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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Fern died, then Thistle died.

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    • Moonlight_Wolf
      1155 posts Send Private Message

        Hi guys ?, I used to go on here a lot. I had a bonded pair, Fern and thistle. They were both around 8 years old, and a couple days ago Fern died suddenly in the night. I was heartbroken and took the day off work and cried and mourned her death. Thistle, who had been acting perfectly fine the day before was all of a sudden acting strange. He wouldn’t go in the litter box to pee, he would just drink and eat and pee where he was sitting. He did still come out of his pen to hop around the living room. But he seemed distant and sad. I just chalked it up to him mourning for his lost friend. They had been bonded for 7 of the 8 years that they’d been alive so it was bound to be traumatic for him. He was still eating and drinking which was good. But just acting off yunno? I was going to bring him to the vet next week if he was still acting strange next week. But then I woke up this morning and he was dead too.

        Now I’m wondering if this is all my fault. Did he die of a broken heart or was he actually suffering physically and I chalked it up to mourning. Could they have both died of some virus? I don’t think that’s it, but it just seems so strange that they died within two days of each other. Maybe thistle just gave up after his best friend died. The way that humans sometimes do. Along with elephants and dolphins. But I can’t stop thinking that this is all my fault. That I am a bad bunny owner. I loved them so much. I feel so crestfallen and heartbroken that they are both now gone. I even bought thistle a stuffed toy and three different types of hay because after Fern died he was eating only pellets and romaine lettuce. I just feel like I did something terribly wrong and that this is all my fault.

      • Vienna Blue in France
        5317 posts Send Private Message

          So sorry for your loss – how terrible. Both gone in a few days. but they both had an increible life, bonded and with you, and although you’ll never know (unless you’ve had a necropsy done) I’m sure that it could very well have been a broken heart. They were both really good ages and a shock to the system (ie of being alone suddenly) I believe, is enough to make the second follow right after the first.

          My friend had 2 dogs – one dog got run over this Christmas and she has just put the other one down because although the 2nd dog was elderly, she took a turn for the worse and, I believe, this was magnified by the loss of her life partner.

          So please don’t beat yourself up about it – you really couldn’t have seen it coming.

          Honour their memory by thinking about the good times and when your heart feels ready, to welcome a new furry friend into your family
          ((( binky free Fern & Thistle )))

        • Moonlight_Wolf
          1155 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks so much. I will always remember all the good times that we all spent together. All the tricks I taught Fern. How Thistle would always grunt is you petted him while he was eating. I will always remember them both fondly. I still can’t quite fathom that I lost both of them within a week. But I can imagine that losing Fern was like Thistle losing his world. She was the only creature he liked, since he wasn’t too fond of humans or the dogs or the cat. Seeing how sad and lost he was after she died made it feel even worse. So I can’t even fathom how he was feeling if he externally appeared so sad.

          • Bam
            16977 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so very sorry for your loss. I think it could be like it is with old couples sometimes, they pass within days of each other. Severe grief can physically harm the heart of humans (takotsubo or broken heart syndrome), so it’s not so far-fetched to think something similar could happen to rabbits -especially seeing that they form so very close bonds.

              It sounds like your Fern and Thistle had wonderful lives with you. That’s so very beautiful. I hope they are binkying together across the Rainbow Bridge now and for all eternity.

            • tobyluv
              3310 posts Send Private Message

                I’m very sorry about the loss of Fern and Thistle. They had many good years together, with the love of each other and your love.

              • Moonlight_Wolf
                1155 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks for the thoughts guys. Right now it feels as if I’ll never stop being sad. I just walked into the living room (where they lived) and automatically thought that I should give the buns more water before bed. But then realized that I had no buns to give water. Right now there’s just an empty cage. And every time I look at it I start crying again. Before I felt I had to be strong and not forget that Thistle was suffering too. But now I feel all alone. And there’s no bunny to be strong for and no bunny to care for. Sure sure there are humans and stuff that care, but it’s not the same. I don’t know. It just somehow isn’t. The combination of losing Fern, then Thistle and also just the realization that I have no bunnies left just leaves for a devastating combination.

                • MimzMum
                  8029 posts Send Private Message

                    Moonlight Wolf, I remember you and your bunnies. I am so sorry to hear they have both passed. ((((Hugs))))

                    It’s not unheard of that bunnies can grieve this way, and pass, but it also could’ve been that they both were hiding some illness you wouldn’t have suspected and which wasn’t obvious and that’s not your fault. Sometimes they just leave us so quickly. I just lost one of my three two weeks ago that I’ve had for ten years, and have no idea why she died…I truly feared that since I was treating her for ileus at he time that I must’ve done something wrong, but she could also have had a heart problem and there was no time to get her to a vet.

                    I am thinking of you and sending comforting vibes. I know your lovely bunnies are at the Bridge now but they feel the love you still have for them. And I’m sure they are smiling on you. The best thing in life for a bunny is to be loved.
                    Sweet dreams, Fern and Thistle. Binky free.

                  • jerseygirl
                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh goodness, Moonlight Wolf.  I feel so sad.  Im so very sorry. This must be so hard, having both them gone so closely together. Sending virtual (((hugs))) for you.

                      I remember Fern as a single bunny and when you bought Thistle home. It is wonderful they had so many years together. Remember that. 

                      You are not in any way a bad bunny owner. I hope you have realised this. If not, keep telling yourself it!  Look at the life you gave them.

                       We don’t always get answers for why they pass suddenly. It is normal to try blame ourselves. Im not sure why, but I guess it’s like having a reason is better then none, even if it means blaming ourselves?  If that make sense.  
                      Ive done that in some way or another for my rabbits that have passed away. 

                      But when I look back, I realise I was doing my best at that time with the knowledge I had.  How could you possibly know Thistle would follow Fern this way? You only did what we all would have done, watched him closely knowing he would be grieving the loss of his bond mate. We would expect to see that and need to give them time. He was eating and drinking… To me, there wasn’t anything really that would have me rushing off to the vet. And we know that can be stressful for them and we have to make that call whether it would be more detrimental to them, taking them in.

                       You honestly did the same as I would have done, and I think what many of us bunny loving folk would have done. So do not blame yourself, please. 

                      There have been several times Ive read of rabbits passing away  close together. Even with some members here. I don’t know if you recall members Sonn, and Jenna, Chubbs & Comet, but they both lost boys that where bonded close together. 

                      I hope when you’re ready, you’ll bring another animal or 2 home to thrive in your care. Perhaps Fern and Thistle will conspire to make that happen..
                      Binky Free little Fern and Thistle!

                    • kaylyne28
                      55 posts Send Private Message

                        Sending so so many virtual hugs!! You are NOT a bad pet owner and I would have done the same thing you did in monitoring Thistle. My friend had the same thing happen with her two older buns that had been bonded almost their entire lives. It’s so tragic how this happened all at once and my heart truly goes out to you.

                        You could not possibly have known that Thistle would pass and please remember that you are a good bunny owner and that it’s in no way your fault.

                      • Barrett
                        269 posts Send Private Message

                          I agree that I think Thistle just decided to follow Fern. Sometimes there’s a beauty in our tragedies. They had such full and successful lives and they closed them together in their own way. I’m so sorry for your loss, but please take comfort in the fact that these were happy bunnies and you did well by them. I am reminded of Debbie Reynolds passing away the day after Carrie Fisher. Sometimes the heart is in control of the body.

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                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Fern died, then Thistle died.