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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Can my rabbit eat African violets?

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    • HerculesandMolasses
      133 posts Send Private Message

        They are white outlined with purple and the tag said violets. They look like African ones because they have slightly frilled edges. Can my rabbit eat it? Someone answered a question like this before on here but they said yes to normal violets but they also said I don’t know to African violets. I keep searching it but nothing comes up. Do you know if they can? I’m not going to deliberately feed them to him, but if it gets knocked down, is it ok if he eats a little?

      • BarbaraC
        77 posts Send Private Message

          African violets are non-toxic for cats, dogs and horses. Not sure about rabbits.

        • BarbaraC
          77 posts Send Private Message

          • LBJ10
            17046 posts Send Private Message

              As far as I know, they are not toxic. I wouldn’t think a bunny would want to eat African violets though since the leaves are fuzzy. Wouldn’t that be unpalatable?

            • HerculesandMolasses
              133 posts Send Private Message

                Okay. I bet he would just lick the leaves like fur.

              • Bam
                16972 posts Send Private Message

                  If these are store-bought plants they may have been treated with systemic pesticides. That means the pesticides used on the plant is inside the whole plant and can’t be washed off. This generally wears off after a year or so, so if your plants are older than that, they should be ok. But don’t give your bunny newly bought potted plants (except of course herbs meant for eating by humans).

                • Samara87
                  157 posts Send Private Message

                    I read a thing recently that said if something is safe for horses, it’s usually safe for bunnies.

                  • Eepster
                    1236 posts Send Private Message

                      African violets are completely unrelated to the violets that are used for food flavoring, they just share a name.

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                  Forum DIET & CARE Can my rabbit eat African violets?