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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR New rescue bunny momma, need help!

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    • Zulu's Mum
      9 posts Send Private Message

         Hi guys,

        so glad i found this forum.  i find getting advise from a forum way better than just hitting google and reading articles.  

        My name is jenn, i am married and a mom of two ds jace(2)  dd morgan(4)

        so a bit about Zulu bunny, he is a black lop ear bunny, 7 months old and is used to living outside in a sheltered chicken run with chickens and his brother.  he has been socialised and spent time inside the house with his humans.  once him and his brother reached maturity his brother started picking on him and he ended up on the bad end of the fights… she has chunks out of his ears and is very scabby under his coat.  i couldnt say no to adopting this little guy.  he needed a loving home with much attetion and my family and i were going to give him that.

        we brought him home last night and he stank!  living with chickens meant that he lived around chicken droppings and i couldnt have a stinky bunny running around so he got a bath.  i know you not sposed to wash a bunny unless in serious situation well… this was serious!!

        he calmed easily and spent most of the night cuddling with me on the bed.

        today he was different and i guess because he has been socilised but differently.

        so here is where i need you.  how do i deal with a previously socialised and beaten up bunny??? what are some of the things we should be doing as a family to intigrate him into our family?  we have no other pets. 

        he did this weird thing this morning when we were cuddling… he would wonder around the bed and then come running back to my hand and nip my hand and slip his head under my hand.  like he was asking me to put my hand on his head and pet him.

        he would hang out like that for awhile and then go walkies. 

        he has spent most of today inside with us (dont know if this is a good thing but i need him to get used to us)  he didnt hide under anything (mainly because there wasnt anything to hide under or behind) he just sat in a spot and cleaned himself.  as soon as i tried to get near him he would thump his food and hop off to another spot. 

        he thumps alot…  i spose coz he is new?


        so any suggestions ideas would be great… oh and i have done the whole giving him treats (fav is apples) to help him get more comfy with me.  he has def calmed down with me… but he is not a fan of my noisy kids… something he will have to get used to though.


        anyway, all my chatting…

        thank you!!

      • Hazel
        2587 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome to BB! Thank you so much for saving this poor boy. Do you know what happened to his brother?

          I don’t think you have to treat him any differently than any bunny that’s new to your home. Let him get comfortable, don’t force him to interact. Spend time on the floor with him and let him come to you. He’ll become more relaxed with time when he sees that you’re not a threat. I wouldn’t let your kids mess with him for now, they can sit on the floor with him as well and be nice and quiet but don’t let them pick him up. Rabbits are very fragile and can break their bones trying to get away if not held properly.

          How are you housing him? It sounds like he stays outside part of the time? Does he have a cage inside? It would be best if you could keep him inside full time, for many reasons. It will help him get used to you quicker and he will be much safer as well.

          I assume he’s not neutered? Getting him fixed will help greatly with a lot of behavioral issues.

        • bpash89
          307 posts Send Private Message

            Definitely give him time and space to get adjusted to his new surroundings. You said there was nothing for him to hide under in your house? I would suggest giving him a large cardboard box with 2 openings cut into it for him to go inside. Since he’s so new he is still going to be scared and unsure and giving him his own little space to get away from everything will help make him feel more secure. Otherwise I think you are doing fine. Spend lots of time with him but always make interactions on his terms until he gets more comfortable with you and with his new home.

          • Zulu's Mum
            9 posts Send Private Message

              hi and thank you so much!

              He came with a really nice hutch so it has his scent in it. His brother has found another home. I couldnt take both.
              my husband is sticky that he sleeps outside in his hutch as that it is what he is used to. i must respect that. but we will be letting him spend most of his time in the house.

              he bit me this morning when i was offering him food. i guess i over stepped the boundary when i was offering food off my hand in his hutch… he seems to be very territorial. i will do the box thing for him indoors. then he can retreat.

              i will look into neutering him. right now thats not financial allowable… but i will find out more and save up for it.
              i read last night that he is in his teenage phase which may bring with it a moody bunny who is still trying to figure out who he is and where he fits… and with the upheaval i guess thats even more tricky.
              i will have to learn to be patient with him.
              he loves to be cuddled but on his own terms… then he just jumps up and goes… with a good thump too….

