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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Dini and Banji

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    • Sonn
      1810 posts Send Private Message

        I haven’t been around for a long long time due to juggling school and work. 

        I lost both Dini and Banji day before yesterday. I have no idea what happened at all. 

        I fed and watered the boys the night before and everyone was happy and bouncy like normal. All rushed over to get their food and night time treat. When I got up that morning I went to let my dogs out and you have to go through the rabbit room to get to the back door. I noticed Enki was out and about which is definitely not normal early in the morning. They are usually all 3 huddled in their box snoozing when I let the dogs out. I didn’t really think anything of it because Enki is an odd duck anyway and took my dogs out. When I came back in Enki was still out of the box but no sign of Dini and Banji and Enki kept going over to the box then back to the other side of the cage. 

        When I opened the door Enki rushed out like normal but when I picked up the box there was Dini and Banji  just gone. I checked them all over for injuries or trauma and didn’t find anything. It was like they just went to sleep and didn’t wake back up. 

        I had my vet perform a necropsy on both boys and I am still waiting on the results. 

        Enki just seems completely lost. Since I have so much school one of my professors is allowing me to bring him to class with me and leave him there so he won’t be alone all day long.

        Binky free my boys… 

      • LongEaredLions
        4482 posts Send Private Message

          I am so sorry. Losing one bunny suddenly is hard enough, but losing two… May your boys binky free at the rainbow bridge, sending hugs to you and Enki.

        • MK
          751 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry to hear about Banji and Dini. It sounds like they passed peacefully and snuggling with each other.
            It is nice of your professor to let you bring Enki to class.

          • LBJ10
            17058 posts Send Private Message

              What? Oh my gosh, no! It seems like just yesterday Dini was lost because his little friend had passed. To lose two more, how awful. I’m so sorry Sonn!

            • Sonn
              1810 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you. Yes it does seem like not long ago that Pacey passed. It was shocking enough to think that one had passed but both at the same time was a lot harder to swallow.

                My professor is an awesome human being and as much of a bunny lover as I am so I am extremely grateful that she is allowing me to bring Enki with me.

                It still doesn’t seem completely real to me.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh Sonn.
                  God, I’m so so sorry!
                  Binky Free Babies. Pacey and Walter will welcome them and look after them.
                  <3 You're in my thoughts (((Sonn))). Keep us posted.

                • Monkeybun
                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh noooooo! Binky Free Dini and Banji. Pacey is there waiting for you across the Bridge.

                    What a sad day, Sonn *hugs* They were such special buns.

                  • MimzMum
                    8029 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh Sonn…I am so, so very sorry to see this. :'( I can’t believe it. I have no words that will help but please know that you and Enki are in my thoughts. ((((((((((((Massive hugs))))))))))))))

                       Binky free Dini and Banji. We will all miss you very much. xxxx

                      Candle group by here:


                    • BolingbrookMom
                      28 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so sorry for your loss, it is very sad and confusing when you don’t have any answers. I hope you hear back from your vet soon and that they found something to help give you peace of mind. It is very hard that our buns seem to get sick and die so quickly, before we even know that something is wrong. I know they loved you very much and it sounds like they were at least together. I don’t have any advice or insight on the bun you still have with you but I think you’re doing everything you can for him not letting him be alone. I’m sure it’s a very high emotion and stressful time for the both of you.


                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          I don’t even know what to say, Sonn. BOTH OF THEM?! I’m so, so sorry… I just can’t believe this. I’m curious to know what the necropsies reveal, so please let us know…

                          Give our love to Enki… Hugs to you…

                          (((Dini and Banji… Together forever….)))

                          They are in good company… Pacey is with them :'(

                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            Hugs – that’s so hard to lose both at once. I hope you get an answer for the vet.

                          • Jessie1990
                            393 posts Send Private Message

                              I remember reading your posts about Dini losing Pacey. I am so sorry that you lost Dini and Banji. I will be thinking of you guys. I’m glad Enki gets to go everywhere with you so you guys can provide comfort for each other.

                            • LittlePuffyTail
                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                Words cannot describe how sorry I am for your loss. My heart is just torn seeing this. I was always a big fan of little Dini. I’m offering lots of (((Hugs)))) and a shoulder to lean on, if you need it.

                                At least they got to leave this world together. Please give lots of love to Enki for me.

                                (((((Binky Free Dini and Banji)))))

                              • RabbitPam
                                11002 posts Send Private Message

                                  Sonn, that is so shocking. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.

                                  They went together, and are now together over the Bridge.

                                  Poor Enki – I’m very glad you can keep Enki with you. If you get a chance, have Enki examined by the vet to be sure nothing contagious is going on.

                                  Lots of {{{{{Hugs}}}}}} to you both.

