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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE What made you love bunnies?

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    • Yilina
      246 posts Send Private Message

        Hi guys,

        Before Tambor came into my life I was very sceptical about rabbits. I thought they were boring, silly animals that were completely independent and ignored you. Unfortunately, that seems to be the opinion of most people I have met since we got our bun.

        What made you love bunnies and realise that they are much more than plush toys? Was it something you learn before or after getting you rabbit(s)?

        In my case, a good friend of mine adopted a bun a few years ago. She would talk non-stop about him and post videos and photos that made me see how close they were and how much love there was between them! She has been the real motivator of convincing me to get a bunny (my husband got convinced when he was a child and first interacted with rabbits) and a great support when we had millions of question before getting Tambor.

      • Emmsy
        31 posts Send Private Message

          That’s cool!
          I loved bunnies obviously because of their amazingly cute appearance but that’s not the only reason!
          I thought it would be different to own one instead of the generic pets such as cats and dogs. Lots of people own these pets and not everyday will you meet a rabbit owner. So I like that theyre different. I also enjoy the care for a rabbit. You aren’t forced to walk it outside, you take them outside of the cage for 3-5 hours a day and watching them binky like crazy is an interesting thing to look at!

        • pinknfwuffy
          660 posts Send Private Message

            I’ve always loved rabbits but early on it was mostly for their classic role in a lot of childhood stories. I adopted my first rabbit when I was six years old and am so grateful to have had parents who knew that rabbits were more than caged animals. Snowflake hopped all around the house and used a litter box, much to the surprise of our friends and family. Since then I’ve been smitten with them but never had one of my own. As an adult, they turned out to be the perfect pet for apartment life. I am a dog person as well and would love to have a pooch but because the terms of my lease don’t allow dogs or cats, a rabbit became the perfect fit for my lifestyle and a way to rekindle my love for them.

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              Well I was always a cat person and thought as soon as I moved out of my parents home, I would be crazy cat lady. Me and my partner moved in together to a small house with no garden so no cats for us! I liked the idea of having rabbits free roaming but bf wasn’t convinced. Then I saw my neighbours new pet rabbits and realised that there is nothing I want more than pet rabbits so my tirade of nagging began lol. When I look at Peanut and Buttercup’s cute little faces, my heart just melts. I love them with all my heart and I’m kinda shocked to say this but I don’t think I’ll ever get cats :-/ I might be a rabbit person for life now!

            • Azerane
              4689 posts Send Private Message

                Without a doubt the thing that got my hooked on rabbits was Watership Down. I first saw the film when I was quite young, but it wasn’t until I read the book when I was about 11 or 12 that I really fell in love. After that I watched wild rabbits at my grandparents farm whenever I could and got my first pet rabbit when I was 17. That’s how I came to be a crazy bunny lady

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  I always assumed bunnies were similar to hamsters or guinea pigs, which I’ve had and loved before. Then I brought this guy into my life:

                  My first beloved bunny, Stormy. It didn’t take me long to realize how amazing bunnies are! He was tiny but had a HUGE personality and very shortly after he came into my life I was hooked and became a crazy bunny lady! He was very special and will always have a big piece of my heart.

                • Yilina
                  246 posts Send Private Message

                    Awwwwwww!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3 what cute stories!

                    @ LittlePuffyTail, my brother has a guinea pig and I thought rabbits were like that too. How wrong was I! Now he and I have endless arguments about what is best: a pig or a bunny

                    @Azerane:I had never heard of that movie before! I need to go watch it now. Do you know any more bunny movies? :*

                    @pinknfwuffy: it is really sweet your parents knew about rabbit welfare, how did they learn that?

                  • Yilina
                    246 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi @sarahthegemini! I think I am a rabbit person now too!

                      @Emmsy, they definitely are “different” pets! My friends still look at me with puzzlement and ask “but why not a dog or a cat?”, as if those were the first options everybody should think of when getting a pet.

                    • Gwennie and the Buffster
                      54 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m usually a dog person, but very few rentals in my city allow dogs.. A lot of landlords are fine with cats, but for some reason, cats despise me. I think they’re adorable, but they run away from me at sight. No other animals do this, so my boyfriend often jokes that I must have been a dog in another life.

                        Anyway, 2016 was a rough year for both of us. I ended up severely depressed and on the brink of suicide. We both love animals, so we decided we needed a furry friend in our life. With cats and dogs not viable options, I thought outside the box and went on YouTube to watch informative videos and see if rabbits could be indoor pets. Obviously, I was amazed at what I found out about house rabbits. I watched soooo many YouTube videos of cute rabbits and how to care for rabbits. With my landlord’s permission, I got in touch with a local rabbitry, and coincidentally on my birthday, we got our Ted (RIP).