            • LBJ10
              16999 posts Send Private Message

                Thumping can be fear-driven or it can be annoyance-driven. It depends on the bun, their surroundings, and how comfortable they are. Him demanding to be pet means he is at least comfortable with you.

                Everyone’s advice on here is going to be to bring him inside permanently. It is difficult for a bun to feel like part of the family if he is banished outside, even if it is only at night. It will make it harder to litter train him. Plus getting him to and from the house can be stressful since most bunnies don’t like the be carried around. You will get a lot more enjoyment out of him and you will see more of his true personality if he is inside full-time. I urge you to consider it. Perhaps as winter comes, you can ask your husband if he can stay inside and then perhaps he just won’t make it back outside. Hehe!

              • Zulu's Mum
                9 posts Send Private Message

                  lol LB i wish it was that easy.

                  He is wonderfully litter trained and will not go unless he is in his tray.

                  i will see as time goes if dh warms up to bunny… hes not the pet type of person and for the first time he actually seemed quite keep. will have to tackle it as time goes by.

                  i made the box as suggested by he didnt go in it. he just sniffed around it had a peep inside and then sat out in the open just watching us…i put a blankie in there too coz i see he likes to fiddle with clothing/ blankets/ towels.

                  he also explored one of my daughters pony toys.

                • Bam
                  16951 posts Send Private Message

                    They can bite a person who doesn’t pet them enough. My Bam (a black mini lop) does that to my mother. She’ll be petting him and when she stops he demands more by biting her feet. Now she’s learned to withdraw her feet quickly, then Bam just stares at her, clearly aggravated. Bunnies very often like to be petted on the head and nose and around the ears. I’ve had my second bunny for 4 months now and yesterday was the first time he started to lick my hand when I was petting him. He also ground his teeth, another sign that they like being petted.

                    The territorial biting could stop when he learns to trust you. My second bunny Yohio would growl and claw and sometimes bite when I was in intruding into what he considered his space. They can also bite when they’re hungry. They often use their mouth to communicate with humans. Most important is to NOT back off when they do, because if the human backs off, bunny learns biting is an efficient way to get his will.

                    You need to be patient with a rabbit but it seems you’ve figured that out =) My first bunny Bam went a year before he trusted me.

                    They can stomp from fear, wariness or to get human attention, “Feed me, now!”

                  • Hazel
                    2587 posts Send Private Message

                      It would be easier for us to help you convince your Husband if we knew his reasons. It’s obviously not just that he doesn’t want him inside as he allows him in the house during the day. Does he think he’ll be too noisy during the night? Is he simply opposed to having a cage in the house? Is he worried about odors? Keeping him outside simply because that’s what he’s used to isn’t really logical in this case. You wouldn’t want to continue less than ideal care just because that’s what he got at his old home. I hope I’m not coming off as harsh, I’m not trying to say you’re abusing him or anything like that!

                      The biting is probably hormone related, as was the fighting with his brother. They most likely could have been happily bonded if they had been neutered. Getting him fixed once you have the funds should help to get rid of the territorial aggression.

                    • Hazel
                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By Zulu’s Mum on 08/24/2013 04:12 PM
                        my husband is sticky that he sleeps outside in his hutch as that it is what he is used to. i must respect that. but we will be letting him spend most of his time in the house.

                        I just noticed I might have misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that the rabbit is used to being outside, but I guess you might have been talking about your Husband being used to rabbits living outside? My apologies if I got it wrong.

                      • tanlover14
                        3617 posts Send Private Message

                          Hey there – welcome to BB!

