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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Game of Thrones – books or series fans?

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    • Q8bunny
      6345 posts Send Private Message

        I’ve been a big fan of Song of Fire and Ice since the first novel came out. And I’ve enjoyed the HBO adaptation despite the increasingly frequent and sometimes frustrating deviations from the books.

        But Season 6 is now treading into book spoiler territory and I’m torn between wanting to stop watching to not ruin the next novel, and wanting to gobble it up because at this rate I’ll be 40 before the next novel comes out.

        Any other fans struggling with the same dilemma?

      • LittlePuffyTail
        18092 posts Send Private Message

          I really enjoy GOT. I’ve read the first 4 books but am not caught up on the show. (so no spoilers please!!!). I like to read the book and then watch the season after. However, I’ve decided to stop reading the books on account of I find there are just too many characters in the books, it’s confusing and takes a long time to read and also, Martin’s writing is kind of ticking me off. He makes you follow and get totally involved with a character just to kill them off. The last book I read, the one who died at the end just made me say “Okay…..that’s enough wasting my time. No more GOT novels for me. ”

          Still want to watch the show, though. I really enjoy it. Still have to get caught up on last season and the current one.

        • Q8bunny
          6345 posts Send Private Message

            Valid points well made, LPT. Wish I could also jump ship but I’m way too into the novels. lol

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              Yeah, it bothers me not finishing the series of novels. I hate being a quitter. I refuse to not finish a book I start, even if it’s really terrible. There are just way too many books I want to read to waste time with series’ I’m not really enjoying. I have at least 20 on my “to read” bookshelf.

            • LBJ10
              17060 posts Send Private Message

                I never watch it since we don’t have HBO. South Park was pretty funny though when they did a parody.

              • tobyluv
                3310 posts Send Private Message

                  I have never read any of the books, but I have seen all of the seasons on HBO.

                • Niamian
                  377 posts Send Private Message

                    I have read the books and watched all seasons until this one. We have HBO but just like LPT I just got fed up with all of it. The unreasonable killings and insisting on blood and gore just pushed me off. I’m not even really interested in it anymore.
                    People often praise it for being brutally honest and true to real life. Where there are no heroes and good doesn’t always win. But to be totally fair, think they overdid it. And overdid it by far. Especially on the series. I’ve mostly got sick of it all with the ending of last season. Don’t want to spoil it but who hes seen it will know what I think about.
                    I’ve read books long time ago but they definitely make more sense.

                    P.S. this reminds me, have to share this one.
                    Ther is one songwriter and small movie director here who likes “good old times, gentleman and lady” stories.
                    Anyway on the making of his last movie a producer came up to him and said:” You know what, it would be better if main character just fell from a horse, brakes his leg and die. Even better his wife should become pregnant and then fell from the stairs and die. It’s just what people ask for now, we need more drama.”
                    So the director looked at him, and just said:” You know what, remember that chiken that crosses the road at one scene. We should most definitely take traktor and run it over, then let the chiken limp out, then run it over again, you know for the sake of drama.
                    And for the premier we should bring that chiken and do it all over again. ”

                    Aaaanyway that pretty much sums up my way of seeing “critical damage” culture tendency. After all I am a (crazy) bunny lady. They infected me with their sensitive tummies. Lol

                    P.S. sorry for the long post and bad English.

                  • Q8bunny
                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                      Totally valid post and great English, Niamian. I feel the same way – I do not enjoy gratuitous violence, especially in visual media (in books, my mind can sort of fast forward through the violent parts – although since I read mostly fantasy, there’s not much need for that).

                      One of the first people to read my novel told me that it’s “old fashioned adventure – with no high tech and no real violence” – to which I replied “I’ll take that as a compliment”.

                      I grew up in a more genteel world and am not ashamed to miss it.

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        My husband watched the first 3 seasons I think before giving up on it. He is annoyed by Martin. He says it seems like he just starts writing with no idea in mind of how it’s going to end and when he can’t think of anything, he kills the character.

                        I’m okay with violence for the most part (as long as no animals die! ) but the red wedding bothered me. Too much all at once. And do we really need to see so much boob? Could do without that. I get putting in some sex scenes here and there but it’s a bit of overkill.

                        So on the POSITIVE side, I really like the show because it has two of my favorite things: historical setting and horses. The scenery and costumes are really well done.

                      • LBJ10
                        17060 posts Send Private Message

                          Seriously, watch the South Park episodes about this. Hilarious! It is a bit crude because, you know, it’s South Park. But it addresses all of your complaints LPT.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            I will have to try to find it. I like South Park but am soooooooo far behind because we went quite a while without cable. Any idea what Season that was?

                          • LBJ10
                            17060 posts Send Private Message

                              Season 17

                            • Hazel
                              2587 posts Send Private Message

                                We don’t have HBO either, but we watch it on blu-ray. I’ve read all the books so far, and didn’t mind knowing what would happen on the show. Now that the show will pull ahead of the books, I’m not sure what to think. Hopefully the books will still be enjoyable. If they ever come out, that is…

                                I like the show a lot, but I agree, there doesn’t have to be that much nudity. And what’s with all the drinking? Is everyone in Westeros a raging alcoholic?!

                                I’ll definitely check out that South Park episode, thanks LBJ!

                              • LBJ10
                                17060 posts Send Private Message

                                  It’s a 3 part thing, actually. It starts with the one titled Black Friday.

                                • Traci
                                  4 posts Send Private Message

                                    I know this is an old thread, but there is one scene (I don’t recall exactly what season, but I want to say 3) where there’s a rabbit skinning contest, and real rabbits were used.

                                    I’ve boycotted the show since then.

                                  • Bam
                                    16979 posts Send Private Message

                                      It is an old thread but the series is still running so I think it’s ok to keep it open. I don’t remember the rabbit skinning contest, maybe it was too awful for my brain to even register. It’s very sad that rabbits aren’t valued higher. That’s in part what the BB forums are about: To raise the status of these wonderful and mysterious creatures.

                                    • LittlePuffyTail
                                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                                        I don’t remember that either. Maybe it was cut in some versions? I probably would have boycotted as well.

                                      • vanessa
                                        2212 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m watching it on Netflix. Wow… hard core… I normally have to follow it up with a comedy…

                                        • Bam
                                          16979 posts Send Private Message

                                            It took me 2-3 seasons to get used to it. I found the violence nauseating. Then I fell in love completely. I envy everyone who hasn’t seen it yet. So many characters to hate and some to love.

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                                        Forum THE LOUNGE Game of Thrones – books or series fans?