                        Ted changed my life. He saved my life. His quirky mischeviousness lightened up every day. He gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. He made me fall in love with rabbits. After his tragic death a few months later (seriously, 2016 was the WORST), I knew I could never live without another rabbit again.

                        Now thoroughly rabbit people, the bf and I are looking into getting a second bunny to keep Buffy company! Whoops, I think we accidentally got obsessed. He even has a shirt that says “Bunny Dad” on it!

                      • Jessica
                        349 posts Send Private Message

                          I’ve always thought bunnies were cute, but had never really wanted to own one, until I spent some time with a few angoras. I was at a historical re-enactment event with my parents and another one of the demonstrators was spinning and brought her angoras that she bred. It was after spending the day talking to her and helping out with her buns at the event I knew i needed one of these amazing animals in my life. I stayed in contact with her and that winter when she had a litter born I went out and visited the babies at 3 weeks and again at 6 weeks and then at 7.5 weeks I brought home my first bunny, Amber. She gave me nearly 7 wonderful years before I lost her to some kind of lung infection. It took me almost 14 years before I was ready to get another, but I couldn’t be happier with my ball of grey/brown fluff!

                        • BunnyFriends
                          383 posts Send Private Message

                            Always loved bunnies! One day my parents asked me if I’d like one (I researched TONS of pets then in general, so I knew stuff) and I agreed!

                            I think the real reason I’ve loved bunnies is my first stuffed animal, a rabbit. Was fluffy and white, and is now grey but well-loved.

                          • Boston's Mama
                            1452 posts Send Private Message

                              I was a dog person – golden retrievers , at the time I had one golden – who was a sweet big teddy
                              I was working two jobs ( one at a big petstore and one as a vet receptionist )
                              So I was suddenly exposed to rabbits often which Would has been not a pet I would have been interested in learning about prior compared to all other types. Anyway I was very passionate about my work and animals – and I like to learn all I can about them to help their owners make the right choices etc … anyway a Flemish cross goldie fawn coloured boy happened to be in looking for a home at the time I was trying to learn in particular about rabbits. 4weeks later he was still there as he was so big not as many were interested at that time , so Levi came to live with me my golden and him were best friends! Cuddled together , slept together ( until I went to sleep then I would pop Levi in his indoor hutch)
                              Then I got another Flemish cross -a fawn doe called Baylee. I didn’t know about bonding process yet ( this was when I was 18 so I about 16 odd years ago ) and luckily they just took to each other with never a fight or disagreement!! Now I know I was Sooo lucky !!!
                              Following them was my outdoor bunny Cadbury who was a pure Flemish ( he was outdoor as i wanted him to have a huge space and crates and puppy pens etc wasn’t common knowledge then so I brought him a bird aviary )
                              Willow a pregnant pure Flemish followed and her litter was first and only I saw being born ( I don’t breed!!)

                              I’ve been bunnyless for 10years until I got Oakley 2weeks ago today

                            • jerseygirl
                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                What made you love bunnies and realise that they are much more than plush toys? Was it something you learn before or after getting you rabbit(s)?

                                Like LPT, it was a rabbit that did it. That rabbit was Jersey. 

                                 I’m sad that I don’t have good pics of her as a young spring chicken.

                                Image result for baby Jersey

                                Everything I learnt was after getting her.  I had no intention of getting a pet and if I had, it would probably have been a dog. But prior to Christmas 2007 I walked into a pet shop to look at knick-knacks and walked out with Jersey. 

                                It was completely impulsive. I literally walked out that store with her in a cardboard box. No habitat, no food and no clue. Nor did the store try sell me anything else. They did, however, give me a free info booklet. Thank goodness. 

                                Anyway, she taught me and I researched a lot after bringing her home also. Im very fortunate to have found this Community also!

                                I was completely enamoured by her and we were each others companions for over a year before I adopted a second rabbit. 

                              • Bambii
                                93 posts Send Private Message

                                  Getting my blake was vey unexpected! A friend was getting rid of her and another rabbit assuming they wer boys. She had a litter and after frantically going through that i started researching everything. I am unsure if my friend had even given her attention because she would only stay in one sode of the cage and not move. After looking up numerous videos of bonding and sitting next to her not touching her just sitting talking and making sure my two toodlers dont touch her. She started to come around. She taught me so much patience and she is so easy to vent to lol she just looks at me with her beautiful eyes. I was never a rabbit person because i love my big animals but this was so unexpected. Like literally when i seen her when a friend was bringing her i looked in her eyes and i swear it was like i knew she belonged with me. Unfortunately the owners took the male back but i pushed to keep my blake and the babies.

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                              Forum THE LOUNGE What made you love bunnies?