My best friend Flick passed away at 3.33am Monday morning.
She had been happy that night, running around, sitting in all her favourite spots.
Every night when we put her to bed, we gave her some Timothy pellets, to help settle her. She must have eaten them too fast and started to choke.
We took her straight to the emergency vet, they told us she had aspirated, and they put her in an oxygen cage. She died a couple of hours later. I wish there was something I could have done. We love her so much and we haven’t stopped crying since she has passed. It’s so sad seeing her area, with all her stuff still there but not our beautiful Flick.
We have had her since 2013, we live in a dead end street and she was living in the drain at the end. Someone had either let her out or she had escaped. We think her previous owner may have deemed her too unfriendly. The vet estimated her to be about 9 months old, we had her de-sexed.
She spend a brief period in an outdoor hutch, as we were new to caring for a bunny.
I can remember the first night we brought her inside to live with us in our lounge room, she was so happy, running around and leaping in the air. We had a large cage for her which, she was free to come and go from until bed time.
When we had to go to work we would move her to our bathroom as it is the coolest and safest place for her. I would put her in, and come back to check on her a few minutes latter, I would rub her head and tell her to have a good day, and that I couldn’t wait to come home and see her. In the afternoon I would open the door and call “Flicky!” She would usually be excited and just jump straight in her cage so we could move her to the lounge room to be with us. Other times she didn’t come straight out, and I had the feeling that she was upset at us for not being there through the day. Although some Timothy treats soon fixed that.
When my mum passed away last year Flick was there for me and helped me get through. And I would say the loss of Flick is just as terrible.
I really miss you Flick, you were my little friend, my best friend. Every second you were around me you filled my heart with joy, now you are gone, my heart is completely broken. I miss you coming to sit by my feet, I miss the sound of your chattering teeth when I would rub your head and ears. I miss pulling out the best bits of Timothy hay to hand feed you, I miss you sitting patiently by the kitchen door as we prepared your bowl of greens, and how crazy you would go when we brought them in to you. I miss laying on the floor as you ate your greens, watching how cute you chewed your celery leaves. We miss your cheeky playful nature. We miss you being naughty and then binky in the air as if to say “wasn’t that funny”. I miss how you would chatter your teeth when I would call out to you, but you were comfortable where you were and didn’t want to move.
I miss when your mum (human) was eating fruit how you would jump up on the lounge and start biting into it too.
I miss watching you grooming yourself, I miss that cute little stretch and yawn you do.
I miss knowing that no matter how bad things are, that seeing you makes everything better.
We called you by many names, Flick, Flicky, Beans, Beansy, Beanzoo, Flickybeans, and I miss calling them too you. I miss being able to sing the songs I made up with your names in them.
You were so beautiful, everyone would remark about how pretty you were, but your nature was even more beautiful. you brightened every day of our lives. I never wanted to take holidays, or be away from the house for too long outside work hours, because i wanted to be around you as much as possible. I dreamed of winning the lottery, not because I’m lazy and don’t want to work, but because I wanted to spend every minute of every day with you.
Thank you Flick for giving us 4 and a half wonderful joy filled years.
I don’t think I will ever be able to have another rabbit. You were one of a kind.
If there is a heaven, I want you to be the first one to meet me.
Your Daddy and Mummy miss you very much, we will never forget you.