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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR A couple of handling questions

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    • Tessie
      1231 posts Send Private Message

         Hello everyone, got some more questions! (Sorry )

        Learning about Albus everyday, and having a fab time, but there are a couple of things I wanted to ask.

        First is that he doesn’t seem to like being stroked/petted.  Now I know rabbits don’t like being held but I was under the impression that most rabbits enjoyed a head rub? Ive never seem him ask for pets the way they do either (by putting their heads low etc). He doesn’t sulk or get annoyed when I try and stroke him and he doesn’t run away but he will move about a bit… Basically just not accepting my love  haha!  I realise maybe he’s still getting used to me and his new home?  But he doesnt seem scared of me, he’ll climb on me happily.   On the other hand, he does lick me but as I mentioned in another post I don’t think this is an affectionate thing, I think maybe he just likes licking.


        Second slight issue is that I’m struggling to clip his nails…. I know trancing buns isn’t good for them but this is the only way I am aware of for clipping nails. (Is there another?) Anyway I’ve had rabbits before and always been able to put them on their back, (either on my lap or in my arms and im doing the exact same with Albus) but Albus just seems particularly resistant to it  he’ll lie still for a moment and then flip himself over. (He never seems to hold a grudge when I try it, he sits on the floor near me). Obviously I know this isn’t good and I don’t want to hurt or upset him but I don’t want to have to pay for the vet to trim his nails either if I can help it. 


        So questions are: Does he just not like pets? Or is he still settling in?  

        And is there another way to clip nails? 

        Sorry for all the questions these last few days, you guys are amazing! 

      • Tessie
        1231 posts Send Private Message

           I probably should have menioned that for the most part he’s only social if I’m holding food  

        • Yu
          19 posts Send Private Message

            I am new to buns, but what is tracing? My bun loves to get petted/stroked/ head run..etc.. he usually still still and falls asleep as he is getting his massage lol.. sometime I hold him like the way people says the right way to hold a bunny, sometime I hold him like how you hold a baby, sometimes I have him on his back… he doesn’t mind any position while he is getting his massage… he’ll just stay real calm and relaxed only time he’ll move around and flip over and stuff is when he gotta pee and then I rush him back to his area to pee..
            since my is still young and small, I usually have my gf help me hold him while I clip his nails.. but he doesn’t really struggle much unless I hurt him then he’ll retract his paw…
            sorry i don’t think i answered any of your questions… maybe it’s like u said each bun is different? cuz when I got my the breeder did mention he is the calmer one of all the rest…

          • mia
            543 posts Send Private Message

              How long have you had him, baby or adult, and how much time have you spent on being with him?
              Mines are adults and it’s taken some time to have them open up. Each day it gets better and better but I would say one took a year while the other one took two. This was with really hard work with both (first the first few months, they’d never come to me at all). I think if you keep working hard buns will learn to like pets but each also may have different types of pets they like. One of mine likes it hard while the other one likes it lighter. My new bun will come to me and is much more open but we are working on pets; currently runs away whether my hand remotely tries to reach him

              As for nail clipping, I put mine in a very loose burrito, sit on the floor with my legs bent (upside down v), and put the bun whether tummy against my leg or back against my leg. Covering their eyes if needed or nose rubs in between each nail clip and lightly rubbing the paw in question. Can’t say this is the best but my bun who freaks out when pros try to trance her (eyes bulge, extreme panting, swatting, flipping) has tolerated it much better.

            • Tessie
              1231 posts Send Private Message

                He’s a baby and has only been here a few days.
                Am I expecting too much too soon? Haha

              • Yu
                19 posts Send Private Message

                  My is a baby too, took roughly a week for my to get use to us

                • mia
                  543 posts Send Private Message

                    Few days!! Yes, expecting too much but since he’s a baby, should definitely be quicker than my yrs =). Still have to work though.

                  • Baxter n Boos Mom
                    394 posts Send Private Message

                      As Miaeih said…yes a few days is expecting too much, but it sounds like he’s doing really well. I have one bun who liked being stroked after a couple days….where the other bun, well, he likes it only on his terms. When relaxed, he may be okay with it, otherwise he still takes off – and we’ve had him over 1 year.

                    • bpash89
                      307 posts Send Private Message

                        Yes, much much much too soon. It’ll take him weeks to really get settled and fully comfortable in his new home and environment. Babies tend to be very affectionate and open though so I wouldn’t stress about it much. Also, I notice with my bunny that she loves to be petted and stroked but only on her terms. Usually later at night or early in the morning. Once she’s settled down and just relaxing she’s much more open about wanting to be petted. If I try to pet her when she’s not in the mood she will usually humor me for a minute or two and then hop away.

                        I’m zero help in the nail clipping department. I take mine to the vet because she turns into a terrorist the moment you touch her feet.

                      • Tessie
                        1231 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks everyone, you’ve made me feel better! I guess I’ll try a bunny burrito for nails!

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                      Forum BEHAVIOR A couple of handling questions