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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • MoxieMeadows
      5375 posts Send Private Message

        There was nothing the vets could do for him… He had to be euthanized… I guess after the vets did TONS of x-rays and stuff they found out he had had an internal tumor that had ruptured…IT ISN’T FAIR!

        Why do all the bad things have to happen at once? Car breaking down, moving, and now this? He was an amazing dog, truly a best friend to everybody who knew him… We adopted him from a shelter down south, he had had 48 hours to live because he was on the euthanization list. They told us he was a year old, and this was around 10 years ago. today The vets just did more examinations and said the shelter must have lied because Sky was around 15 years years old. At least he had a long and happy life. I loved him so much. But my Dad and Sky obviously had the closest bond. I don’t even have words to describe the sadness I am feeling. Sky is in most of my earliest memories, and now he’s gone. My Sky-Z-wise-E boy….

      • JackRabbit
        5451 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry Moxie. I know how you’re feeling. You might remember my posts, but we lost our 12 1/2 year old lab Mysti on July 25. Our loss was sudden too and I think that makes it even harder. My heart goes out to you. Try to think about the good times with Sky, it will help your heart heal.

          Run and play free Sky . . .

        • BrunosMama
          1518 posts Send Private Message

            Oh Moxie, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it may leave a hole in your heart, nut just remember how happy of a life he had with you. Many hugs and snuggles from me and the buns.

          • Sindri
            1515 posts Send Private Message

              My healing vibes were too late. I am sorry to hear of Sky’s passing. Have comfort in knowing you saved his life and provided him with a loving home. He sounds like he had a loving home.

            • MoxieMeadows
              5375 posts Send Private Message

              • MoxieMeadows
                5375 posts Send Private Message

                  You no longer greet me,

                  As I walk through the door.

                  You’re not there to make me smile,

                  To make me laugh anymore.

                  Life seems quiet without you,

                  You were far more than a pet.

                  You were a family member, A friend,

                  …A loving soul I’ll NEVER forget…

                  It will take time to heal-

                  for the silence to go away.

                  I still listen for you,

                  and miss you EVERYDAY.

                  You were such a great companion,


                  My heart will ALWAYS wear,

                  The PAW PRINTS left by YOU. <3

                  I’ll love and miss you forever Sky. I never imagined we’d lose you so soon. You were such an amazing and great dog. Finally you get to see Lily again, I’m sure she greeted you with bounds of joy and kisses. I feel bad for Snickers though, she misses you. We ALL miss you. We’ll miss how you were a little pig, you loved food. We’ll miss how much you would shed everywhere. I could have sworn our carpet was golden and fluffy! We’ll miss how lazy you were, and your slobbery kisses. I’ll miss giving you treats… I’ll miss everything about you, and most of all I’ll miss you. You were special, we knew it from the moment we saw you in that cage at that shelter. You never barked at people when they walked by like all of the other dogs. You would wag your tail and lick through the cage. You were amazing. You gave Lily comfort in her last days. I love you sky. We all do. And I’m SO sorry there was nothing that could be done to save you. I would have done anything, spent any amount if you could have lived, stayed with us just a little while longer. I’m angry with the vets. They should have done something, anything. I know there was nothing that could be done, but still… I’m sorry. I should have known, noticed something sooner. But you were so happy yesterday! playing with me and Zero, catching treats. Never once did it cross my mind that would be the last time we had a chance to play together. Oh Sky… I’m sorry…I’m so sorry. I’ll forever wear the paw prints left by you. Sky…

                • litheandgraphic
                  608 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m terribly sorry to hear about your loss. You did everything right and gave Sky a loving home, the best home possible, for as long as he was with you. <3 Take care of yourself. That's what Sky wants.

                  • LongEaredLions
                    4482 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh Moxie, there are no words I can say to express what I am feeling for you… Tears streaming down my face, I am truly sorry.
                      What a beautiful tribute you your beloved Sky. ((((Comforting vibes))))

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        My beautiful Moxie, I hate knowing you are so sad. Your words were so lovely, made me cry even more – bugga!
                        What I’d do you lessen your pain….. Hug’s to you and your family.

                        ((((Beautiful Sky))))

                      • MoxieMeadows
                        5375 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you all for your kind words and support. Thank you for the candle LEL.
                          I just can’t believe how quickly this happened, he was perfectly happy and fine when we went to bed, but when we got up something was off about him. He only got worse. My Dad rushed him to an emergency vet an hour away. Sky was already slipping into a Coma when he got there, my dad had to carry him in. The vets said there was nothing they could do, and he probably wouldn’t make it a few more hours, let alone the night. So we had the vets euthanize him so he wouldn’t have to suffer. He was an amazing dog. The vets said they were supprised he was so old, because his breed/large breeds only live 8 or 9 years.

                          It just felt like a flash back to our other rainbow bridge dog Lily. About 4 years ago, same month(september,), and the same week, we had to euthanize Lily. She was old and had a tumor on her stomach, had an ear infection(?) (That’s what the vets said, but then they said she had been having stokes). It was a day or two before her scheduled surgery to remove the tumor, but it was clear she wasn’t going to make it. We think she had another stroke. So we rushed her to the vet an hour away where she had to be euthanized to end her suffering. There was no way she could be saved.

                          It broke my heart when my dad rushed Sky to the vets, all I could think about was Sky, and what had happened to Lily. I’m glad though, that they are reunited again, and that Sky had a chance at life when we saved him around 10 years ago. I’m glad he had a shot at life, that he got to live a long and happy life. I’m glad he lived so long. around 15 years old? I never would have imagined. He has been with us through a lot, we moved across the country with him and Lily. He’s been with us through thick and thin. The thing I’m most glad about, is that WE were lucky enough to be a part of HIS family. <3

                        • MoxieMeadows
                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                            I woke up early early the morning/middle of the night with a horrible stomach ache and feeling like I was going to vomit. I think I might have been dehydrated. I had only drank a little soda yesterday, and had cried literally the WHOLE day and night, and had eaten a bunch of salt and vinegar chips before bed. I’ve taken better care of myself today, though I’m still extremely sad.
                            There have been a few times where I’ve almost called out Sky’s name to come to me, totally forgetting what had happened…Only to instantly remember and start to cry again… My little dog Snickers is confused and misses him. The whole day yesterday she layed on the couch with her head hanging off of it, looking so sad and depressed. Every time a door would open she would whimper and run into the room, looking around only to go back onto the couch. She hasn’t wanted to leave my lap all day today. Why does saying good bye have to hurt so much? </3

                          • Stickerbunny
                            4128 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m sorry Moxie Try to focus on you gave him 10 beautiful years that he wouldn’t have otherwise had. He got to feel loved and know what it means to really be a pet, not going alone at a shelter. Best gift you can give such a beautiful pup. *hugs*

                            • LongEaredLions
                              4482 posts Send Private Message

                                “Grief is not the absence of bravery, nor the lack of strength, but the price of love. ”
                                Take care of yourself.

                              • Bam
                                16977 posts Send Private Message

                                  Moxie, I’m only seeing this now, I’m so sorry. Your epitaph to Sky is beautiful.

                                  15 years, that’s amazing. He really got a long good life with people who truly loved him, and that’s also beautiful. But losing a dog can feel like sb’s torn away a part of your own body.

                                  He didn’t have to suffer long, that’s also great. It really is, even if the pain maybe is too sharp right now for you to appreciate that.

                                  I’m glad you got him. I’m glad he got you.

                                • khrisangel
                                  113 posts Send Private Message


                                  • MoxieMeadows
                                    5375 posts Send Private Message

                                      I want to thank you all for your comforting words. <3

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                                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Sky