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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Why is my rabbit drastically changing in colors? What breed is she?

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    • Courtney
      4 posts Send Private Message

        So my about 8 month old bunny, Nugget, was entirely off-white when I rescued her. She has been gradually getting more gray over the months, but this has been happening VERY gradually. Then, about a week ago, I woke up one morning, shocked, because her head had become DRASTICALLY more gray overnight! I handle my rabbits every day, and if it were as gradual as her overall graying, I would have noticed. And then, last night, another very strange thing happened. I woke up this morning to find her with a pure-white diamond marking on her head, which had 100% definitely not been there the night before (pictures attached). This seems like such a drastic and defined change to have occurred only over night, so I’m wondering what is going on! Also, I can’t seem to place her breed. She has lop ears, and in the pictures I have attached you see her with my other rabbit, who is a pure-bred holland lop. She has the lop ears, but is not stocky and does not have a large, square head like my holland does. She is more lithe and slender, but when I googled different lop breeds, she didn’t quite seem to fit any of the distinct categories. So, if anyone can give some insight on either her strange, overnight color changes or what breed she might be, your information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!!

      • kirstyol
        580 posts Send Private Message

          I cant see your pictures but I just wanted to say that my bramble had several dramatic colour changes when he was young, he went from brown to grey to a different colour of brown and settled with brown and grey mixed when he was about a year or so old. he still does have subtle changes though, his face is getting darker for example but no more waking up to a different coloured bun

        • RabbitPam
          11002 posts Send Private Message

            Nugget ran away to Brazil to be with a handsome bunny she met online. She sent me a postcard to say she is very happy.
            Your mother quickly found a different rabbit and hoped you wouldn’t notice the substitution.
            Nuggets breed is that of the Rabbitus Wayward Lopus, known for fickle love affairs.

            Seriously, bunnies shed about 4xyearly, and each shed can product a completely new color change in the fur that grows back in, so it’s not unusual. It is rather shocking, however. Personally, I think the diamond is lovely and makes her look rich!

          • Courtney
            4 posts Send Private Message

              Hi sorry, I just updated the post to have the pictures attached. Thank you for your input!

            • Courtney
              4 posts Send Private Message

                Haha that was a great story! Yes, I figured it had something to do with just normal shedding, but it was shocking to wake up to such a strange, defined, and vibrantly white marking that appeared overnight! But I think you’re right, it makes her look unique and interesting.

              • RabbitPam
                11002 posts Send Private Message

                  At only 8 months she may also not be finished growing. My bunny Sammy had beautiful dark circles around her eyes, but after several months during her first year, she had these long, exotic extensions that grew up to where her eyebrows would be. They were like Egyptian eyeliners, and both eyes matched. It was so fun to watch it come in.

                  Duh. You can see one side of her in my siggy.

                • LBJ10
                  17061 posts Send Private Message

                    Bunnies can go through dramatic color changes, especially when they are young and their adult coat is coming in (bye bye baby coat).

                  • cinnybun2015
                    570 posts Send Private Message

                      Could it be shedding possibly? Or, like LBJO said, a baby coat?

                    • Azerane
                      4689 posts Send Private Message

                        Yep, just shedding. It’s not uncommon, especially when young for rabbits to change colour quite drastically when shedding. As for her breed I wouldn’t know, probably a mixed lop breed although I do notice that her ears are very long although that could be a young stage and she’s still growing into them.

                      • Courtney
                        4 posts Send Private Message

                          So that explains why she is becoming more gray all over, but does anyone have any clue as to the strange almost birth mark on her head? Maybe it’s normal, but I find it so strange that it is pure white and so definitively diamond shaped. I’ve never seen a marking like this on a rabbit.

                        • BlacknWhite
                          21 posts Send Private Message

                            It’s just a marking she molted into, but it’s adorable! Only one of my bunnies have ever had it, and he only kept it for like 4 months. She is so cute! She looks like a mixed lop to me, but I’m not sure.

                          • vanessa
                            2212 posts Send Private Message

                              I have a bunny who was white with grey ear tips and a grey nose. Now he is white and grey everywhere with grey bands on his thighs, and pretty much everywhere. I have a lop who has more or less grey on his head, changing from month to month. I have a black rex who goes brown in summer and black in winter.

                            • Azerane
                              4689 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By Courtney on 2/05/2016 7:44 PM

                                So that explains why she is becoming more gray all over, but does anyone have any clue as to the strange almost birth mark on her head? Maybe it’s normal, but I find it so strange that it is pure white and so definitively diamond shaped. I’ve never seen a marking like this on a rabbit.

                                It’s possible it will stay that way for a few months but will likely simply shed out of it. All it means is that she’s shed that section of fur, but not the rest of the fur around it on her head. It’s pretty cute

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  No input except that she’s beautiful! And I love that diamond! Very unusual. Looks like a horse marking.

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                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Why is my rabbit drastically changing in colors? What breed is she?