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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE I lost a bit of my innocence today…

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    • Barrett
      269 posts Send Private Message

        My last bit of innocence is gone. Patton thumped his foot at me tonight.

        I was shocked. So proud I was that I had never heard him thump. No reason to believe that would change. And I still can’t figure it out. He was in one of his hangout spots, under the coffee table downstairs. I was within a few feet of him, picking up scraps from the floor (random junk left by the kids. No vacuum, just my hands. Suddenly I hear this “thump!” I look up and he’s standing alert on all fours. I can see straight through under his belly/ribs to the other side. When I cautiously approached, speaking gently, he hopped away to the fireplace (another favorite spot) and thumped some more. I got that little grunt/thump sound I haven’t heard since Halsey more than 7 years ago.

        I kept asking him what was wrong, but he wouldn’t answer me! ()

        I brought him a half carrot a few minutes later and he cautiously started eating it. No other signs of trouble and he seems perfectly normal now. But I’m fractured.

        I was so proud that he had never thumped before.

      • Q8bunny
        6345 posts Send Private Message

          Don’t DO that, man! Your thread title scared me – I clicked on it with a sick feeling in my stomach, thinking awful things like “one of his kids suddenly became allergic to Patton”

        • Bam
          16980 posts Send Private Message

            I so second Q8, don’t ever scare us like that again!!!

            Last time Bam thumped at me was when we blocked off his access to the behind-the-sofa-area in my mother’s house. There were unprotected cords and he so wanted to go in there – it’s like a nice snug bunny warren, complete with roots (=electric cords). We blocked it off, and he was so mad he sat under the nearest chair and thumped, defiantly staring at us cruel hoomins. I’m a bit embarrassed to say we laughed at him, but we did, he was so cute and so cross =/

            Hopefully the carrot made the General forgive you =)

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              Haha I felt the same way when Buttercup thumped for the first time – but she’s only 6 months old so I never reached your record level :p

            • Vienna Blue in France
              5317 posts Send Private Message

                I third Q8 and bam…..
                Henry thumps each time when I put him down after a brief struggle. Its his equivalent of “last word” and sticking his tongue out at me.
                He also thumps when he hears noises so ive put the radio on at night so he doesnt hear anything and wake me up!!!!!

                Congratulations. The General has become a man…. ready to protect his hooman fluffle.

              • Theodorusrex
                336 posts Send Private Message

                  Sometimes Theo will thump for seemingly no reason at all. We can all be sitting chilling and he will sit up start stalking and thump for no reason. Sometimes I think he hears/senses things we can’t which he registers as being potentially dangerous.

                  And as others have said sometimes he thumps just causes he’s a spoiled brat he will often kick his feet at me and thump after a grooming session. Wee tinker. I wouldn’t take it personally!!

                • LBJ10
                  17061 posts Send Private Message

                    Leopold never thumps. Ever. I don’t think he understands the concept. Wooly, on the other hand, will thump at me to say “oh, heeeelllllll no!”. That’s because he only thumps when he sees the carrier.

                  • Barrett
                    269 posts Send Private Message

                      Thanks and sorry everyone! I didn’t mean it to sound that bad (I’ve edited the thread title).

                      I think maybe the most spoiled one is not Patton but me. And yes, I clearly took it personally.

                      Recently because of a non-bunny related festival coming up next week, I’m spending almost every night out of the house preparing. It means Patton’s not getting me in the day but now not at night either, so we’re kind of strangers lately. So last night, I spent the evening with him and he seemed to appreciate it.

                    • bunnytowne
                      7537 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh my.  Thumped at gasp.  I cant watch night of the wild cuz whenever Cotton hears a dog bark whether on tv or real life he thumps.  N thumps n thumps til it stops then thumps some more for good measure.  I must the tv for a bit.  More thumps.  Turn it back on if the barkin is still on more thumping.  If no barking is on he stops.  Sighs.  Crazy little Cotton Boo. 

                        Or after trimming nails he runs off flicking and stamping at me.  lol  

                        You almost had a clean record there. 

                      • BrunosMama
                        1521 posts Send Private Message

                          I can’t imagine no thumping. Maybe our buns are just brats lol. It’s hilarious whenever Zane tries to thump. He’s so small, it’s more like a tap. It can barely be heard.

                          Usually thumping occurs when the cats are doing something to annoy the bunnies. Which is pretty often lol.

                        • JackRabbit
                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                            With my three, I’d be worried if somebun wasn’t thumping about something at least once a day. With 3 buns in one room, Marlee feels its her job to warm everybun of any and all potential danger — the sight of a carrier being exposed, dinner being one minute late (danger of potential bunny deprivation), anyone singing, any type of technician working on anything anywhere in or outside the house, etc. Kieko’s job is to police the lops so she thumps to alert me to any unacceptible bunny behavior going on in the room, although she tries to take care of it herself by kicking hay and litter down on Moshi from the top level of her condo. Moshi being deaf means he only “danger” thumps if he “thinks” he hears a noise…..or to kickoff a big binky which is usually the case.

                          • Ellie from The Netherlands
                            2512 posts Send Private Message

                              I understand that you may take it personally Barrett, but buns can thump for several reasons. Breintje only thumped out of anger or fear (even when he heard some rustles in the bushes outside), but recently he picked up thumping out of enthousiasm. We were so worried that there was a cat in the garden, but no, he just wanted a piece of fruit that I was eating!

                            • Bam
                              16980 posts Send Private Message

                                They can absolutely thump when they want a treat! Bam used to do that back in the day when he was caged at night. He’d thump around 3 o’clock, worried new bunny mum (me) got out of bed and fussed over him and gave him treats. That’s a really effective way to teach a bunny it’s a great idea to thump in the middle of the night.

                                It’s not unheard of that a bun gets cross with you if you don’t provide the attention you normally provide.

                              • Reesebun
                                1035 posts Send Private Message

                                  Reese is a small bun, but her thump can almost shake the whole house!

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                              Forum THE LOUNGE I lost a bit of my innocence today…