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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Indoor Rabbit Pen Idea!!!!!

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    • Baby-Daisy
      266 posts Send Private Message

        I just had a lightbulb!Before I was thinking of just buliding a rabbit pen out of wood.(Just that walls), Untill now!!!!!! Now I am going to bulid the walls out of chicken wire!with a wooden frame. (Like a rectangle box)!!!!!!!

      • Sam and Lady's Human
        2001 posts Send Private Message

          I’ve heard that chicken wire isn’t good for rabbits, hopefully someone will chime in with more information on that. They do make rabbit wire though, usually to keep a rabbit out of your garden.

        • Baby-Daisy
          266 posts Send Private Message

            well I will just be using th wire for the walls

          • Roberta
            4355 posts Send Private Message

              what about the NIC panels wired together and nailed onto the frames ? There’s also some wire mesh availble that’s a bit sturdier than chicken wire. Still, sometimes we have to use what’s available then chicken wire would be ok, you’d just need to make sure it was well secured and taught. A heavy duty staple gun would be the best way to fix it to the frames. Have you looked at Xpens yet, they are cheaper than human play pens and usually come in packs with 6 – 8 panels. They’re perfect for buns. Look online under pet enclosures.

            • Roberta
              4355 posts Send Private Message

                What Country are you in BD, that way I will have a better idea of the local resources.

              • LBJ10
                17074 posts Send Private Message

                  There is a heavier wire you can buy that is 1×2 grid or something like that. They have it at tractor supply type stores. We had used some to make the sides of a cage we made for our chinchillas.

                • mocha200
                  4486 posts Send Private Message

                    I think chicken wire is fine as long as no sharp edges are exposed to your rabbit. Here are some pens people made from wire and wood!


                  • Monkeybun
                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                      Rabbits have been known to chew through chicken wire. So make sure to get a nice thick wire, and should be okay. And make sure it isn’t sharp

                    • mocha200
                      4486 posts Send Private Message

                        I call chicken wire the wire shown in the second picture, but maybe I’m wrong! haha! If it is the wire that’s in the top picture then yes, that stuff is flimsy and a rabbit could easily chew through that!

                      • LoveChaCha
                        6634 posts Send Private Message

                          A lot of the members have suggested that chicken wire is off limits when it comes to rabbits, who are known to chew a lot of things. There are lot of resources on this site for you to look over and get ideas from. Chicken wire might be a cheap alternative, but rabbits are very mischievous creatures and will get into mischief whether you like it or not. You want to make sure that your bunny is secure and won’t escape and get into trouble. It is worth  the extra few dollars to make sure that your rabbit gets the best indoor housing as possible.


                          NIC grids (Neat Idea Cubes) with zip ties, plywood, dowel rods can make a wonderful rabbit house. I used this website to create the condo that I have for my bunny, and it is cheaper than what the pet stores sell:


                          It didn’t take long to assemble. This is the photo off of that site:

                        • Baby-Daisy
                          266 posts Send Private Message

                            Okay me and my dad were talking lastnight and I found the wire I am probable getting, and the wire that keeps you rabbit out of the garden is really thin and sharp, (before my dad cut buy some while putting it up my my grandpas yard), the wire I am getting is between 1/2 and 1 CM. I am making my pen either 4 by 4 or 4 by 3, ( I hate having it so small but it has to fit in my room)

                          • Baby-Daisy
                            266 posts Send Private Message

                              Sorry I skipped over some of yalls post. I live in The United States. And chicken wire is like the only thing my rabbit does not chew on. (And me! LOL……..for now. but let keep it this way.) and the first photo is the wire that is sharp.

                            • Roberta
                              4355 posts Send Private Message

                                The USA, so like us you have some regional restrictions to whats available but a good Ebay and online purchase access.

                              • Sam and Lady's Human
                                2001 posts Send Private Message

                                  Honestly, having made my own pen also, its probably cheaper to buy an xpen for 50 bucks, and its sure much less work. And it’ll get that bunny inside much faster

                                • Sarita
                                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                                    Moving to habitat section.

                                  • Svandis
                                    442 posts Send Private Message

                                      The bunny I had when I was 10-11 esaped by chewing through the chicken wire of his cage.. He was an outside bun (I didn’t know any better and my dad didn’t think much of rabbits as pets).

                                    • AnnBunny
                                      36 posts Send Private Message

                                        When I was younger, my brother made an outdoor run for my bunnies with chicken wire and it was fine though I’d be wary hearing now that they can chew. If you have a store that has chicken wire, chances are they will have something thicker as well if you don’t think that’s great.

                                        This summer I did find an x pen at a garage sale for ten bucks! It was dirty and it’s not going to work for me for inside but it will be fine to bring my Bun outside sometimes! Check Craigslist or something (carefully of course) or if there are yard sales around where you live.

                                      • Baby-Daisy
                                        266 posts Send Private Message

                                          THANK YOU ASCHILD! I cant believe you founf one for 10 bucks! I and going to look online RIGHT NOW!

                                        • zoologist
                                          270 posts Send Private Message

                                            x-pens are readily available in the US, baby daisy. Just look at petsmart. I bought mine for $37. It’s going to be cheaper and easier than ANYTHING you could build. Imagine you going to visit family and they allow the rabbit to come…. are you going to be able to box up and move your wire and wood pen as easily as you can move an x-pen? Nope. Wanna have your buns in the living room but your parents won’t let him run free? You won’t be able to move your wood/wire pen but you can move your x-pen.

                                            If you put the xpen in the corner you can configure it to use the two walls as part of the barrier, which allows you to create a larger area.

                                            It’s easy to pick up so you can clean the blanket underneath.

                                            it allows you to create different habitat shapes when you’re bored (square, rectangle, hexagon)

                                            it already has a built in gate with an easy lock latch.

                                            etc. etc. etc. Just get an x-pen. Really!

                                          • AnnBunny
                                            36 posts Send Private Message

                                              That’s great that they are such a good price now! I haven’t checked the stores in forever since I haven’t needed one, but good to know! 

                                            • Beka27
                                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                Just to reiterate the turn this thread has taken… an xpen will be so much easier to work with, sturdier, and won’t cost MORE than assorted building materials. I highly recommend an xpen.

                                                Rabbits can chew through chicken wire, and if you have a wood frame, they can chew through the frame if given enough time. A homemade pen is fine for some, but it’s so much easier to get a quality pen from the get go.

                                              • Baby-Daisy
                                                266 posts Send Private Message

                                                  okay well I found the pen I might be getting


                                                • Baby-Daisy
                                                  266 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Sorry that was not the right link Just forget about that link

                                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Do you want me to delete the link, Baby-Daisy?

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                                                  Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Indoor Rabbit Pen Idea!!!!!