Been a while since I been on. Made it thru hurricane Matthew just fine. I over prepare. Dont evacuate cuz Cotton stresses and goes off food these days. Plus barkin freaks him out. Even dogs on tv he thumps I have to mute it lol. He is so funny.
Cotton is 9 1/2. Doing really good too. He has arthritis and used to miss the couch he would jump on it and slide off his rear didnt make it. Vet gave him Oxbow pain treat stuff for it. Nope hates it. My friend does herbs. I get herbs from her for his arthritis and works wonders. He doesn’t care to play outside like he used to tho. He used to wiggle and squirm to get down and play but not anymore. If I put him down he runs a bit I have to slow him down so he doesnt hurt himself but I dont take him out anymore. He seems achy when I do. Cant have that.
I have been on fb a lot and just havent come here. I live in my own apt 3 years now. My ex is across the street. We were still together per say but recently I told him I am no longer muslim and he told me the marriage is annulled unless I go back to islam told him that isnt happening. HE has ignored my calls and never calls back even if its important so I dont call him or his family his loss. I have moved own already. Cant live your life by a book but his choice deal with it. Besides i have someone closer to my age now and its so refreshing too. lol. I dont waste any time getting on with my life.
I have been very happy with my own little place. My friends and neighbors tell me that all the time. No more of those funny clothes. I wont have to listen to him tell me I am naked when I wear shorts n sleeveless. Adios.
I am so happy with little Cotton Boo McChew. I have him tattooed on my calf. teehee. HE is my little boy.
OH what a big scare I had a year ago. I was on my little house ladder trying to hang a picture. Had to make a nail adjustment. I was stepping down I had a hammer in 1 hand and the picture in the other. I felt fur under my foot. OH no. I lost my balance and picked my foot up asap but it wasn’t fast enuf. Cotton ran under HIS coffee table. He was lying in a funny position. OH nooo what have I done. I picked him up and sat him on my bed He sat fine. I gathered the pet carrier put him in it. Went to get on my 3 wheel bike then decided he is in pain it might make him worse and he might die. I saw a neighbor and said can Ted take us to the vet I stepped on Cotton its an emergency. He got up took us. I had to leave Cotton to be watched in case he went in to shock. A few hours later the vet called. HE is fine nothing broken there is soft tissue damage. You can come pick him up he will need some pain med once a day. And no activity. Phew I was so relieved. Poor little Boo he is my baby.
I brought him home and put him on bed rest. lol He hated it. The funny part when I gave him his pain med his pupils got real big was hilarious. I said Cotton are you high rofl. He didnt fuss when i gave him his pain med either. Must have liked it lol. Made the pain go away. Let me tell ya nothing like an emergency to scare the heck out of ya.
Also whenever someone on the tv knocks he pops his little head up and looks at me a if to say Hey aren’t you gona get the door? rofl. Such charactors.