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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › My two baby girls are going in for spaying tomorrow…UPDATED – not good
Really nervous is an understatement. We’ve had another bunny under an anesthesia before (she was a seven year old dwarf!) and she was fine.. I now have my 6 month old Flemish and 2yo Rex… surely it should be okay, I hope they make it. Please send some hoppy thoughts!
Bunnies were not spayed however Charlie did have anesthesia before they decided her breathing whilst under made it too risky, so they stopped. Charlie has not recovered from this. She is incredibly unwell with what may be malignant hyperthermia. She is at the vets on a drip. I am heartbroken. Her chances are not good.
Hope everything goes well and they make a swift recovery!
Sending some (((((Safe Procedure and Speedy Recovery Vibes)))))
Thank you both! Half an hour until I take them in. It is so so upsetting and I am going to be beside myself all day. Have been lurking on this site for a long time now and have read many stories of bunnies coming out fine so that is promising!
Will keep you updated.
Well.. they are both home now.. and perfectly fine BECAUSE…..
….they were both too fat and the vet didn’t want to risk it! Charlie (Flemish Giant) weighs 5.45kg!!! (12lbs!) and Bubbles (Rex) weighs 3.2kg! (7lb)
Oops.. so they’re on a diet now and hopefully we can try again in a few months!
Awww……Good luck with the diet!!!
Oops indeed – Get them running around after carrot tops !! LOL
Are they both females who are bonded ? (is that them in the avatar photo) – ahhhhhhh.
teeheehee – dodged THAT bullet, girls
But unfortunately Charlie (the one who got the anasthetic before the vet decided it was too risky) was still incredibly lethargic and not pooing this morning so I took her back to the vet. The vet found she was incredibly HOT (she was 41.5°C / 106.7°F). That is an extreme fever that would be classed an emergency, yet she was alert and looking around so the vet was taken by surprise. She was not really into eating though I have managed to encourage her to eat some greens and drink from a syringe.. and I think she’s done a small pile of poos earlier today. She’s grinding her teeth – but why would she be in pain? She didn’t have surgery?
The vet just rang, I told her she was still lethargic and off an on really hot (it’s now about 28 hours post anasthetic), she says this is not normal and is putting in an adverse event report. But apart from that we’re stuck.. I really hope she is okay after this, if she dies I will be feel absolutely horrifically guilty.
From reading this.. does this sound like this will be lethal to her? I am terrified beyond belief I am going to lose her now and it will be all my fault because I wanted to have them spayed.
Sorry to hear Charlie’s poorly.
Please don’t feel bad for wanting the best for your girls… buns are at incredibly high risk of reproductive cancers if not sterilized.
I don’t know what to tell you aside from that like people, some animals don’t tolerate anesthesia well. It’s great she ate, drank, and pooed a bit. Keep her hydrated, eating, and cool. Try really wet chilled greens to cool her down, and give her a frozen water bottle in a towel so she can snuggle up to it if she wants to.
With regards to the tooth grinding, I’m wondering if the meds made her gassy and that’s why she’s hurting – have you tried giving her baby gas drops (simethicone)? Or gently massaging her tum and then lifting her bum and hindquarters up for a while to help her toot?
Please let us know how she gets on… ((((((Charlie))))))
Did the vet think an anti inflammatory would be a good idea, to bring her temp down?
Had they intubated her?
((( Charlie )))
How far had they gone for the vet to decide too risky ? Just anaethetised and nothing else?
Couldn’t he have decided whilst Charlie was conscious?
Anyhow – she’s going to be fine – but we”re sending all the powerful BB vibes your way just incase (( Charlie ))
I forgot to send some vibes!
{{{Charlie}}}. I really hope she is doing better now.
Posted By Q8bunny on 3/01/2017 10:55 PM
Sorry to hear Charlie’s poorly.
Please don’t feel bad for wanting the best for your girls… buns are at incredibly high risk of reproductive cancers if not sterilized.I don’t know what to tell you aside from that like people, some animals don’t tolerate anesthesia well. It’s great she ate, drank, and pooed a bit. Keep her hydrated, eating, and cool. Try really wet chilled greens to cool her down, and give her a frozen water bottle in a towel so she can snuggle up to it if she wants to.
With regards to the tooth grinding, I’m wondering if the meds made her gassy and that’s why she’s hurting – have you tried giving her baby gas drops (simethicone)? Or gently massaging her tum and then lifting her bum and hindquarters up for a while to help her toot?
