince her to spay her cat?

      • Tuppence
        49 posts Send Private Message

          Another controversial opinion (and one I’m sure is going to inspire ire in several people here, but it’s just my opinion, so please try not to take it personally) but people like this should not own pets. It is incredibly irresponsible. Admittedly I am biased because I DESPISE cats, but letting one roam free is the height of stupidity. First and foremost, cats are predators. I have lost count of how many times I have either rescued a baby possum or bird, or arrived at the party too late to rescue a baby possum or bird because some idiot can’t keep their fetid feline indoors. What’s even worse is that this person wants to breed them intentionally, What does she plan to do when the cat has repeated litters that can’t be homed? Keep letting them run loose and wreak havoc on native/local flora and fauna? This is just not on. Honestly, it sounds like she has made up her mind and will not be convinced, but there’s absolutely no harm in persisting. Have you tried reasoning with her as to why what she is doing is not good for her pet/its offspring/other neighbourhood animals? If she is adamant about continuing on with this frankly reprehensible behaviour (and I know she’s your friend and I am probably going to sound like a huge a**hole here) I would report her to the RSPCA. As much as the mere mention of the word “cat” makes me see red, no living creature deserves to be maltreated. In addition to having unwanted cats running wild and being a pest, refusing to have the cat spayed and allowing it to endure multiple pregnancies and potential stillbirths is inhumane. If she truly cares about her pet, she should want what is best for it, and what is best is not subjecting it to unnecessary stress.

        • vanessa
          2212 posts Send Private Message

            Wow… I agree, she shouldn’t own a pet – period.
            Since she is unwilling to put some thought into it, I’d get a pen and paper, and draw columns for pros and cons.

            Pros – She will stop supporting the killing machines that she says she doesn’t like. By not spaying, she is allowing more kittens to be born than can be cared for, and is therefore effectively handling them over to be killed. Very shameful.
            – She will be increasing the health and quality of her cat’s life. Mother “nature” is rough. Animals that reproduce as often as that – have shorter lifespans because pregnancy is hard on the body. Just look at quail – those that don’t lay, live 5 years. Those that do, live around 3 years.
            – Less stress on her, for having to find good homes for the kittens. Not just crappy homes, but good homes.
            – Less guilt for her conscience by allowing kittens to be born and cared for by owners that can’t do it properly. If an animal cannot be taken to the vet when it needs care – it will suffer. She is contributing to that. Shameful.
            – She has allowed the cat to experience mother nature, as the cat has had a litter. It is time now to allow the cat to have a healthy life, and to stop supporting the “killing machines”. (I did the same with my rabbits, I let them have 3 litters each, then I spayed/neutered them. I let them have their mother nature experience, and then I took care of their health and future).

            Cons – None. And it’s free.

            As for the free roaming – totally and completely irresponsible. I used to let my cat run around, because she always came back. Until I realized how many dead cats I was seeing that had been hit by cars. Never again – I don’t let her out of my property. Cats might be quick – but so are cars, and their headlights are blinding. Tell her she is putting her cat’s life at risk.

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        Forum THE LOUNGE How to convince a pet owner to spay/neuter