                          There are other members on here who have had to resort to their buns living outside and thankfully, he is inside during the day. What kind of set-up do you have? And what are your seasons like? Personally, I think it’s more expensive to house a rabbit outside. The temp needs to stay between 60-78 degrees to be comfortable for him which means you’ll need to be able to give him heat when it’s cool and keep him cool when it’s hot. Which can be difficult to maintain. I have to agree that he is better suited for the house but please don’t be deterred from the site because we have very knowledgeable people who can give you adequate advice on how to give your bun what he needs while he’s outdoors at night time. You said he’s in a hutch but I have heard of animals hutches being knocked away or tore at by wild animals and their buns dying horrible deaths due to this so make sure he’s very much protected.

                          As for him biting when he wants to be pet – one of my buns is the sweetest but gets grumpy if he wants to be pet and you don’t. He’ll come up and give a little nip (not hard) to let you know he wants more. If he’s hurting you, let out a loud shriek. It will usually let them know “hey, that hurts!” and typically after a few times they will take the hint and not do it so hard.

                          It’s also VERY normal for buns to become extra territorial inside hutches or cages. My Simba is the sweetest boy but when he’s in a cage he becomes very aggressive if you stick your hand inside so we have altered his housing so he’s never put in a situation like that. He was actually almost euthanized by the rescue he was first in because he did this. Because of it he was deemed an overly aggressive bunny. Thankfully, another rescue took him before they could euthanize him. It’s very depressing because he’s actually the sweetest boy ever and loves to give kisses! So please don’t think he’s doing it because he’s mean… bunnies need a space to call their own and it’s their way of protecting it. Some things you can do are configure ways to put his food in without him getting agitated (like putting it in his house before you put him in for the night). Do you have problems with getting him out of it?

                          Also, as Hazel said – if any of these behaviors ARE related to aggression it’s probably the hormones. One of my girls was a disaster before she was spayed. She was absolutely miserable and wouldn’t let anyone near her! Thank goodness when that spay was done!

                          I would love to see pictures of your new little family member!

                        • jerseygirl
                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                            Welcome Zulu’s Mum.
                            It sounds like you’re doing great with your new bun and he’s already showing personality.
                            I was happy to read both rabbits went to new homes.

                            TanLover mentioned the territorial response you’ll sometimes get reaching into their space. Important to know especially so you can monitor your kids so they don’t end up with a warning nip.

                            They also have a blind spot in front of their nose. I’m guaranteed to get a nip from some of my buns if I put my hand there. It’s not meanness on a rabbits part, just fight/flight response.

                            Okay, onto a “favourite” topic of crazy rabbit owners…
                            What’s his poo like?
                            But seriously, his being in with chickens could mean he’s carrying some parasites such as Coccidia. Something to keep an eye out for. You want to be seeing nice round dry poop, not sloppy messes.

                            ETA: check out the info in this thread. You might find a spay/neuter program near you that could help save a lot of dollars when the time comes.


                          • jerseygirl
                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Hazel on 08/25/2013 06:57 AM
                              It would be easier for us to help you convince your Husband if we knew his reasons.

                              ah ha ha!
                              This made me laugh. It aint just the rabbits that are wiley.
                              Btw Hazel, how is your partner getting on with the new fur baby?

                            • Zulu's Mum
                              9 posts Send Private Message

                                hi all!!

                                done some editing on my profile.

                                I forgot to mention that I live in New Zealand. We are actually from South Africa (hence the name Zulu – we want to keep a very special piece of our hearts hoping around our house)

                                anyhoo. PROGRESS TODAY!!
                                I came home from work to find a very cross bunny… turns out all this attention isnt so bad after all. lol. he sat in the corner of his hutch and wouldnt come to the door. so i closed it and said “fine, bye now. Im going inside” and as i got up to walk away he came shooting to the door. i opened it and he let me take him out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROGRESSSSSSS!!!