Please let us know how she gets on… ((((((Charlie))))))
Thank you so much for your response. Charlie still remains very poorly and seemingly ‘unable’ to eat now. We’re back to the vets in half an hour. The vet did ring last evening and said she had done some research and it was possible she may have ‘malignant hyperthermia’ brought on by the anasthetic. I forgot to ask which anasthetic she had though but it is a side effect in isoflurane in gene-mutated rabbits, will hopefully get that info today. She has a cold towel on her ears/back and a fan on (and likes to lick it!)
We have not had any gas drops, I have massaged her abdomen and I have lifted her wee bum up (though gee it’s a bitheavy!)
I will definitely let you know the verdict after the vets!
Posted By jerseygirl on 3/01/2017 11:03 PM
Did the vet think an anti inflammatory would be a good idea, to bring her temp down?Had they intubated her?
That is a good idea, I will ask about that today. Yes I believe they had intubated her, wondering if that is causing her pain? Hmm
Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 3/02/2017 1:54 AM
((( Charlie )))
How far had they gone for the vet to decide too risky ? Just anaethetised and nothing else?
Couldn’t he have decided whilst Charlie was conscious?Anyhow – she’s going to be fine – but we”re sending all the powerful BB vibes your way just incase (( Charlie ))
Thanks for your response! What happened was initially she was fine under anesthetic, but once they turned her over her breathing rate slowed, and this was most likely caused by her ‘larger’ amount of fat than normal. So as soon as the breathing rate slowed they reversed the anesthetic.
I really really hope she will be fine, I thought she was going to die last night. Lots of tears, I stayed up with her untill 11pm, my mum until 1.30am, I checked again at 3.30am and mum at 4.30am and up again at 6.30am! So she’s certainly not been lonely but gee.. it’s such a worry. She can’t die at six months old
Posted By jerseygirl on 3/02/2017 6:21 AM
I forgot to send some vibes!
{{{Charlie}}}. I really hope she is doing better now.
Oh aww thanks! No better this morning, we’re just about off to vet
Sorry to hear this. ((((Healing Vibes)))))
I was reading about malignant hyperthermia yesterday. I believe it can sometimes be caused by reversal agents also.
It’s good you’re going back in. They really should hospitalised her if the vet thinks that’s what she has. They can closely monitor her then.
Really sorry to read she’s still not doing well. {{{{{Charlie}}}}}
Luna sends vibes! ((((Charlie))))
She can’t die at six months old
No she can’t and she won’t. The vets will keep her in, keep a close eye on her and reverse the reversal agents effects…..
They must.
(((( Come on Charlie – I want to see those ears of yours !!! ))))
Posted By jerseygirl on 3/02/2017 3:14 PM
I was reading about malignant hyperthermia yesterday. I believe it can sometimes be caused by reversal agents also.
It’s good you’re going back in. They really should hospitalised her if the vet thinks that’s what she has. They can closely monitor her then.Really sorry to read she’s still not doing well. {{{{{Charlie}}}}}
Yes it really is quite the horrible condition. (It happens in people too which would be so scary). About two hours ago she had what I deem a seizure. It was horrible. I’ve cried so much over the last 24 hours.. and to see that just BROKE me, I held her little head and oh I took her right away to the vet. I did manage to film some of it and showed them. She is hospitalised now, on a cool fluid drip in a cool room. Her temperature was at 41.6 which has gone up. Things are not looking good. I am absolutely utterly beside myself.
I’ve just forced myself to sit and have some water.. i’ve not eaten or drank in.. 18-19 hours.. I’ll end up in hospital if im not careful.
This is horrible.
Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 3/02/2017 4:40 PM
She can’t die at six months old
No she can’t and she won’t. The vets will keep her in, keep a close eye on her and reverse the reversal agents effects…..
They must.(((( Come on Charlie – I want to see those ears of yours !!! ))))
Oh I do sure hope so. It is so horrible
Thinking of you….((((Hugs)))) (((((Healing Vibes))))
Been to visit Charlie, will go again in a couple of hours. Her temperature has dropped back to 40.6 which is promising, she is tolerating the fluids well and has been fed 9ml of food.
Oh sweet bun… (((((((Charlie)))))))
Continued {{{vibes}}} for Charlie! C’mon girl, you have many rooting for you.
