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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Hera, we’ll miss you.

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    • AaronJ
      84 posts Send Private Message

        i’ll start this with a warning, i WILL be talking about what happened because i need to get it off my chest, this could result in an unwanted trip down memory lane for some of you, or be a bad read in general so reader discretion is strongly advised.

        Hera. little Hera bun, where do i start? my girlfriends mom found her last august in a kennel, with a free bunny sign in someones yard on a 27 Celsius day. i’d love to get my hands on whoever did that to her even to this day.

        that September, she let us take Hera in. I took her for a checkup and had her “beastly” (as the vet called them) claws trimmed, and she left with a clean bill of health and we were told she was a little over a year or so old, and we scheduled the spay. after that things were great, she took to litter training superbly, Rocket didn’t seem to mind her, or her him. in fact he’d visit her when he was out for his play time and she’d run along her kennel, following him and they’d sniff and chin each other through the bars. the months went by and we all grew pretty close, she was sweet, sort of timid but with enough sass to keep things from being too boring in the bunny room.

        Tuesday, April 19th. 2016.

        I’d had gotten cut loose from class early, so i figured i’d give them some extra time to play. I had bought them a large house, made of cardboard. cut into shapes and pressed together for Christmas. they’d take turns claiming it, and slowly eroding it away to their specification with their teeth. I topped off Rockets hay, and he was rather happy & with him preoccupied, I let Hera out. she strolled around the room, checking things out. chinning whatever was in reach, business as usual. i was nearby, and i guess something startled her while she was inside, i heard a large knock from the inside, and a squeak. which in turn startled me, i ran over to where she was and she came out, dragging herself by her front paws, her legs dragging behind her. i was horrified, before i could do anything she had dragged herself around the couch and toward the back of the room. i grabbed a blanket, and held her in place while calling the our family vet. i can barely remember the phone call honestly. after getting off the phone with the vet i called my girlfriend, after she arrived within 2 minutes we were in my truck and on the way to the vets. I called them  to let them know we were on the way, they told me “we’re ready for you guys” we got there. well under the usual 25 minute time it takes to get to the hospital. they directed us into the room, my girlfriend carried her in, snuggled up in a blanket and we laid her down and told the doctor what had happened, after examining her back and feeling her, my worst fear had been realized. her back was gone. broke. i begged her to do something, anything for her. i didn’t want to lose her. but i knew, she’d be medicated and/or in pain her whole life. and that was selfish. i couldn’t even see at that point, i gave the vet my verbal consent and my girlfriend signed off on having her put to sleep. i held her in my arms as she slipped away, telling her that everything is going to be alright, it’s okay to sleep now, i’ll take care of her mom and her brother, that i’ll see her soon. and most importantly, thank you. 

        when it happened, you know. i blamed myself, i really did. i hated myself, she was under my watch, it shouldn’t have happened. all of that kind of stuff, it took more people that it should have to tell me that there was nothing that i could’ve done to prevent it, or expect it. from what i’ve gathered about the people that put her on the lawn that day, they have a revolving cast of neglected critters that they pass on to other people when they get bored so when i think back, we don’t know what she went through prior to us or whether that played a part in her being startled like that, or if it’s just the way things happen or what. but i’d like to think that we gave her the best chance at life she had gotten, we loved her and we will always miss her.

        we’re putting in a garden in the corner of our yard with all her favorite foods, and there’s a tree we’ll put her urn under nearby.

        for how short you were with us, you made one heck of an impact little lady. watch over us sweetheart.

      • MoxieMeadows
        5375 posts Send Private Message

          Oh, I am so terribly sorry. I don’t think there is really much for me to say to make you feel better. I know not a lot can make me feel better when I suffer the loss of a loved one (furry or not). I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and your girlfriend, and other pets or family who were affected by her loss. ((((Hugs))))

          {{{{{Binky Free Hera}}}}}

        • Bam
          16977 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry, Aaron. You loved her so much. I’m so glad she got to know you and what it’s like to be loved and cared for and spoilt.

            I know, just as you do (and I’m glad you do), these things can be freak accidents that happen to perfectly healthy rabbits, but she could’ve very well been extra vulnerable physically from being kept the way she was in her life before you. Probably fed all wrong food and not getting any exercise. You did a great thing when you took her in.

            Binky Free Hera

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so very sorry for your loss. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to lose them in such sudden and often traumatic circumstances. I lost Bandit in January in a similar way, I was carrying him outside for grooming, he struggled, I held on and it ruptured his cecum. There was nothing the vet could do, but I knew it was my fault and had happened in my hands. I know nothing I can say will make the loss of Hera better, but I do know that with some time it does get easier.

              Binky free, Hera.

            • tobyluv
              3310 posts Send Private Message

                I’m sorry about the loss of your sweet Hera.

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  My most sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved Hera. It’s never easy to lose a bunny but having it happen very suddenly is probably hardest of all. I lost my dear Olivia suddenly in April. I had to say goodbye to her while the vet put her to sleep also. I know the heartache all too well. There is nothing I can say to make you feel better. But most of us here know how you are feeling and are here to help you through the pain.

                  Hera was very lucky to have you.

                  (((((Binky Free Hera))))

                • AaronJ
                  84 posts Send Private Message

                    thank you so much for the support, all of you. it means a lot. there’s good days and bad days it seems, wondering what if and all that stuff, hopefully it’ll get better in time

                  • LongEaredLions
                    4482 posts Send Private Message

                      I am so sorry for your loss. Try not to blame yourself for Hera’s death-it’s not your fault, and you did the right thing. I hope you will take comfort in that she was spoilt and loved-you did right by her. Sending all my hugs and love in this difficult time.

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                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Hera, we’ll miss you.