                                He doesnt seem to be enjoying the boxes in the house that i have put up for him so i gave him a fleece blanket and oh my goodness was he in heaven???? so excited he pooped everywhere…
                                side note jerseygirl: his poops are the classic bunny “bok drollikies” as we call them. nice and round and dry.
                                anyway, not sure what the pooping was about but he eventually stopped and was so amazing!!! like a new bunny!!

                                check these pictures out!! paws stretched out. and he let my daughter crawl up to him and stroke him!!!


                              • Zulu's Mum
                                9 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By Hazel on 08/25/2013 06:57 AM

                                  It would be easier for us to help you convince your Husband if we knew his reasons. It’s obviously not just that he doesn’t want him inside as he allows him in the house during the day. Does he think he’ll be too noisy during the night? Is he simply opposed to having a cage in the house? Is he worried about odors? Keeping him outside simply because that’s what he’s used to isn’t really logical in this case. You wouldn’t want to continue less than ideal care just because that’s what he got at his old home. I hope I’m not coming off as harsh, I’m not trying to say you’re abusing him or anything like that!


                                  so the whole inside outside thing will not change.  we are currently renting and our letting agent said we could have a bunny on condition that it  stays out side in the hutch (so we kinda sticking to the rules)

                                  here in NZ it seems to be the norm to let your pets live outside.  We live in Christchurch which is down south so our winters are cold and we can get the occasional snow fall but he is equipt with his winter coat (which is starting to brush out)

                                  i do not feel he is being harmed in anyway sleeping outside and he does have a very cozy Hutch that we have also insualted inside.  (he kicks all his hay out of it.  he sleeps in it bare)

                                  if it were to ever snow (which we are coming out of winter now) i would bring him inside.  we will be ready for next year autumn with an inside cage.


                                • Zulu's Mum
                                  9 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By tanlover14 on 08/25/2013 06:54 PM

                                    I would love to see pictures of your new little family member!

                                    as requested here are some pics of our Zulu boy.

                                    i thought i would show you his ears… they make me so sad 



                                    he is so cute!! but the little scabs under his coat and those dreadfully shredded ears make me want to cry!!!

                                  • Bam
                                    16951 posts Send Private Message

                                      He’s incredibly cute! The hutch looks lovely. In my country (Sweden) rabbits are often housed outdoors all year round. The cold isn’t the biggest problem, heat is much worse for them. Make sure he’s protected against awful biting insects especially if you have myxi and/or RVHD in NZ, those diseases are transmitted by mosquites and ticks and you should have him vaccinated before they start getting active.

                                      It’s so much fun and really heart-warming to experience a bunny learning to trust you and feel safe and confident. Zulu is a very lucky boy to get a family like yours.

                                    • Hazel
                                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                                        Posted By jerseygirl on 08/26/2013 01:26 AM

                                        Posted By Hazel on 08/25/2013 06:57 AM
                                        It would be easier for us to help you convince your Husband if we knew his reasons.

                                        ah ha ha!
                                        This made me laugh. It aint just the rabbits that are wiley.
                                        Btw Hazel, how is your partner getting on with the new fur baby?

                                        All is fair in love, war and bunny care!

                                        Hubby is in love with Oscar! He plays with him a lot, letting him climb all over him. Even when we’re just sitting on the couch watching TV, all of a sudden Hubby will say “Aw look, Oscar just flopped!” or “He’s drinking water!!!” I fuss over him just as much though, everything he does is just too cute!

                                        Zulu’s Mum: You should ask tanlover for advice, she’s secretely keeping FIVE rabbits in her condo, she’s an expert at hiding bunnies you’re not supposed to have!

                                      • manic_muncher
                                        1061 posts Send Private Message

                                          LOL Hazel

                                        • Zulu's Mum
                                          9 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By bam on 08/26/2013 05:02 AM
                                            He’s incredibly cute! The hutch looks lovely. In my country (Sweden) rabbits are often housed outdoors all year round. The cold isn’t the biggest problem, heat is much worse for them. Make sure he’s protected against awful biting insects especially if you have myxi and/or RVHD in NZ, those diseases are transmitted by mosquites and ticks and you should have him vaccinated before they start getting active.

