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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Lionhead / Lop mix?

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    • NewBunnies16
      12 posts Send Private Message



        We adopted a baby male lionhead rabbit from an “oops” litter. We did not see the parents, but were told he’s a full blooded lionhead. Well, his mane isn’t very pronounced at all, but it’s there. His ears, however, always looked too long to be full lionhead. As you can see in the pictures I included, one ear is now almost always lopped. I was wondering if maybe some of you who know more about the rabbit breeds could tell me if you think he’s maybe a lionhead/lop cross of some sort? Or if I should be concerned about the ear?


        More info:

        He just turned 3 months old

        He is exclusively kept indoors, in the AC

        His ear is lopped when he’s laying down, resting, and sometimes when playing. He does still have control of it, though, as he’ll pop it up while he’s investigating/playing.

        He doesn’t seem to be scratching or fussing with it excessively

        We just adopted a female Holland lop baby, and it seems like the ear started lopping right after she arrived.He doesn’t seem depressed, though, as he’ll play, binky, eating/drinking/pooping fine.

        They are kept in separate cages for now, until they are both fixed and healed. We have let them play a bit together (VERY supervised of course), and they seem to like each other. She will sit still while he grooms her face, but we don’t let them interact much more than that for a few minutes for fear of breeding.

        Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance!

      • Odette
        584 posts Send Private Message

          I am not an expert on breeds, but when I adopted my last lop bunny (not Odette) she had an aeroplane ear. As she aged, her face filled out and the ear lopped. You couldn’t tell she ever had the aeroplane ear. I think lops usually have fully lopped by three months, but your cute litte guy might take longer and may not fully lop at all. Its not dangerous to my knowledge. I think it has to do with head width. I loved her little aeroplane ear. My baby, Manon, lived eight years and never had any further issues with her ears.

          Edited to add: Manon was a Holland Lop. Maybe some breeds take longer to lop? My other two lops have been/are mini lops, so they lopped young because of the wide face.

        • tobyluv
          3310 posts Send Private Message

            His ears are too long to be a full blooded lionhead, and he also doesn’t have the flatter face that a lion head has. It looks like he has up and down ears, which can be fairly common. It’s where one ear sticks up and the other goes down.  It could be that as he ages, both ears will lop, though.

            Since he is 3 months old now, it would really be best to keep them separated, which means no more play time together. Even if the female is too young to get pregnant (right now) since he is entering puberty, the hormones could bring on aggression which could lead to fighting. And it only takes a few seconds for rabbits to mate, sometimes quicker than you can see, so it’s better not to take any chances. Keep them in the same room, but don’t have their cages or pens touching each other. Rabbits have been know to mate through cage bars.

          • NewBunnies16
            12 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you both for your replies! Tobyluv, I will definitely keep them separated from now on, then. I want them to only have good experiences before they are both fixed, in the hopes that once they’re both healed, bonding them might be easier. I definitely don’t want any fighting memories for them, if that can be helped!

            • Mykl
              68 posts Send Private Message

                I had a german lionhead lop. He looked like yours when I got him, all black and fluffy with one ear up. I called him a semaphore bunny. As he grew up the other ear fell over. His mane came and went several times over the course of his life and he turned grey when he matured, like a chinchilla.

              • Mykl
                68 posts Send Private Message

                  I think I got him at three months and he didn’t go full lop for some weeks after that.

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              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Lionhead / Lop mix?