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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES
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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
› Forum › RAINBOW BRIDGE › Paddington
Paddington ate a bit at breakfast (about 10am), and hasn’t eaten since (It’s 4:30 now) , except for a bite or two of his pellets that I annoyed him with until he ate it.
He’s peed and I’m not sure about poop…
How do I do a tummy massage?
Shall I take him to the vet or give it a bit longer?
Did you try offering a treat to see if maybe it’s just Paddington’s appetite for the pellets? Sometimes Simba doesn’t gobble up his morning pellets and will do it in one shot later in the evening. Or if he feels bloated I know a lot of people try a little bit of simethecone (baby gas relief) to see if that’ll get things going first. I think the rule of thumb is if he’s not eating, pooping/peeing for 24 hrs then it’ll be best to take him to the vet (feel free to correct me if that’s incorrect).
Hope Paddington’s okay! I recall it hasn’t been that long since you’ve had him so maybe it’s just something normal that you haven’t learned about him yet.
On our way to the vet, will update soon! Wish us luck!
Mijook – tried lots of food but no luck. Vet said come in and I feel better this way
Thanks for your well wishes!
I’d wait a bit longer. It’s great that he’s still eating, even if it’s just a tiny bit. Keep annoying him with the food if it gets him to have a bite at least.
You should clean his litter box if you haven’t already, so that you can tell if he’s still pooping. Do you have any Simethicone? That might help, it’s baby gas medicine, if gas is the problem it should make him feel better. Even if it’s something else it might help, just by decreasing the pressure in his gut a bit.
You can reach under his tummy and give it a gentle rub, if he will let you. Or you can turn him over to do it. Also it would be good if you could get him to move around a bit, even if he doesn’t want to. Anything to move things around a bit in there.
Is he shedding at the moment? We actually had a scare like this just yesterday with Oscar. He seemed excited about breakfast, but later in the afternoon I noticed he hadn’t eaten much of it, and refused to eat all evening. I got up around midnight to check on him and that’s when he started to eat again. He’s been shedding forever now, and I think too much ingested fur caused his tummy upset. We did give him a dose of Simethicone around 6:30pm.
If he doesn’t perk up by tomorrow morning, I’d take him to the vet.
You guys are fast! Or maybe I’m just slow, when I started typing there were no replies yet.
Good luck at the vet, I hope he gets better quickly!
You’re welcome! Good Luck at the vet!
Hazel – I think we were probably typing at the same time and Tessie’s just fast lol
Lol sorry guys I guess the worry made me fast!
Been to the vet – we had an injection of gut stimulant and a tube of some sort of fibre/prebiotic stuff to feed him.
If he hasn’t pooped by tomorrow we’re going back for x rays!
Peace of mind for only £80! 😮 (Goodness!) haha
Is Paddington doing better now? Did you try massaging his tummy?
Seems a bit livelier now, I have to give him more meds in a couple of hours.
I had a go at massing his tummy but I have no idea if I was doing any good or not.
I’ve emptied the litter box so I’ll know for sure if he’s pooping.
Fingers crossed!
Vibes for Paddington Tessie…. You did the right thing going to the vet…. With something like this it can go from bad to worse very quickly, early intervention will often save their lives.
He’s had another dose of his medicine and now it’s time for bed.
No poops or eating yet.
Will update in the morning!
Poor baby. Hope he poops over night !
For tummy massages, you just gentle rub a circle over his tummy. Kind of like when they say can you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time. If the bun isn’t allowing that, you can also just stroke the sides of their stomachs. It always helps our buns when they are feeling gassy (sometimes they don’t agree with a vegetable they get) but if it’s an actual blockage, unlikely to break it up unless it’s a very light one.
Still no poops this morning
And a big tight tummy.
I’ve tried rubbing it, thanks for the advice.
He’s had more of his fibreplex stuff, the vet said to go back if he hasn’t pooped by this afternoon.
Poor guy. I suggest you get him back to the vet for some IV fluids. That can really help move things along. (((((Paddington)))))
Thanks, LPT <3
He looks so miserable, just sitting there all day
He hasn’t pooped or eaten as far as I can see.
I’m gonna give it till 3 and then call the vet to take him back in.
They said yesterday that if it hadn’t worked they’ll give him another injection… are they just gonna keep injecting him forever or what?
Is there anything else I should ask them to do?
Anyone? Going to the vet again in an hour.
Sorry Tessie! I wish I could give you some additional advice. I hope Paddington feels better soon! Vibes coming your way!!!
Ask for fluids.
Seen the vet!
She said we could either admit him or try and give him critical care. I asked what she thought was best and she said as long as I have the time to give him all the meds then he’d be fine at home.
So, a lot of money later we have loads of drugs!
We had another injection to get his gut going, some fluids to hydrate him, an injection of antibiotics, fluids to give ourselves at home, critical care to feed at home (a classic), and more fibreplex stuff to feed at home also.
So he’s in for a hectic night of drugs!
It’s all rather scary and expensive :/
We’re going back in the morning to see her again.
