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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • caudex
      104 posts Send Private Message

        I posted a few months ago about Sophie’s degenerating condition. We’ve had status quo since then. Couldn’t get diapers to stay on her, so I  used my steam cleaner every other day, gave her dry baths when I could, and blow dried her when I couldn’t. She ate, played, loved her pain meds,  snuggled Liam, got around pretty well, and generally seemed happy. She hated everything I had to do to her, and I’m sure I made lots of mistakes, but she appreciated being clean in a clean cage.

        On Tuesday morning she was fine, Tuesday night I realized she hadn’t moved. Both legs could move, but had no power and no stability. She couldn’t get up even with her spinning method, and fell if I put her on her feet. Two days I gave her water from a syringe, carried her to the food bowl, and cleaned the awful mess she’d be stuck in because, even immobile, she STILL took the diaper off…  stubborn baby. Stopped asking for pets, stopped doing anything but being frustrated and sleeping. So I did what I promised.

        The vet tech was lovely and compassionate, and didn’t bat an eye when she walked in to two bunnies. Sophie was stressed, but I put a little jelly on her head to get Liam to groom her, and it calmed her down a lot. He didn’t bebop around the table like during other visits, but stayed right by her side the whole time.After when I held him, he chattered his teeth and groomed me. I really think he understood, and I hope that that helps him as much as his presence helped Sophie move on.

        Run as fast as you want now, Sophie. Your ashes will go right beside Finn’s, which would have been your only request. I’m sorry for every time the comb pulled too hard, or I didn’t catch you before you fell over, or I had to put that stupid diaper on. I hope you understood.  

      • Vienna Blue in France
        5317 posts Send Private Message

          Oh Caudex – I’m so very sorry – she was so loved and so cared for – more than most people could cope with.

          How thoughful to take Liam and it must have helped both of them.

          ((( Binky free and fast Sophie )))

        • MoxieMeadows
          5375 posts Send Private Message

            I am so extremely sorry for your loss. You took great care of her. <3

            {{{{{Binky Free Sophie}}}}}

          • Gina.Jenny
            2244 posts Send Private Message

              (((binky free Sophie)))

            • Azerane
              4689 posts Send Private Message

                How heartbreaking. I’m very sorry for your loss of Sophie, you did so much for her.

              • Bam
                16977 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m so sorry for your loss. You did so much for her. The pictures are beautiful.

                  Binky Free, Sophie! I hope you are hopping and running in bunny heaven now, with all the rest of our Rainbow family.

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    Binky Free little Sophie! Reunited with Finn.

                    Caudeux, I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Thank you for looking out for her the best. She was lucky to have you. xx

                    How’s little (((Liam))) doing?

                  • tobyluv
                    3310 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m sorry about the loss of your beautiful Sophie.

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so sorry, I read your thread asking how long to treat Sophie for, although I had a disabled bun myself I didn’t feel right giving advice as I was afraid I would say something wrong as my loss of Gareth is still very raw.
                        I hope you find peace now she is at rest, thinking of you and Liam at this difficult time x

                      • caudex
                        104 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you all.

                          Posted By jerseygirl on 10/03/2016 8:04 AM

                          How’s little (((Liam))) doing?

                          Liam is… snuggly. And sad. And suddenly so OLD. He got pets and treats every day the past few months, but now that I don’t have Sophie to focus on anymore, I’ve realized that his handsome black ears are nearly half gray. He’s a little thin, too, and content to lie on my chest and let the dog groom him (it’s pretty darn cute) while we watch TV at night. He is a shelter bun 6-12 months older than Sophie according to the first vet who saw him, so he’s six or maybe even seven years old. Liam is such a social guy that we’ve talked about finding a nice senior bun to bond with him in a bit, but I’m wondering if I’ll need to do that. Maybe he could at least do me a favor and go quietly in his sleep after a nice day of petting and craisins? 

                        • vanessa
                          2212 posts Send Private Message

                            Tears in my eyes. Sophie was the cutest rabbit I’ve ever seen. You took such good care of her. I’m sorry for Liam. I went through a similar thing when I had Merlin euthenized. Guin was sad and lonely. I got her a pal, It took 8 months for them to bond, but she is happy again. And now her new pal has the same disease that took her first husbun. I know you will give Liam lots of support. I am sorry for your and Liam’s broken heart. Sophie is now comfortable, and dry, and clean, and binkying, and glad that you tok care of her.

                          • vanessa
                            2212 posts Send Private Message

                              Sophie, this is Lancelot. Thank you for making your mom post those pictures of the diapers. No diaper stays on very well, but the way she cut it for you – was waaaaay more comfortable than the original diaper 🙂

                            • LBJ10
                              17058 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so sorry Caudex.

                              • Muchelle
                                1141 posts Send Private Message

                                  So sorry, but also happy that Sophie got the care and love she deserved. Lots of love to little Liam <3

                                • Odette
                                  584 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am so sorry, Caudex. My condolences to Liam too on the loss of his friend.

                                    Binky free, beautiful Sophie.

                                  • Dee
                                    704 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m so very sorry about Sophie, Caudex. I hope you take peace in the fact that you did so much for her so she could live out her life until she decided it was time. And, the greatest gift of all, that you saw when she was ready to go and helped her on her way.

                                      I know just what you mean about Liam suddenly seeming old. My girl Nelli was always so healthy and robust, and seemed even more so during BunBun’s last weeks when he was becoming so frail. But once BunBun was gone, it was like Nelli’s 7+ years just caught up with her. Overnight she seemed to transform and suddenly I saw her many white hairs, scruffy fur and somewhat wobbly hop. It made me doubly sad. I adopted a young male bunny, Lukie, hoping Nelli would bond with him and get a new lease on life. Although I love him dearly, Nelli did not feel the same and remained a lone widow until she was set free from this life 11 months later. In retrospect, I see that she would have been content to be the only rabbit in the house after her beloved BunBun passed on.

                                      However, this is not to say that Liam wouldn’t enjoy a companion if you feel that would be best. You seem to really know your bunnies, and I’m sure you will do whatever will make Liam’s life happiest. You definitely have my utmost respect from the amazing care you gave to Sophie! I hope that your sadness is replaced with happy memories of better times as the days go on.

                                    • LongEaredLions
                                      4482 posts Send Private Message

                                        Your post brought tears to my eyes. :,)
                                        I can tell that Sophie was so special. You did right by her until the end.
                                        Sending bunny kisses to you and Liam.

                                      • LittleThumper
                                        28 posts Send Private Message

                                          I really teared and felt a heartbreak reading this… it’s really sad… especially when someone close to you for years goes on peacefully…

                                          I’m sorry to hear your lost. Binky-free Sophie…

                                        • Jessica
                                          163 posts Send Private Message

                                            I’m very sorry to hear that Sophie passed away, she was very loved and taken care of.   

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                                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sophie