B&C, anytime it’s getting overwhelming, pop on here for a chat. The beauty of the forum is there is normally someone on at all hours. Sending you virtual (((Hugs))). How is Bubbles doing? Is she missing Charlie?
Posted By jerseygirl on 3/02/2017 9:11 PM
Continued {{{vibes}}} for Charlie! C’mon girl, you have many rooting for you.B&C, anytime it’s getting overwhelming, pop on here for a chat. The beauty of the forum is there is normally someone on at all hours. Sending you virtual (((Hugs))). How is Bubbles doing? Is she missing Charlie?
Thank you very much her slight improvements are reassuring but it’s still touch and go. The worst part is that we are going away overseas tomorrow, so I am terrified of leaving her and we seriously were going to cancel our holiday.. but we’ve been told that we really should not do that!
Bubbles seems absolutely fine, she’s getting fuss from us and she’s just happy chilling out in her room. It’s so horrible, we worked hard to allow the bonding for these two to go so well, now they might be separated.. breaks my heart.
Here’s me with my wee girl. Will be back to see her soon!
Keeping the vibes coming ((((Charlie)))).
Went back to see her, not much improvement at all. We’ve said our goodbyes, I told her how awesome she has been as a bunny, how much Bubbles loved her and how much we loved who she was. I told her I’d never forget her and I love her. I showed her photos of her when she was a baby and showed her lots of pics of her with Bubbles. I’m heartbroken.. it’s like grieving that she’s gone.. yet I still know she’s alive.. and not well.
I don’t know what to do with myself. We’ve been told we HAVE to go away on holiday, that we can’t throw it all away. And maybe they’re right. So i’m trying to eat some bits of carrot myself and be happy for the little life she has had and to still celebrate Bubbles life.
For some reason its so helpful to vent on here, I feel so lost and confused and guilty. I lost my last bunny of 7 years back in June. It was heartbreaking as well, but it was quick, she had a fabulously long life and we cuddled her as she was put down. Charlie is just a baby, she still relies on us
She really is in the best hands and bearing in mind what has happened, even though it wasn’t their fault, I’m sure the vets will try that much harder to make sure that everything is okay. (((( charlie vibes ))))
Try to have a great holiday anyway and well keep the positive vibes going from here.
(((((((((baby Charlie)))))))))
May I kindly suggest taking Bubbles to be with Charlie before you leave on holiday? Buns who are poorly and stay at the vets with their bond mate get better more often than buns who are separated. And if the worst should happen, both buns need closure and a chance to say goodbye instead of wondering where their pal disappeared to. I would think the vet would be willing to accomodate you guys all things considered… This is just so sad…
Yup good point Q8.
And if you’ve already left. Could whoever is looking after Bubbles take her to the vets?. Even if they are in a separated cage at the vets the buns can see and smell the other.
Wondering after Charlie and Bubbles. I hope you’ve been able to enjoy your trip ! It’s good she was able to remain in their care in your absence.
Oh yes, please update us as soon as you get back (you didn’t mention how long you were going for……).
Hello everyone I apologise for the lack of updates. We only returned from holiday 18 hours ago!
Charlie made it through the night at the vets but died before midday on the 4th March. Bubbles did not get to see her go, which yes I feel incredibly guilty for but we had no way of getting her there (the cage was at the vets with Charlie to be picked up that afternoon).
I had a fantastic holiday despite the loss of dear Charlie. It was really good for me to have full distractions for two weeks, as it made the grief that much easier to cope with. My mental health is poor as it is, so despite one major breakdown when I found out she had died (in airport security… oh how embarrassing) I was able to move forward very quickly and.. finally ate something 12 hours after that! xx
Poor Charlie
I’m so sorry about your bun. You did everything you could for her! (Binky on Charlie)
I’m so sorry about Charlie
So sorry to hear about your loss of your Charlie
I wish you and Bubbles a lot of strength to deal with the grief. Hopefully you’ll get all the support you need.
I am so very for your loss of Charlie I am glad though that you still managed to enjoy your holiday, you’ll have to tell us all about it in the chat thread when you feel up to it
Oh, I am very sorry! Such an unfortunate thing to have happened in the first place and awful timing for you as well.
***Binky Free Charlie***
Sending some nose rubs for Bubbles. I hope she is doing alright.
I’m so deeply sorry for your loss.
(((((Binky Free Charlie))))
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › My two baby girls are going in for spaying tomorrow…UPDATED – not good