I love my vets, they really know what they’re doing and I can tell they care
Awww {{Healing vibes for Paddington}} good thing you have good vets to look after him
Update: Earlier he had his fibrex stuff and what felt like quite a lot of critical care, so I was feeling optimistic, but no poops since and still got a very poorly bun
He looks so sad, he just lies there.
Got to have more of all his meds before bed so will update again soon.
Please send love to my little bear
Poor Paddington! Sending lots of healing vibes!
Does his tummy still feel round and hard? Are you supposed to just keep feeding him even if he doesn’t poop? If it’s not moving through, at some point it will be detrimental to keep stuffing him with food, I would think. Then again I have no experience with force feeding so maybe I just don’t know what I’m talking about. I’d have an x-ray done tomorrow if things aren’t progressing, to make sure he doesn’t have an actual blockage and food is just being packed on top of it.
I thought the same thing Hazel, I don’t know… the vet said his digestive system isn’t doing anything at the moment and it would be best to keep it moving.
We’ll see I suppose
and yes, round stiff tummy.
It’s time for bed now, just had all his medicine, he was pretty good about it.
He ate a fair bit of critical care too.
He looks so poorly he’s not cleaning himself so his face is all covered in this food we’ve been giving him and his medicine. I can feel all his bones Also he knocked his water bowl and sat in it so his feet were soaking wet.
We tried to dry him off and clean him up a bit, but he looks so sick and skinny
Im worried about the vet tomorrow, if he doesn’t improve overnight we have to go back and she said they’ll admit him…
I don’t know how much it is but I’m guessing a lot, I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford it.
After this is over I’m definitely getting pet insurance.
Goo luck Paddington. Rest up!
This is heartbreaking to read. Poor little guy, I hope whatever this is it clears up soon.
Poor little guy! How awful this has happened so soon after bringing him home. =(
Morning everyone!
So he’s had all his meds again this morning.
We think he may have pooped a tiny bit, and there was a tiny bit of a mess on his butt, so that’s a good sign!
However, he’s still not interested in food and still lying around looking really poorly.
Going to call the vets again soon and see what they say.
Poor guy. ((((Paddington))))
Ive dealt with days long stasis like this. Its very stressful.
Please let us know what the vet says. I really suggest you talk to the vet about getting him on some IV fluids. That’s probably the best thing for him at this point. When Bindi was really poorly like this, a day of IV fluids really helped. Its super important to help things move along, the longer things stay in there, the harder it is to get back moving and the fluids seem to really help.
Sending hugs and love to little Paddington. Fingers crossed for more poops and that he starts to per up soon from the meds.
More vibes for Paddington and I second the fluids. I’ve also dealt with long bouts of stasis and it’s extremely stressful. Don’t give up hope.
Been to the vet again. She says she still doesn’t think he needs to be admitted today, but that I have to go back again tomorrow to see.
She said he hasn’t got worse, but isn’t much better (we knew that).
She’s very concerned though, she says the longer it goes on the more worrying it is. She said she’s particularly worried because he’s already having pretty intensive treatment.
Still, she gave him an injection to hydrate him and some IV fluids. And even more meds to take home because he’s been taking them quite well.
In the meantime, we’re home now and he’s making this loud noise which I think sounds a bit like sneezing. It’s rather unpleasant, I’m pretty sure it’s tooth grinding. Here’s a link to a video of it: (hope that works)
Does this mean he’s in pain? I feel awful, what should I do?
The vet said to try anything and everything he might want to eat, we’ve got one of those dried herb mixes you can get for buns with dandelions and stuff, and I’m going to get some herbs and maybe babyfood later tonight.
He’s taking the critical care quite well, so that’s something at least.
Luna is acting a bit strange too – can she tell there’s a sick bunny next door do you think? (she can’t see him)
I have work tomorrow so I have to leave them for a bit which sucks, but I already took today off and I can’t do it again.
Thanks for all the love and suggestions everyone, I really appreciate it.
I really hope he gets to feeling better. Poor little guy. I tried listening to the sound he makes. I wasn’t sure if it was teeth grinding but it didn’t sound normal. I would perhaps call the vet and let them know and maybe they can give you something if he is in pain. Again I hope he gets to feeling better.
I’m so sorry Paddington is in this prolongued distress.
Am sending healing vibes to get a great release of poopies tonight, so you will both feel better tomorrow. Runny is OK since he’s on fluids, meds and critical care.
{{{{{{{{{{{{Super healing vibes for Paddington. Relief soon!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I’m so terrible sorry to hear that Paddington is still not feeling better.
Vibes for you and Paddington! (And Luna!)
Hope Paddington and Luna feel better soon. Best of luck to you!
Keeping the vibes going for Paddington……..
It’s morning here now and I’m stuck at work, it’s killing me… I’m hoping I can leave early.
My boyfriend is at home continuing with critical care.
Last night we tried everything, herbs, dried herb mix, baby food, banana, carrot, lettuce… He doesn’t want anything :/ it’s pretty depressing.
To make it worse, he’s stopped eating the critical care as easily, half the time he just lets it sit in his mouth and ooze out again.
