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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        I have been wanting to write this one for a while but every time I tried to type, I would break down in floods of tears. But I’ve got my big girl pants on today and i’m feeling brave.

        I had Gareth as a lone bun for 6 years. He was very well bonded with me, would follow me everywhere, loved cuddles & pets from me but wasn’t keen on anyone else touching him for more than a little head rub. We had an amazing friendship. I decided to get him a pal as when I moved out of my parents he would be spending up to 9 hours a day in a house alone (no humans or dog around anymore) rather than 4 hours a day alone until mum finished work at dinner. He had personality by the bucket load and everyone who met him loved him, people used to tell me he was just like a dog in the way he acted.

        His First bunwife was Terri (Chocolate Orange Mini Rex) an ex breeding rabbit adopted from Warrington. They started off in cages side by side with separate play time in the living room. I moved house shortly after (Yey, neutral ground) so they lived together from then on.  She was with us for around 12 months but she had to be put to sleep when a tumour in her tummy ruptured one day, poor little thing, she was a lovely girl, would lie on the sofa with me for hours and go to sleep laying on my tummy.

        I didn’t know then about leaving the body with the remaining bun after death, this lead to Gareth running from one place to another looking for Terri for weeks after she had gone, poor little man, couldn’t bare seeing him so upset so I decided to go to an animal rescue and let him pick his next bunwife.

        His Second bunwife was Cinders (Black crossbreed), she came from Freshfields animal rescue, she was much younger than him, he was 7 by this time and she was around 12 months they guessed (Sugar daddy). I left Gareth with them so they could do the bonding this time due to not having neutral space and needing time to clean the flat before bringing another bun in. I still have Cinders now.

        In Sept 15 Gareth started getting a  bit wobbly on his back legs, he would be cleaning himself then he would topple over and lie there looking at me as if to say “Mum, what just happened?”, that broke my heart. He was always such a healthy bun, flew through the snip at 6 years old and bounced back in no time, such a tough little cookie. The vet gave him some anti-inflammatory injections to see if it was due to injury (these were one every 3 days I think). He would still stumble but he wasn’t in pain and was getting about really well. As the anti injections & Metacam were working, we kept it up but moved onto longer lasting injections. In the beginning the injections lasted 4 weeks before I noticed a change in how well he was getting around. At 9 years old I didn’t want to put him through a scan to find the definite cause and the vet said treatment wouldn’t be much different anyway, so we carried on with the Metacam and the regular vet visits for injections & the regular butt baths until what felt like overnight the injections were only lasting a week. I knew the time was coming that I would have to show him the last act of kindness (It’s got dusty in here all of a sudden). I took him to the vets for his last injection, I knew I would only have a week with him at this point so my boy got strawberries/ vimto/ carrots/ anything he wanted, every day. We spent every night on the floor together, I would stroke him and he would like my arm for hours. I miss him.

        5 days later on Thursday 21st April 2016 I called my best friend and told her the time had come, she came to my house and I picked him up in my dressing gown that he loved to groom (whether I was wearing it or not) & we went and sat out on the grass with Gareth one last time whilst he ate some dandelions and a Russell Rabbit carrot biscuit (his favourite). This is the last picture I took of him, my gorgeous little man, the love of my life

        His final resting place: On the table he loved to sit under

        It fells like I have just relived this all over again, maybe I should have done this at the time

      • Bam
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          AxGizmo, what a beautiful, adorable bunny he was. And so loved. He had the best life with you.

          I found it very hard to write a rainbow post for my Yohio. I think it’s good to wait until you feel ready. Going through pictures of happy times help too.

          Binky free, Gareth

        • Vienna Blue in France
          5317 posts Send Private Message

            That’s a beautiful frame and photo… he had a long and lovely life. What a lucky, lucky bun.

            (Just check out those paws either side of your wrist where you’re holding him up as a baby… LOL)

          • Q8bunny
            6345 posts Send Private Message

              You made me miss him too…
              A beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. He must have known how much you loved him. The picture where you’ve got your nose in his neck speaks volumes. (((Binky free, Gareth bun)))

            • tobyluv
              3310 posts Send Private Message

                I got emotional reading your account of Gareth, and seeing all the lovely pictures of him. That was a very nice tribute to him. All bunnies should be so loved.

              • MoxieMeadows
                5375 posts Send Private Message

                  Aww, I am so sorry for your loss. (((Hugs)))
                  “When tomorrow starts without me,
                  Don’t think we’re far apart,
                  For every time you think of me,
                  I’m right there inside your heart”

                  {{{{{Binky Free Gareth}}}}}

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    This is a lovely memorial and tribute. You’ve talked of Gareth a little before so I was aware how special he was to you. Thank you for taking the time to share his story in full with us here. I hope it does help you in your grief.

                    I just love photo of him munching on greens and the second photo in bottom row. Such a cutie! And so well loved.

                  • PruenPiper
                    17 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m so sorry for the loss of Gareth, you gave him a wonderful life and a beautiful tribute here.  We just lost our almost nine year old baby girl for the same reason.  Sending you strength and hugs.  

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you so much everyone

                        I’m so glad I am photo mad and have hundreds/ thousands of pics of him to look back on. I’ve made a playlist of youtube vids of him (which lead to me doing one for Red & Frankie too):

                        bam, I actually started writing a post on another thread and it kinds of turned into what I wanted to say here so I copied it to a new thread in this part of the forum. I wasn’t sure I would ever write one for Gareth as I only joined the forum after he had gone
                        VBIF, The frame was from ebay, I saw it and fell in love
                        Q8, he had the most amazing smell, I don’t think ill ever forget that.
                        Tobyluv, you’re right, they should. They are amazing little creatures and deserve the world
                        Moxie, that’s lovely thankyou
                        Jerseygirl, It has helped to talk about him, I only ever really talk about him to my parents and my bf now a days and i’ve never written his story to anyone before
                        Pruenpiper, thanks for the kind words, i’m sorry for your loss too, sending you strength and hugs right back


                      • Azerane
                        4689 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you for sharing Gareth’s story with us, he certainly was very much loved. The photo collage you put together is just lovely, as is the frame with your image.

                          Binky free, sweet Gareth.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m so very sorry for the loss of your sweet friend. Your love for him just pours out of your words. He was very lucky to have you. I’m all teary eyed because I know the pain so well of losing such a beloved bun. ((((Hugs)))))

                            (((((Binky Free Gareth)))))

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              Thank you again guys, I get teary eyed with every reply I read. I found a USB stick with a load more pics of him the other day. I really do count my blessings that I am photo mad haha x

                            • cinnybun2015
                              570 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh my goodness, I am so so sorry for your loss. I got a little teary myself reading your beautiful post. Those photos of him are so adorable.

                                (((Binky free, Gareth)))

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                            Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Gareth