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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS How small a gap can a rabbit fit through?

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    • ZoeS
      29 posts Send Private Message

        So I am setting up a new area for my rabbits which is basically a 4′ x 4′ area at the back of an L-shaped bedroom. So I would be closing off the opening with a baby gate. I found a nice gate with vertical bars as barriers (…lkthrugate). The seller says the gaps between bars are 2.25″, the website says “under 3″ so let’s call it 2.5”.

        Will my rabbits be able to squeeze through there? I have an angora (standard size) and a lionhead (smaller than standard but not TINY). The angora is 5lbs (he is pretty skinny) but the vet didn’t record the lionhead’s weight last time I was there, but I’d put her at 3.5-4lbs. She is a bit tubbier than the angora.

        For size reference:

      • Jessie1990
        393 posts Send Private Message

          I know that you can’t use something that has a 3″ gap. I’m not really sure about 2.5″ but I wouldn’t risk it.

        • ZoeS
          29 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks! Is it because there is a risk of injury? That is my main concern. If she actually got out all she can do is chew baseboards, hoover up the seeds the birds throw out of their cage and in general be a nuisance (what else is new? ) but she can’t hurt herself in the room.

          • mia
            586 posts Send Private Message

              My buns can fit through 1″ -1.5″ square.

            • ZoeS
              29 posts Send Private Message

                An adult? What breed? Can they collapse their skulls? Is the gap you’re talking about in a rigid material (wood, metal) or a bendy one (like deer fencing)? My rabbits’ skulls are easily bigger than 1″ across.

              • manic_muncher
                1061 posts Send Private Message

                  Nice looking gate, I can see why you like it. I’m guessing (yes only guessing) that the lionhead would be able to get thru, maybe even the angora. I would be a little afraid of them just being able to get their heads through the bars. If they moved too fast, they could possibly hurt themselves freeing themselves from it.

                  I haven’t done any gate searching myself, so don’t know all the available styles or costs, but… if -I- had decided that this was THE GATE I HAD TO HAVE… I would probably do some modification to it to ensure they couldn’t get their heads through. The spacing on the bars on my xpen are 1.5″ and my holland lop can’t put his head thru it. He CAN get half his face thru it, up to his eyeballs.

                  Your wood floors are lovely! I’m guessing this gate appeals to you because it has the design that is not only functional but also attractive to the eye. So I’m not sure if any ideas of modifying would take that appeal away or not. I would consider things like NIC grids zip-tied to it or maybe even something like weaving flexible clear-sheeting thru it, so you could still see thru it.

                • LBJ10
                  17090 posts Send Private Message

                    If their heads fit, the rest can follow. I remember specifically looking for NIC grids that were 2 inch squares or less. The ones at Bed Bath and Beyond were big so I didn’t buy them. I had to look all over town and take my tape measure with me. LOL

                    Yes, there is some concern about them hurting themselves. Only if they got caught while trying to get through and panicked though. Otherwise, simply squeezing through is likely to not cause any harm.

                  • Stickerbunny
                    4128 posts Send Private Message

                      You know those baby gate panels that lock together and fold to make a circle? ( … the parts that have the “gap” and not the plastic piece sticking in between the holes are a prime push through for my two if they aren’t connected very tightly, since even a little give lets my 8 and 6lb bunnies slip through. So, they can fit through really small holes you wouldn’t think they could even get half their bodies through, let alone the whole thing. lol

                    • mia
                      586 posts Send Private Message

                        My buns are all adults less than 3lbs. The bigger one is more stocky bigger boned netherland/lionhead, who’s been up to 3.5lbs, mix; I don’t think he ever fit through though a hazard. The other two, netherland and lionhead, can fit easily.

                      • Bam
                        16992 posts Send Private Message

                          It’s as LBJ says, if the skull can get through, the rest of the bunny can follow. And their skulls obviously look bigger than they are because of the fur. I’ve seen many wild rabbits fleeing from danger by getting through holes of 4×4 cm in fences. It says piong in the fence.

                          My Bam made it into a box under my bed where the gap between the bed and the upper edge of the box was little more than an inch. He sort of flattened himself. Then he had a good time in that box and created a lovely mess of the bed-linen I kept there.

                        • ZoeS
                          29 posts Send Private Message

                            Thanks for the input! I will pass on those gates. They sold anyway! I am not married to those exact ones by any means, but someone had two for sale used at a good price (and I need two – one is just to keep them out of the wood stove / well pump area).

                            Guess I will stick with the plastic gates for now. Or maybe I’ll get motivated and build something nice.

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                        Forum HABITATS AND TOYS How small a gap can a rabbit fit through?