Hi everyone,
I’m new to Binky Bunny and I am so sad that the death of my beloved bunny is what brought me here.
My little princess
Grape passed away very suddenly on Sunday with no signs or symptoms of illness.
Grape wasn’t even a year and a half yet, I got her when she was 3 months. She
was the love of my life, from the moment I met her I knew we were meant for each
other which may sound silly. We bonded so quickly and I know she loved me as much as I loved her, she
was more then just my pet. I’ve always been really diligent when it comes to
her diet and exercise. I watched her like a hawk. I got her timothy hay from
her vet because they would get bales in and she never really liked the bagged
stuff from pet stores. I gave her fresh clean veggies every day. She was a
really brave and resilient little bun, she would come with me when I went on
trips to visit my parents, she even came on a road trip with me and my ex
boyfriend. She was not easily frightened.
The night before she passed, she was acting
perfectly fine…eating, drinking and pooping normally. Following me around and
being her normal energetic cuddly self. I have videos that I took that night of
her that just break my heart now because there were no signs at all. I left that
night around 10pm to meet friends for drinks, I kept her in her little room
with her litter box, food and water and some toys as I normally do (she doesn’t
have a cage, just her own little area). I ended up staying out that night at a
friends house and came home around 10am to find my sweet baby had left me. I
rushed in all excited to see her, slowly opened the door because she normally
hears me coming and sits RIGHT behind the door. But instead of her happy self
hopping towards me I was greeted by her lifeless body. My heart is shattered, I’m
so full of anxiety and guilt. I can’t stop replaying everything in my head and
thinking that maybe if I didn’t go out that night, she would still be here with
I have no idea what
could have caused this, I cared for her like she was my own child. I did notice
she wasn’t eating as much hay as normal….she normally devoured it but lately I often
would take handfuls of old hay and throw it out…I thought maybe she was just
tired of it? Or it wasn’t a good batch? She was also chewing on cardboard way more then normal. I don’t know. I don’t know what I could have done. When I found
her body, she was on her side completely stretched out, her head cocked all the
way back almost against her spine. No blood but her poor little lips were blue.
I am so destroyed
right now, I haven’t been back to my apartment because it just feels way too
empty. I took her to get cremated and didn’t even think of a necropsy. I was
just completely broken and didn’t know what to do.