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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A How long without water?

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    • JackRabbit
      5451 posts Send Private Message

        I thought I posted earlier today but can’t find the thread!

        Our vet wants us to switch the M&Ms over from water bottles to a bowl because they (we think mainly Moshi) are drinking too much water — two 24 ounce bottles min per day for the past several months. The vet thinks they may be using the water bottles a a game and that Moshi likes playing with the ball in the sipper tube. The bottles aren’t leaking. Both bunnies have had bloodwork and Moshi has had a urinalysis (done Thursday) and no health problems. However, the vet is concerned that such high water consumption could lead to kidney or electrolite issues.

        I put out a gravity water feeder and the bunnies have checked it out but aren’t drinking from it. I’ve eatched Moshi glare at it and then at me, so he’s not happy about it. How do I get them switched over from bottles to a bowl? How long do I let them go without water, waiting for them to drink? If I put one bottle back, they will empty it and continue to ignore the bowl!

      • Little Lion Head
        1706 posts Send Private Message

          Ah yikes! I don’t know! Isn’t it funny how some bunnies want the bottle and some the bowl? These two won’t go anywhere near a bottle!l Man, that really is a lot of water they were drinking JR!

          My best guess is that they will eventually get thirsty and give it a go (probably when you’re not looking so that you can continue to worry that they are drinking). The thing I hate about the bowl is not having a way to see if they’ve been drinking unless they do it in front of you!

          Also, if you get too worried, you could do the wet veggie thing so as not to entice them w/ the bottle again.

        • JackRabbit
          5451 posts Send Private Message

            The wet veggie thing is my trick with Kieko because she hardly drinks at all, and she has a bowl and a bottle!

            The M&Ms are eating hay, but its been 6 1/2 hours and they haven’t touched the water bowl. The vet said the same as LLH, that they’d eventually get thirsty enough and try it, but I’m starting to get worried.

          • Little Lion Head
            1706 posts Send Private Message


              Toward the bottom it says:

              Rabbits cannot endure water deprivation for more then 24 hours (even less during hot weather) without serious health consequences.

            • JackRabbit
              5451 posts Send Private Message

                I just went up and sat with the bunnies. They were climbing all over me and I just knew they were begging for water so I held one of the bottles for them. Marlee came over and drank from the bottle, then went over to the bowl snd started drinking. Moshi sniffed the bottle and hopped away. After Marlee finished at the bowl, Moshi hopped over to it and gave it the butt. I hung one bottle back in its spot. Didn’t take long for Moshi to see the bottle and he’s practically sucking on the spout right now. My stubborn boy still wants his bottle, just like a toddler.

              • Little Lion Head
                1706 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m kind of surprised Marlee went for the bowl! Maybe she can convince Moshi?!

                • JackRabbit
                  5451 posts Send Private Message

                    I know. Maybe I’ll get lucky with bunny see bunny do!

                  • Megabunny
                    2041 posts Send Private Message

                      Sounds like you’re doing the right thing, JR. I figured they could likely go several hours, but then give them the bottle on occasion so they don’t get ridiculously thirsty. But sounds like it’s going better. Hope they’re both using it soon

                    • Sarita
                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                        Seriously that article seems like it is geared towards people who keep their rabbits outside.

                        I rarely if ever see Bobby drink and I don’t think he drinks much at all but he pee’s – I think that is part of being in an indoor controlled environment.

                      • Little Lion Head
                        1706 posts Send Private Message

                          I wonder if you continue to offer the bowl and bottle maybe they’ll start taking to the bowl?

                        • JackRabbit
                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                            LLH — if I could see Moshi drink from the bowl one time, I’d just take away the bottles. He’s so hesitant to try anything new that I have to keep at least one bottle out so he’ll drink. As much hay as he eats, without enough water, all that hay could compact. I’m not sure the silly bunny knows how to drink from a bowl.

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A How long without water?