                                            It’s so much fun and really heart-warming to experience a bunny learning to trust you and feel safe and confident. Zulu is a very lucky boy to get a family like yours.

                                            aaaw!! thank you!!

                                            we dont have a problem where we are at the moment.  we are in a brand new subdivision but i will def keep an eye out for any insects.

                                            i am so happy about last night!! he did so so well i couldnt believe it.

                                            however…. he seems to be acustomer to biscuits (human ones) because he suddenly decided that my daughter was his best friend and i think it was the biscuit that he was after. so i offered him an apple slice instead.  he wasnt too impressed but he enjoyed it.

                                          • Hazel
                                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                                              I forgot to add, Zulu’s a cutie!! Don’t let his ears make you sad, instead let them remind you how much better his life is now because of you.

                                              He won’t be bothered by his ears whatsoever, as soon as they’re healed up.

                                              The picture with him and your daughter is so sweet, she’s adorable!

                                            • tanlover14
                                              3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                He is SUCH a handsome little man!!! As Hazel said – don’t feel bad about those ears! You are giving him a home and the attention he deserves and needs. So good for you!

                                                Hahahahahaha, Hazel! I always forget this…. LOL. Yes. I do have to smuggle them out of my house in their carriers put inside a box or a bag quite a bit whenever they have a vet visit or need to go somewhere! It’s quite the process. I AM very happy that you do bring him inside and give him attention and love. Rabbits very much crave attention as they are very social animals so make sure you keep that up! Sometimes (with them being outside) owners have a tendency to forget their there…. or not want to be bothered with them…. But as long as you keep giving him lots of love and attention indoors he’ll be fine!

                                              • Zulu's Mum
                                                9 posts Send Private Message

                                                  so Zulu had a bit of a mood swing tonight.

                                                  he was super excited to see me when i got home. went crazy and was kicking his hay around and made a complete mess of his hutch before my eyes.
                                                  when i took him out he was quite happy to have a quick cuddle and then he went straight for his blankie…

                                                  is it normal for buns to be obsessed with a blanket?

                                                  i was not the flavour… rather my 4 year old daughter…
                                                  i scored a bit. and he jumped/ lunged at me a few times when i was lying on the floor talking to him.

                                                  he did get pretty relaxed. ended up lying on his side with his back legs spread. GOOD SIGN!

                                                  I got this bunny adoption/ rehabilitation down pat (lol a bit of self affirmation there) i really didnt think things would be this good so soon. so hopefully in months to come we will have an amazing little man!!


                                                • Valkyrie
                                                  185 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Zulu is an amazingly cute bun!! Thank you so much for adopting a rescue.

                                                    I understand that sometimes it is not possible to house your bunny indoors; my rabbits were housed outdoors until I was 13 because that’s what previous generations did. If I remember right, there isn’t too many natural predators in NZ that you will have to worry about keeping out of Zulu’s hutch, but I do have a few suggestions to make sure he is housed as safely as possible (we have a lot of predators here in Canada and I have unfortunately lost a couple in my past because of outdoor housing). I would highly recommend adding a second layer of wire to your hutch, as small as possible, to keep rodents out. My rabbit Pal was killed by rats that wanted to move into his warm hutch when Autumn came. A double layer will have the strength of the original wire plus the size of the second layer to keep the smaller threats out. You should also wire the bottom where the grass grows through to stop him from digging out and other critters from digging in. The grass will grow over it so you won’t have to worry about sore hocks. Even with his winter coat, you may have to put a heat lamp in his cage if it gets too cold. Domestic rabbits don’t grow as efficient winter coats as their wild cousins. Another good winter tip is that when the temperature starts to drop at night, completely fill his “bedroom” with bedding from floor to ceiling. He will build his own tunnels through it and it will keep him very warm when he needs it. I would also put locks on all the doors of his hutch to keep out human predators. My grandfather had 2 of his Flemish giants stolen in the night right from his backyard 2 years ago. Even with high fences like yours. If you have a gate to your backyard, you will also want to make sure it is locked as well. This will also protect against smart cats and dogs that are not stopped by bolt latches (I had a husky that learned how to open them so we had to change the bolt on our shed and gate haha). I don’t know your letting agent, but hopefully they will be understanding in the winter and let you keep Zulu indoors until the weather gets better.

