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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE I had to put my beloved bun to sleep…

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    • cinnybun2015
      570 posts Send Private Message

        Yesterday, my beloved bun Cinnamon had to be put down. She only started exhibiting signs of being sick a couple of days ago. She wasn’t eating or drinking, and barely using her litterbox. It really worried me. She was an outdoor bun, and she loved the outdoors, brought her in for one severe winter, she didn’t eat/drink as much as she would’ve. Anyways, she had a really nice setup- double-story hutch and X-pen attached so I could let her out in the morning and she ran around until I put her back in her hutch at night. She was breathing hard and hunched up- I thought she could have GI statis, which I had read about and she was exhibiting signs. I contacted lots of vets, most didn’t see buns, until I found MedVet, 24-hour emergency pet dog, cat, rabbit, and bird vet clinic. Brought Cinny there- they had her in an oxegyn incubator. The vet came in and told us that they were going to run X-rays- she thought there might be a tumor in her chest. I think that was when I started crying. They ran the X-rays, and it turned out that there was a lot of fluid in her lungs, overlapping so much that there was only a tiny part of her lungs that were airated, which explained why she was breathing so hard, trying to get air. The vets thought she may have cancer under that fluid, but it would put Cinny through more pain to have the operation done on her to get rid of the fluid and find what was the cause- and even then, she probably still wouldn’t live. I had to make the choice to put her down. I was allowed to see her once more. She was lying on her side in the oxegyn incubator and breathing hard, her nose still twitching and her eyes dull. It really looked like she was ready to go. I was crying as I told her good night and I petted her the way I always do, and then had to leave her. 

        Now, sometimes I forget that she’s passed and then I remember and it just hits me. And I don’t know what to do. Taking care of her was my main reason to get outside and play around with her. I’m just grieving so hard. Any advice on what to do? 

      • BB & Tiny
        637 posts Send Private Message

          I know that after reading that I am crying

          I’m so sorry for your loss, that was so tragic to lose her. The pain will ease with time, I’m not sure what else to say.

          (((( Binky free little Cinnamon ))))

        • Bam
          16977 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry that you lost her. It seems she was really sick, so you couldn’t have done anything differently. She had a happy life with you, that’s all that counts now. You will eventually remember her with a smile, not tears, but for now, you will have to grieve.
            It’s so hard. I don’t know what to do except accept that you are so very sorry that she’s gone. Light a tea-light for her and know that you did all you could.

            Binky free Cinnamon.

          • MoxieMeadows
            5375 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so very sorry for your loss. {{Hugs}}

              {{{Binky Free Cinnamon}}}

            • cinnybun2015
              570 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you for your words of kindness. It is hard. Like I said, I just forget sometimes and then I’m halfway to the door to go and feed her a salad, and then I remember that she’s not there anymore. I almost feel like it didn’t happen- a numb sort of grieving. It’s great to know that there’s this forum that I can go to, though.

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’ve lost bunnies that were very dear to me also and I know that pain. It just hits you now and again that they are really gone.

                  Although the only real remedy is time, some things I’ve done to make myself feel better: Work on a little scrap book. Get a journal and put pictures in it and write down all the little things your bunny use to do (things you cherish and never want to forget), all the ways your bunny was special, nice quotes, etc. While it can be painful to do this, especially at first, you will probably be happy you did later on. Another thing I did was donate money in their memory to a rabbit rescue. I didn’t have lots of $ to donate so I made bunny crafts and sold them.

                  ((((Binky Free Little Bun)))))



                • cinnybun2015
                  570 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you so much for your caring reply, LittlePuffyTail. I am starting a scrapbook of pictures and memories of Cinny, along with donating some things to a nearby rabbit rescue.
                    I think that I will consider rescuing a rabbit in the New Year, but for now, I will focus on Cinnamon.
                    Again, thank you for all of your heartfelt replies.

                  • LongEaredLions
                    4482 posts Send Private Message

                      I am so sorry for your loss. Sounds like she was a beloved family member . Bunnies have this special way of getting into your heart for sure. Sending all my hugs and love at this hard time. <3

                    • jerseygirl
                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m sorry for your loss. I know it is very hard to make that decision.

                        ***Binky Free Cinnamon***

                      • cinnybun2015
                        570 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you, LongEaredLions and Jerseygirl. Yes, bunnies do have a very special way of getting into peoples’ hearts. Thank you for your kind words of companionship. It’s nice to know that there are people I can count on during this rough patch of time.
                          Sometimes, I feel frustrated and angry and like it isn’t fair that her life had to end so abruptly while other buns live out theirs and die peacefully. I know that it isn’t fair to think these thoughts, but still…. I was wondering, has anyone else felt this anger?

                        • rissakai007
                          54 posts Send Private Message

                            I feel the same. My baby Lola passed away yesterday. It was such a freak incident, she was young, healthy, and rambunctious! I can’t stop running over what happened, I can’t stop thinking about how months, weeks, days, and minutes before we had no idea it would end like this. I wish there was something I could have done to save her and wonder what if maybe there was?

                            I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope that we can find peace in the memories of our beloved companions.

                          • cinnybun2015
                            570 posts Send Private Message

                              I am so sorry for your loss, rissakai007. I know, I’ve been running over the moment that Cinny passed. I almost forget it, I’ve remembered it so much. Cinnamon’s death was very abrupt and so sudden. I keep wondering if there was a way to save her, too.

                              (((Binky free, Lola)))

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                          Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE I had to put my beloved bun to sleep…