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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Rabbits at small farm. Would you/ how to complain?

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        So, today I have visited a local farm with my daughter and a friend. I’ve been to plenty of these in different places many times before and never had an issue with how the animals are kept. Although I’ve never been to any where I have seen rabbits before, nor do I go with the intention of seeing/petting rabbits. After getting my own two rabbits and spending loads of time on this forum it’s been eye opening to see the great level of care that rabbits need. Well anyway today I have found myself being shocked and angry at the conditions and treatment several rabbits are facing at this particular farm. The enclosures were dirty and lined with sawdust, they had large bowls filled to the brim with the muesli mixed type food, absolutely not even a strand of hay in any of the enclosures, some rabbits were kept alone. Some in pairs and what was also concerning was a female rabbit with two babies (but they actually looked far older) she looked so fed up that these rather large babies were still climbing all over her and there were also two guinea pigs in with them aswell. I said to my friend about how appalled I was but she didn’t seem to think it was an issue. This is what surprises me is that it clearly seems to some people to be an acceptable way to treat rabbits. So what I wanted to do was sort of email the place and question their rabbit care. It would be great if anybody had any opinions on this and could offer any input as to what I could say and how to word it. I don’t want to seem like I’m coming across all high and mighty just because now I have two rabbits of my own now and I read things on a rabbit forum. But I often get the impression that places like this think that because they have a “farm” that they are more knowledgable on animal care and this is the impression that’s given to the unsuspecting public that don’t think there’s any issues with them because they are so enthralled by the idea of holding and poking cute rabbits. Also, this is one of them places that has clearly been drawn in by the money and isn’t an actual functioning farm that you can take a look around.

        I took lots of pictures but I wasn’t sure if I should put them on as I didn’t want to upset anyone. I know for sure it’s made me very upset. It’s quite sad to think this is seen as a normal way to keep a rabbit.

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Right I am posting a link of the pictures I took just incase anyone wants to see. They are quite sad in my opinion. But it gets the point across as to why I’m so shocked. Hope you guys don’t think I’m over reacting haha

        • kirstyol
          580 posts Send Private Message

            Honestly I would just report them and let whoever it is you report these things to where you live sort it out. They are unlikely to listen to you personally, you will probably get something back that disputes what you say and says that they ‘give all their animals the highest standards of care’ Who knows how they treat the other animals, its probably best to report them to someone that actually has authority to do inspections and that they cant refuse to listen to

          • Blue Moon
            436 posts Send Private Message

              omg those rabbits look so unhappy they aren’t playing. and they don’t have any thing to keep them occupied.

            • Jellie
              43 posts Send Private Message

                I know a couple people who keep rabbits in really $*&!ty conditions. It breaks my heart and I want to say something so bad but I don’t want to come off as rude and piss them off.

                I just remind myself all I can do is share the knowledge I have about proper rabbit care and take the best care of my bun that I can.

                One of the bad bun owners I know just had another litter of babies. There’s three and I’m considering taking them all. Because if I don’t they’ll likely end up with bad owners, and then in a shelter or worse.

                If I take them now they can be raised the right way and hopefully one will bond with my boy and the other two can be bonded and adopted by someone who will take good care of them.

                Am I crazy, or should I definitely do this? I’m pretty sure I’m just going to do it because I can’t let these babies grow up in squalor. I think I need to start my own thread for this.

              • Blue Moon
                436 posts Send Private Message

                  yes you should definatly do that

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    It’s difficult isn’t it. You know things like this happen all over. But it hits you harder when you see it right in front of you. The problem is far greater than what you can change and have an impact on as an individual. It’s just sad that it happens

                  • Vienna Blue in France
                    5317 posts Send Private Message

                      “I’ve seen worse” isn’t probably what you want to hear…

                      Their bedding looks clean, their bowls are full, although it is the muesli kind it is unlikely that the farm know there is better out there for buns.
                      They look healthy.
                      They look as if they’re in ‘grumpy loaf’ mode just as my two are now as I look at them. Although mine are on carpet

                      I agree there is a lack of hay.

                      You could write a nice letter saying how you enjoyed the day and how the buns looked healthy and well cared for but that you noticed there was a lack of hay.

                      In the UK we call that a “sh*t sandwich” letter. Start the letter with a nice thing, mention the bad bit in the middle and end on a nice note.

                      If you send just an attacking letter, they’ll think that you’re a bonkers buncrazy person and won’t do anything….

                      If you sound like a rounded and “normal” member of the public who knows the basic needs of a bun (hay or fresh grass) and you think that could help their enclosure, then go for it. Buns may prefer laying on the hay too (although mine don’t….)

                      Suggest they put a carboard box in there too. Free and a great toy for the buns.
                      And if the buns are active when the public pass by, it’s more interesting for them and people would come back to see the “funny bun who throws his cardboard box around!! ”

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        Vienna this is exactly what I was looking for. I know everyone’s standards aren’t the same and it could possibly be that they are unaware. I think now I’m more aware of rabbit needs and care what I’ve seen has been amplified. I wanted to do exactly as you’ve suggested and make the point that as a customer it’s made the experience a little less enjoyable. I understand that these are family run businesses and you don’t want them to be shut down etc. So maybe if they think that this is off putting to visitors they might make a few more positive changes

                      • Vienna Blue in France
                        5317 posts Send Private Message

                          Donate a bale of hay to them each month…. instead of a monetary donation. Im sure they’d really appreciate that.

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                      Forum THE LOUNGE Rabbits at small farm. Would you/ how to complain?