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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Vibes for Bindi -Ears and Lump

  • This topic has 29sd replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Bam.
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    • LittlePuffyTail
      18092 posts Send Private Message

        Bindi went in to get his tear ducts flushed. I was worried about his ears too so she checked and they are infected. Again….Baytril Otic for 10 days.


         And now the awful waiting game. He has lumps under his ears that were checked a while back and culture results were benign, most likely cysts. One of them is getting bigger and feels different so we had it cultured again. Will probably have to wait about a week for the results.

      • Gina.Jenny
        2244 posts Send Private Message

          Sending healing vibes for (((Bindi)))

        • Bam
          16951 posts Send Private Message


            Waiting is awful. Waiting-vibes for you (((((LPT)))))

          • JackRabbit
            5451 posts Send Private Message


            • jerseygirl
              22345 posts Send Private Message

                ((({{{Bindi}}})) Will watch thread for update!

              • Avantika
                371 posts Send Private Message

                  Merely thinking of Bindi Loo makes me smile. How old is he ?

                  Do those cysts have to be surgically removed or some medicine will do the job ?

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks everyone.

                    Avantika- He is 8. My vet had originally said that as long as the cysts are not bugging him they don’t need to be removed. I’m really hoping that will remain the case. I’d hate for him to have surgery.

                  • Avantika
                    371 posts Send Private Message

                      Rabbits sure are difficult to take care of post surgery. I have been to vet clinics and I see that dogs somehow understand they are being treated and helped; have even seen them being supportive to their hoomin and vet. They will sit calmly and let them do their jobs. I think is would be one major obstacle with the bunnies : they dont understand that they are being treated and resist a lot.

                      8 years !! You’ve had him for ever. Touch wood. My Moshu is a dwarf one and her maximum life span is of 5-7 years.

                      How is Mr. Bindi doing now ?

                    • Bam
                      16951 posts Send Private Message

                        Are you sure about that Avantika? (sorry for kinapping the thread, I do hope Bindi is ok and I hope we’ll get updates about his cysts.)
                        I had to look it up and the House Rabbit Society says smaller breeds live longer than large breeds (that’s the same in dogs) but I can’t find anything specific about rabbits with the dwarfism-gene.

                        I certainly hope Moshu will live longer than that. My Bam is already 5 now I think, he may be older =/ Then again I’m not sure he is a dwarf lop, all smallish buns with down-ears are called dwarf lops here.

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          I talked to the secretary on Saturday and she had the results of the culture. All she could tell me was that the right one had some dead cells and bacteria and could be a abscess. If it is an abscess, it’s been there for well over a year with no problems. We have an apt. on Tuesday to get his ears re-checked and I will discuss the culture and get more details. I’m hoping (really really hoping) it won’t have to be removed. I would hate for him to go through this at his age. Not to mention the expense.

                        • Bam
                          16951 posts Send Private Message


                            Sweetest Bindi-darling =( I’ll keep my fingers crossed that he doesn’t have to have an operation.

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ear healing vibes, Bindi}}}}}}}}}}}

                            • jerseygirl
                              22345 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By bam on 9/07/2015 6:11 AM

                                Are you sure about that Avantika? (sorry for kinapping the thread, I do hope Bindi is ok and I hope we’ll get updates about his cysts.)
                                I had to look it up and the House Rabbit Society says smaller breeds live longer than large breeds (that’s the same in dogs) but I can’t find anything specific about rabbits with the dwarfism-gene.

                                I certainly hope Moshu will live longer than that. My Bam is already 5 now I think, he may be older =/ Then again I’m not sure he is a dwarf lop, all smallish buns with down-ears are called dwarf lops here.

                                There’s a 17 year old nethie dwarf at Bright Eyes Sanctuary Maryland.

                              • jerseygirl
                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 9/07/2015 8:37 AM

                                  I talked to the secretary on Saturday and she had the results of the culture. All she could tell me was that the right one had some dead cells and bacteria and could be a abscess. If it is an abscess, it’s been there for well over a year with no problems. We have an apt. on Tuesday to get his ears re-checked and I will discuss the culture and get more details. I’m hoping (really really hoping) it won’t have to be removed. I would hate for him to go through this at his age. Not to mention the expense.

                                  How are you feeling about the results LPT?  Doesn’t sound terribly conclusive.


                                • MoxieMeadows
                                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                                    Any update? (((Vibes)))

                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m eager to talk to the vet about the results. It really sounds like the right is an abscess. But I can’t understand why it’s been there for so long without causing problems. The lumps have gotten bigger since the original culture, though. I’m so hoping it can be treated without surgery but I really don’t know much about abscesses. I’m afraid that it may have something to do with the runny right eye. Both eyes are runny but the right is worse.

                                      Unfortunately, I had to rebook my apt for Thursday since I couldn’t find a babysitter for today. I really don’t want to deal with a toddler that wants to crawl on the floor while I’m stressed and trying to talk to the vet.

                                      He is doing super, otherwise. Eating, pooping and normal amount of activity.

                                      I love my guy so much.

                                    • LBJ10
                                      16999 posts Send Private Message

                                        Poor Bindi! Hopefully it can be treated relatively easily.

                                      • vanessa
                                        2212 posts Send Private Message

                                          Poor little guy. Hope all goes well.

