So… I hadnt had Jon Jon too long, a year and a half about. He was 2 years old. He was my first rabbit, and I absolutely adored him. Last night I started hearing alot of racket coming from his cage in the living room, so I ran out there and I seen him having something like a seizure. I ran to the cage but before I got there he flopped once more onto his side and died, just like that, before I could even reach him. So at 11 at night I got to bury my little friend and it was a terribly long night, and its been a long day. Oh how much we get attached to them…
Now, I had him in a XL dog kennel with a second story added, and it was in my living room. Everyday (weather permitting) I would set him up outside within a large fenced area (x pens) within my fenced in backyard, to hop about and enjoy the sunshine, grass, and fresh air. I would bring him in before night, anytime I left, and after the sun was up, and would then set him up a xpen in my bedroom to still be able to hop about in, just in the safety of the house. Every night before I went to bed I locked him up in his cage(dog kennel thing) Yesterday morning he was perfectly fine, pooping, eating, drinking, and active. I didnt put him outside till afternoon because I was waiting for it to warm up. At about 6PM I went to go bring him inside and immediately noticed something was off. he usually gives me a hard time when I try to catch him, but last night he just let me walk right in and grab him up. So, worrying about him I carried him into my room with me, checked him over, and sat him on my lap while I read. He is usually not still for more than 1 second so when he sat with me for a hour, I was getting worried but he soon perked back up and started hopping over my bed. I put him in his cage with fresh food, water, and hay. I checked on him a few times, and all seemed okay. About four hours later he had died… I cant for the life of me think how… I kept his cage clean every day, always fresh hay, fresh water, and pellets… he got exercised daily, and tons of attention. When he was outside yesterday I didnt see anything that might have scared him (I keep an eye out the windows) and there wasnt anything poisonous in his outside xpen cage… (only grass, hay, water and some cardboard boxes…) Could it have been some kind of airborne illness? Maybe there was something posinous out there… or a bee or wasp or something… though I did check him all over. Hes never been sick before, I havent changed his diet recently, nothing has been different. I was just wondering what your opinions might be? How it happened? Anything I couldve prevented? Heart attack? I know it is impossible to tell from this, but any idea?
Regardless, Ive lost a dear little friend, and am utterly devastated. He was such a amazing little guy, and I miss him so much.