                                                    I hope you don’t get discouraged by this forum as time goes on, it is a house rabbit site so not all members are as understanding of people that have to keep their rabbits indoors. I just want to say that I have an open door policy on my inbox, so if you have a question but are not sure about posting a thread about it, feel free to pm me. My belief is that even though this is a house rabbit site, some people have hybrid house rabbits (copyright pending on that phrase lol) and should feel welcome even if they are still working towards the ideal house rabbit situation. Everyone’s situation is different, some can have their buns free roam indoors 24/7 whereas others may have to cage them during work hours or house them outdoors at night, but everyone should be able to share their experiences or ask for advice. There are members on this site like myself that have experience with outdoor housing and would rather give you advice on how to house the rabbit as safe as possible outside than to chase you away, even if we believe that indoor housing is best. So welcome to BB and I look forward to hearing a lot more about Zulu!

                                                  • Muffinluv
                                                    243 posts Send Private Message

                                                      My little muffin is obsessed with a cotton towel I have, whenever I have to wash it he goes crazy until I bring it back, and then he has to groom it to get that nasty clean smell off! He also once took his blanket for a walk, first he dug in it (soo cute!) then he grabbed it with his mouth, ran down the ramp (got it stuck in the ramp) ran out his cage, set it on the floor, dug in it again, and flopped.

                                                      I think its normal for them to go crazy about a towel or blanky. Security Blanket!

                                                      Sadly he’s begging to grow out of it… Awww

                                                      And ditto with Valkyrie! Those are lots of tips that will surely protect your rabbit to the best you can outdoors.
                                                      Thanks for helping this poor bunny who is not so poor anymore!

                                                    • tanlover14
                                                      3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Ha! I love that blankie story.

                                                        My buns have always been obssessed with their towels (which I have now changed to fleece because one of my girls has a problem with eating the towel and strings of it were in her poo!). Sometimes I’m pretty sure it’s their favorite thing in the world.

                                                        Some of that lunging could be due to hormones. My girl was such a little brat before she was spayed. Lunging and growling up a storm at everyone and everything. She’s been a little angel since she was spayed!

                                                      • LBJ10
                                                        16999 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Some buns do grow attached to towels or blankets. It is normal. Do watch for hormonal behavior toward the blanket though. He loves it now, so he could start to really love it as time goes on. If you know what I mean. =p

                                                        • Muffinluv
                                                          243 posts Send Private Message

                                                            LBJ10 LOL, that is usually the time you start to REALLY bug your vet about a neutering appointment.

                                                          • Zulu's Mum
                                                            9 posts Send Private Message

                                                              WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you have me in stitches here!!!

                                                              he seems to be on his own mission at the mo… not interested in the blanket tonight. maybe they having a lovers quarrel. lol!!

                                                            • MissGabbster
                                                              718 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Zulu’s a little cutie. He’ll be ruling your house soon, if he isn’t already! Welcome to BB!

                                                              • Valkyrie
                                                                185 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Hahaha LBJ, I know what you mean! The vet did not recommend neutering Merlin because of his age and the fact that he did not have any nasty behavioural problems unneutered (he didn’t spray, wasn’t territorial, and never aggressive). The only problem he had that could have been cured with neutering was that I had to keep him off the furniture and blankets because he did love them too much.

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                                                              Forum BEHAVIOR New rescue bunny momma, need help!