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                                            We love him too!

                                            Will be thinking of you both.

                                            ETA: Im just curious about the tear duct flush. Has that been successful for him before? Do they do it while he’s conscious?

                                          • Bam
                                            16951 posts Send Private Message

                                              I most certainly second Jersey, we love Bindi-Loo.

                                              I’m glad he’s doing so well in the eating, pooping and activity-department. I hope the vet will have some non-invasive suggestions for him.

                                            • LittlePuffyTail
                                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thanks, guys.

                                                Jersey- He usually gets his ducts flushed when he’s under for his dental. That would usually only last a few days and they would start running again. It’s a chronic issue. When he went in a couple weeks ago to just get the ducts flushed he was sedated. She said they were very plugged up but they just started running again the day after. I wash his eye area every day with a saline solution and I have an ointment that I put on the corner skin to keep it from getting sore from being so wet.

                                              • jerseygirl
                                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Good luck today.

                                                • LittlePuffyTail
                                                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Okay, so we’re back. We did head X-rays which is what I expected. She wanted to make sure the lumps were not connected to anything and it doesn’t look like they are, thankfully. However, there is some inflammation in one of them but she doesn’t think it will need to be removed if we get the inflammation down with antibiotics. I sort of didn’t get the 100% answer as to what they are, however. But she feels the same as me, he’s had them this long and they’ve never caused problems so we won’t remove them unless absolutely necessary. She’s sending the X-rays to a radiologist for further interpretation so maybe we will get a more clear answer when those results come back.

                                                    His ears, unfortunately, still have bacteria so we need to do another 5-7 days of drops.

                                                    It’s getting difficult because between Bindi and my other high-maintenance animals, the vet bills have started causing stress between me and my husband. He loves the bunnies but not to the extent that I do. And it just seems the bills are never ending. Bindi especially. I love him so much and will do anything for him but I always dread telling Ricky how much the apt. cost. And lately, the total at the reception is quite a bit more than expected.

                                                    I asked the receptionist to e-mail me the x-rays and I will post them when I get them. Even skeletal Bindi is adorable.

                                                  • Avantika
                                                    371 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I can relate to that. My mom takes care of Moshu but whenever Moshu is sick, mum doesnt support too much with the money. She assumes that a vet check isnt needed and if it is, she assumes that I am asking more than the actual cost. My sister does give me money for it but she lets mom say whatever ugly things she wants to say to me. I know I am broke so that I am not getting another pet at any cost.

                                                      You have two bunnies and a horse right ? Well, that can be difficult. Both are exotic. Lops, especially, I assume are a more high maintenance breed. Your husband may have affection for them but he will never understand certain things – our paranoia and distress at the slightest sign of illness. Do not tell your husband about the vet bills if you can. Cover it up with something else.

                                                    • Sindri
                                                      1515 posts Send Private Message

                                                        LPT I hope Bindi gets to feeling better. I am glad that the lumps were not serious. I can relate with the stress of vet bills. I have had the same issues with my husband in the past about my vet visits with the rabbits. Kilala was sick once and one of our dogs was having some issues as well at the same time and both had to go to the vet more than once. It was getting expensive. Its like my husband doesn’t get as mad about the dog’s vet bills but he does get mad about the rabbit’s bills. I don’t know why. Hang in there I hope things get better and you wont have anymore bills for a while.

                                                      • Bam
                                                        16951 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I’m glad it’s looking like he won’t need surgery, at least for now.
                                                          I can very well understand the money-issue. My bunnies have not been expensive, but my old dog was towards the end of her life, when her insurance was all used up.

                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Although I dont know you super well LPT, I know Ricky knows how much the animals mean to you and that he loves them too. You have a wonderful guy.  This is probably a big generalisation, but I think its normal for men to react that way to mounting bills. He may seem pissed off at first but come around…

                                                            Keep faith and keep communicating. xx

                                                            p.s. Have PM’d you re. Etsy

                                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Thanks, guys. Bindi has a re-check for his ears on Saturday so crossing my fingers.

                                                              We have the 2 buns, 2 cats and a horse. Ricky calls Bindi and Winnie (horse) the “hopping and walking vet bills”. Our animals have definitely cost us a lot of $ these past few years. Bindi’s bills are just nonstop and our cat Andy is hyperthyroid that needs treatment for the rest of his life. And my horse is high-maintenance too. She has EMS which is like horse diabetes. I just wish vets weren’t so expensive. It’s really quite ridiculous sometimes. Andy got his teeth cleaned with 1 tooth extracted and it came to $500.00. That is just absurd to me. And I know vets love animals but they are also rich because of their jobs.

                                                               This sign on Winnie’s stall says it all


                                                            • LittlePuffyTail
                                                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Some good news. Bindi’s ears are bacteria free. Vet said they look better than they have in a long time.

                                                                As for the lumps, he finished his oral antibiotics on Sunday and we are in agreement that for now, we won’t remove them. They’ve been there well over a year without problems and at his age, we really don’t want to put him through that. She said to watch them closely for change in size or texture.

                                                              • Bam
                                                                16951 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Good to hear! So great his ears have improved!

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                                                              Forum DIET & CARE Vibes for Bindi -Ears and Lump