                                • Sonn
                                  1810 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thank you again everyone. Enki is having a bit of an issue eating when I put him back in the cage. I cleaned it all out but for now the only place he will eat is in my kitchen with the dogs. So that is where I let him eat.

                                    I will be taking Enki to the vet as soon as I am not snowed in he already had an appointment for today since he has never gotten over his current illness (not contagious) plus I was going to have them make sure he didn’t have anything else going on. But there is a ton of snow and ice in my area at the moment.

                                    I just have no idea what happened I even moved the cage out to make sure there wasn’t something around it they could have gotten into. Dini and Banji liked going under things and behind things but Enki likes to be out in the open more so I thought maybe they had found something but I didn’t find anything.

                                  • calipa_st
                                    290 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m so so sorry for your loss

                                    • Beka27
                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                        Sonn, do you have an update about the necropsies? Did the vet find anything with either of them? And how is Enki doing now? You last posted about 2 weeks ago…

                                      • Sonn
                                        1810 posts Send Private Message

                                          Sorry school has taken over my life. Both necropsies came back inconclusive aside from Banji having a slight ear infection and Dini a tooth spur.

                                          Enki is not doing well at all. He sits in a corner with his head down and is now being tube fed and forced water. The vet and I tried syringe feeding but he just lets it run out of his mouth. He doesn’t allow petting and is just not doing well. He does a bit better when he comes to school with me but not much. The vet had suggested to see how he does around another rabbit so he is at a “play date” today while I am in class to see if it helps him at all. He is basically a shell of the Enki I know at the moment.

                                        • Sarita
                                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                                            Oh, poor Enki – some rabbits just have a deeper bond with their friends than others.

                                            It’s hard too when the necropsies do come back inconclusive but – that is really the only experience I have ever had as well with them which makes closure more difficult.

                                          • BunnyLady1989
                                            446 posts Send Private Message

                                              I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this. It’s been some time now so I hope things are getting better for you. I know the pain you are going through but it’s good to know that you had Enki to comfort each other. I hope he is doing great and that you heard word regarding the necropsies.
                                              ((Hugs and nose bumps))

                                            • MimzMum
                                              8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                I’m sorry the results were inconclusive. And poor Enki…I really hope finding a new friend will cheer him. You must be so worried. (((((((((huge hugs)))))))))))

                                                I hope things improve soon. Please keep in touch when you can. Thinking of you. xx

                                              • BunnyLady1989
                                                446 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Poor little Enki. I hope having a play date helped him today. You must be overwhelmed and I am so sorry you had to go through so much at once! I pray things get better for you both.

                                                • Sonn
                                                  1810 posts Send Private Message

                                                    The playdate did help Enki yesterday according to the people who were with him. I was told at first he did much of the same that he does here just sitting in a corner kind of droopy looking, but after a few minutes of the other rabbits being in the same room he started hopping around a bit but still keeping his distance. Then one of the rabbits came over and groomed him and he took off doing bunny 500’s around the whole room. They said that even though he wouldn’t eat the hay or pellets that were in the area that he did take bits of parsley and cilantro on his own and drank water without being forced! He played with 6 rabbits and when I went to pick him up he actually demanded pets. He hasn’t allowed me to touch him at all in a friendly way (I obviously have to touch him to tube him when it is feeding time) since two days after Dini and Banji passed.

                                                    He mostly stuck to a female lionhead baby that was born there and an older male french / english lop mix that is a recent drop off. He played nice but was a bit growly with a couple of the others and when into immediate attack mode with a larger female.

                                                    Unfortunately about an hour after coming home he reverted back to his corner and not allowed pets.

                                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I’m so very sad for poor Enki. I so badly want to hear that he has perked up. Give him some love for me. And (((Hugs))) for you too.

                                                    • BunnyLady1989
                                                      446 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Poor little Enki… Im glad he did seem to perk up though even if it was for alittle bit. It’s better than no progress. Maybe he just needs a few more play dates (feeling hopeful!)
                                                        ((Hugs and bunny kisses))

                                                      • MimzMum
                                                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Thinking of you and Enki (((((((hugs))))))). It sounds like he made excellent progress.

                                                          You’re both in my prayers. xx

                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                            (((Enki))) This is so much like Dini after Pacey passed away. Keep us updated Sonn. I hope he comes out of this soon.

                                                          • Sonn
                                                            1810 posts Send Private Message

                                                              This is very much like Dini after Pacey passed. It’s difficult to watch him sit in a corner and then have to shove a tube in his nose.

                                                            • MimzMum
                                                              8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I’ve been out of the loop a few days…how is Enki now, Sonn? Thinking of you both. (((((((Hugs))))))) xx

                                                              • LongLiveLoyalBuns
                                                                107 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Aww im so sorry to here that!!

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                                                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Dini and Banji