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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Bunny passed away two days ago, feeling low :'(

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    • TheBrownBun
      2 posts Send Private Message

        So… I finally after two and a half years of owning a house rabbit decided to register on this site just to post this.  Two days ago my sweet lop-eared bunny died of pneumonia at the vet’s office and I still feel like someone has punched me in the stomach.  His name was Radagast the Brown (I know, a weird name for a rabbit–it was inspired by The Hobbit).  He was already nine years old when I rescued him, and he had so many health issues from the beginning that had been ignored.  I did the best I could; I read up on everything about rabbit healthcare, and he slowly but surely started to do much, much better.  I even got the phone number of his first owner who had had him for the majority of his life to ask questions about his health and any incidents he had early on in life.  I was told he had grown tired and inactive, and no longer enjoyed playing outside or playing with toys.  I found this to be the opposite of the truth when I changed his diet and got him veterinarian care.  The more room and space I gave him, the more he would binky and go bonkers.  Sure, he was a little slow every now and then, but that’s to be expected with older animals.  But every six months or so he would get sick, and I would be told he didn’t have longer than 1-3 months, and I would go through a hurricane of emotions.  He had a bad eye, then bad teeth, a reoccurring abscess, then GI statis, difficulty maintaining weight, and so forth, but he always came through…and though he might have become a little slower, he never lost his affectionate, curious, and playful self, or his hunger for treats.  I actually might have fooled myself into thinking he could keep it up, that I could keep nursing him through every scary ailment and he would be just fine, and I would spend many more years with him, and the fact I adopted him at such an old age would prove to mean nothing.  I was so obsessed and crazy for him from day one.  He was one of those rare “cuddly bunnies” who would hop willingly into my arms so he could be loved and kissed and teeth-purr in my arms.  He loved grooming me and getting his nose and ears stroked in return.  He also liked crawling up my chest when I was sitting so he could stick his nose right under mine and I would feel his little nose wiggle and his breath on my top lip (now those were proper bunny kisses <3)I talked about him so much to my family and friends that I eventually noticed them getting visibly annoyed and tired of me talking about him, probably thinking something along the lines of, "I get it, you love your rabbit and he's the cutest and the sweetest and the best thing that's ever happened to you." &nbsp;It's like I never left the new pet honeymoon phase with him. &nbsp;I was always thinking about him. &nbsp;And I didn't realize just how much joy and positivity he gave me until after he was gone, because now every time I walk into the living room I realize I instinctively look for him in his favorite spots, EVERY TIME. &nbsp;And I can feel my heart make a little leap of excitement before I'm disappointed and heartbroken again when the reality hits me. &nbsp;I know I'm not only one on here that knows how this feels. &nbsp;Bunnies are so extremely special; they have the ups and downs of complex, unique personalities, the capacity to be sweet, giving, rude, annoyed, playful, and silly, and they are so vulnerable, always needing our protection and love. &nbsp;Not to mention they are the cutest freaking animals on the planet and have fur that feels like angel wings. <img src="/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/BB_Theme/emoticons/tongue2.gif">&nbsp; Anyway, he occupied such a large portion of my heart that I now feel so hollow and even lost. &nbsp;I haven't emptied his litter boxes, or cleaned up anything else of his yet because I just want to pretend he is going to come back. &nbsp;Last night I even dropped an arugula leaf and a pumpkin seed in his food bowl out of habit. &nbsp;I know that might sound pathetic but I've lost my baby and bunny soulmate. &nbsp;We only had each other here. &nbsp;My house is so quiet it almost scares me. &nbsp;I just need some words of comfort and encouragement right now. &nbsp;I am sorry that this was so long! I don't doubt no one will read the whole thing through.&nbsp;</p>

      • Roberta
        4355 posts Send Private Message

          So sorry for your loss. 11 and a half is very elderly for a bunny especially one with health issues. It sounds like you made his last few years truly wonderful. Binky free Radagast.

        • TheBrownBun
          2 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you, Roberta  <3.  I know I am lucky he lived even as long as he did.  Still sucks though

          • Bam
            16977 posts Send Private Message

              I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a pet really does suck. I’m so glad he got to have you for his last years, he must have been a very happy bunny. And he made you happy too – which of course makes losing him harder, but it’s still so beautiful, to have had that amazing bond to an animal.

              Binky Free, Radagast.

            • Sr. Melangell
              1708 posts Send Private Message

                When an animal dies they haven’t gone, they are still in your heart, I lost a dog 10 years ago, Well he was works dog, I was a security guard, you learn to live with it, I still find myself looking at dog toys and treats in shops.

              • BinkyMom14
                277 posts Send Private Message

                  The story you just told shows the wonderful life you gave him for the last couple years of his life. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s the toughest thing to go through after a pet passes but know you gave him the most wonderful and loved end of his life that he could have had. Sounds like you were a wonderful, caring and loving bunny parent and you gave him all the love you had and I’m sure he knew that. I hope you find peace soon knowing you did all you could and took care of him so well.

                  Binky free Radagast

                • Dee
                  704 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m sure that his time with you was the happiest in his life- please remind yourself of that often! Not many people will rescue elderly bunnies, and you not only gave him a happy home but also nursed him through health issues with love and dedication. That probably gave him much more time than he would have had with a less caring bunny parent!
                    I know none of this takes away the sadness and loss- like many others here, I’ve also lost a beloved elder bunny and understand that it is heartbreaking. Only time will help, I guess. My rabbit, BunBun, died in early June and I still cry about him at least once every day. And I am known for being stoic and not giving in to my emotions! I just keep replaying the last days of his life and can’t seem to stop, it is like torture. Rabbits have a way of getting right into our hearts- especially the ones who seem to just know us right from the start and return our love and affection, which is so amazing in a prey animal whose instinct is to run from us.

                    I hope that in time, the grief fades and happy memories replace your sadness.

                  • mijOok
                    177 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m so sorry for your loss and bless you for the love, care, and dedication given to your bun. Your story is amazing in that he was an elderly bun but you still managed to bring out his true personality that proves that he knew how much love you had for him and he hung on to life longer than he would’ve otherwise in the care of the other owner. You really did your best and hope you find comfort knowing that Radagast was able to live the best years of his life before the end. *Binky Free Radagast the Brown*

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                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Bunny passed away two days ago, feeling low :'(