He grinds his teeth a lot too
Last night he seemed to find some comfort sitting on my lap (I guess because it’s warm) and that was nice. I gave lots if belly rubs, he doesn’t seem to mind, but I don’t know if it helps.
A couple of times I’ve turned him onto his back to look at his butt and as I’ve done it his tummy made a big gurgle and he popped a bit (sorry if that’s TMI) so that makes me hopeful.
We have a vet appointment at half 5 but I’m going to try and go sooner.
I’m going to be honest guys, I’m scared he’s going to die. He’s very weak and skinny and not eating.
Obviously I’m going to keep fighting (just as hard as he does when we feed him!)
Hopefully the vets will admit him this afternoon.
Thanks for all the support, it’s nice to have bunny lovers to talk to.
I really hope they do admit him. I’ve had buns in this situation and I think it would be beneficial. Poor little guy. I know you love him lots already. You both will be in my thoughts today.
Is he getting any pain meds? Make sure you keep him warm and like I said before, get him moving if you can. I imagine he gives you a harder time with the feedings because the food is not moving through and he is probably stuffed to the rim.
I would urge you to have the vet take an x-ray.
I really believe that continuing to stuff food into an already impacted digestive tract contributed to my bun Jo-Jo dying during her stasis. IV fluids, pain meds and simethicone are what I would stick with until there is some sign of pooping. Just my 2 cents.
Vibes for Paddington – please have them do an x-ray if that has not already been done.
Hey Tessie, I’m not sure if this is appropriate or not, but can you insist on having Paddington admitted for observation and whatever tests/etc., you and they feel are necessary? I only suggest this cause when Henry was being neutered we told the vet/receptionist when booking him in that we couldn’t collect him that afternoon (& before I said maybe my son could?) they fell over themselves to keep him overnight for collection the next morning. It was awesome – besides missing Henry, I didn’t worry about him once knowing he was in the best of care. Neutering doesn’t compare to what your poor Paddington is going through (I’m in no way suggesting that) but was thinking Paddington having a sleepover for observation may give you some relief and give them the opportunity to see him at his worst (we all act differently when not at home) and maybe deal with his illness differently? It’s one thing to describe what you (bunny mum) think is wrong as to your boy showing them? Sending lots of love to Paddington, as well as you and your boyfriend – I can’t imagine what your going through.
Can your boyfriend just take him to the vet and drop him off for observation now instead of waiting so they can start any necessary tests or x-rays?
While I was at work my boyfriend called to say that Paddington had got worse. We rushed him to the vet where they said that he now had bloat and his tummy was pressing on his lungs. There was no obstruction so they don’t know why the food was not passing through. They said that he was dying and wouldn’t survive surgery.
So my little bear had his pain taken away this afternoon.
What? Oh Tessie – I am in tears! I am so sorry. I’m lost for words.
My very deepest condolences to you for your loss. And the warmest of healing energy for you as well. I am so sorry.
Oh hugs Tessie – I am so so sorry. It’s just too sad.
Oh no I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you.
Im just heartbroken seeing this. I’m so very very sorry. I truly wish there were words I could say to make things better. We are all here for you during this difficult time.
((((((Binky Free Paddington)))))
I’m really sorry. Good bye, Paddington, you will be missed.
Oh no! I’m so sorry Tessie!
Oh, I’m so sorry, Tessie.
You did everything you could for your sweet little guy. Problems with their digestion is actually one of the leading causes of death in bunnies, so please know that you and your vet did your best to help him but it is an uphill battle always.
He knew how much you loved him.
I’m so sorry for your loss Tessie.
Oh my gosh I am sooo sorry for your loss… I was checking in to see how his healing was progressing… my heartfelt condolences to you and your boyfriend <3
(((Binky Free Paddington)))
How terribly, terribly sad. You were so good to him, you really did everything you could.
Binky free little Paddington.
Thanks everyone, it really means a lot.
Feel free to move this to the bridge.
It’s very sad, I know I did everything there was to do, but I can’t help feeling I should have made a different decision somewhere along the way. I guess I was just unlucky.
I guess I’ll get another bun at somepoint, I don’t know if it would make me feel better to do it sooner or later. :/
I’m so glad I have Luna, it would be so much worse to have no bunnies at home at all.
He was so young, and such a lovely little rabbit, always curious what was going on. I’m sad there wasn’t more time to get to know him. He was beautiful.
Hugs Tessie – you did everything right – don’t second guess yourself. I will move this to the Bridge for you.
Tessie, I’m so sorry. I know you did the best you could for little Paddington, please don’t blame yourself.
Binky free, Paddington!
So sorry Tessie You’ll see him at the Rainbow Bridge someday. You did your best, and sometimes it’s just their time.
Take a little bit of time.
Oh Tessie I am so sorry to hear about Paddington. My thoughts are with you guys. Hugs!
Oh god I’m so sorry to hear this. I came on specifically to see how the little guy was doing. Hugs to you and Luna!
Binky Free Paddington!
This is so sad, I’m so sorry to hear about what happened
Binky free beautiful Paddington.
› Forum › RAINBOW BRIDGE › Paddington