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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My dearest Sukka

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    • redbunbun
      202 posts Send Private Message

        It just absolutely breaks my heart to be posting this so soon. I really thought we would get to keep her with us for another few years. Unfortunately, a week ago, our darling Sukka lost her lifelong battle against megacolon. She’d been doing so well for six months, completely unmedicated and just happy and comfortable, but last week I woke up to her in a fit of stasis. We couldn’t get her situation normalized for almost 24h, and we had done absolutely everything possible yet she was still in pain and her condition was just getting worse and worse. I made the call to have her PTS. She had only turned one year old just a few months ago.


        Sukka was truly a special little girl. She was by far the kindest, sweetest and gentlest rabbit I’ve ever known. No matter how much she was poked, prodded, tested, x-rayed, moved around from vet to vet… she was always just so happy to be near people and have them pay attention to her. She even loved getting her blood taken, because it meant someone held her in their lap. She was never aggressive at all, even though God knows she had a right to be with some of the painful situations she had to endure over the course of her life. She was just such a happy bunny – and such a little trooper! No matter how dire her situation was, she always fought back, and she always ended up bouncing back.


        This time, I just couldn’t ask her to deal with any more illness. I miss her like crazy, but this was the right thing to do for Sukka. I waited a week to write this post to get my head in the right frame of mind. I didn’t want the last part of Sukka’s story here to be riddled with my guilt for not being able to save her, or my memories of the awful night we decided to let her go. I’ve gotten a bit of distance now, and can be confident that my decision was the right thing to do. Darling Sukka will never have to hurt again, and, after everything she’s been through, it’s a comforting thought.


        Rest in peace, Sukka. <3 She taught me more than any pet ever has (and probably ever will!), and I hope that she's up on the rainbow bridge gorging herself on all the treats she never got to eat due to her condition while she was here with us. Our little family has lost its happiest member, and it's hard to wake up in the morning without her little face here to greet us.




      • redbunbun
        202 posts Send Private Message

          Had a few more pictures I wanted to post that didn’t show up in the original…









        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            Oh I am so sorry!! She is so beautiful, redbunbun. I still remember you bringing her home!

            You have been such an outstanding care giver for her. It’s such a challenging condition.
            Its really wonderful that she was a happy rabbit despite of it. Such a special girl.

          • MoxieMeadows
            5375 posts Send Private Message

              I am so sorry for your loss. She had the best home she could have… ((Hugs))

              {{{{{Binky Free Sukka}}}}}

            • Vienna Blue in France
              5317 posts Send Private Message

                I’ve said it in your other post – so very sorry.
                You get 20 out of 10 for effort and sometimes even that isn’t enough. She had a longer life than she would have had with anyone else.
                She’s binkying all over the Rainbow now… it certainly sounded the right decision 100%.

                Tossu must be getting extra hugs?
                Time does and will heal…

              • Bam
                16977 posts Send Private Message

                  Binky free, sweet, sweet Sukka! You were such a pretty girl and you made your mother so proud.

                • Gina.Jenny
                  2244 posts Send Private Message

                    Binky free Sukka, free from pain, but far too young

                  • Azerane
                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no, I am so very sorry for your loss. Such a heartbreaking decision but ultimately the right thing for Sukka, you knew her better than anyone. She was so lucky to have you, and she will be so greatly missed. Binky free, Sukka.

                    • Odette
                      584 posts Send Private Message

                        Binky free, brave and beautiful Sukka.

                        I am sorry for this heartbreaking loss.

                      • Q8bunny
                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                          She lives on in you, and in our memories of her. She knew she was loved and loved back. Sometimes that is the best one can do.
                          (((Binky free and nomnom, beautiful Sukka)))

                        • LBJ10
                          17058 posts Send Private Message

                            Our sweet girl.

                            I’m so sorry redbunbun. We were all hoping for a good outcome.

                          • VivaLaBunz
                            130 posts Send Private Message

                              I am so sorry for your loss, rest in peace Sukka. I read your post the other day about her condition and I was hoping for the best. You did all you could and more, and however short a life a shortened life can still be a happy, well-spent one.

                            • Sparky04
                              117 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m very sorry for your loss.

                              • LongEaredLions
                                4482 posts Send Private Message

                                  I am so sorry for your loss of Sukka. She was adorable and sounded so special. Thank you for giving her the home that she deserved, and for doing the right thing for her even though it was hard. Sending all my love and hugs. <3

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                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My dearest Sukka