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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Comet :(

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    • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
      617 posts Send Private Message

        Comet had been fighting an illness…and I thought we were winning. We’d been back to the vet on Saturday and she had switched to a different medication. But tonight when I got home, he was gone I had to work both of my jobs today and I don’t know when he died today. He seemed the same as he’d been this morning…and I’m so sad for Chubs because he was here with him today for at least a while before I got home. He is running around and acting strange and I don’t have any idea what to do for him I feel so heart broken right now…. Comet was the very sweetest of bunnies…not one aggresive bone in his body. He loved to be pet and he purred all the time. He didn’t have the best life before I got him…I hope he was happy with me and Chubs for the very short time he was with us. Binky free my sweet sweet boy I’m so sorry I couldn’t get you better.

      • Monkeybun
        10479 posts Send Private Message

          Oh no I am so so so sorry

          Binky free, Comet. Watch over Chubs and your Mama from the other side of the bridge.


        • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
          617 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks Monkey I can’t stop crying. I’m worried about Chubs…what do I do for him? I hate to think of him being here alone when I can’t be home.

          • Monkeybun
            10479 posts Send Private Message

              Do you have a stuffed toy he can snuggle with? That might help

            • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
              617 posts Send Private Message

                I will try that. Thank you.

                I wanted to add a couple of my favorite pictures….

                RIP my little Comet <3 <3



              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  Those are wonderful pictures of him. I love the one of him running towards the camera with his ears flopping in the wind

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh, no. I`m so very, very sorry for the loss of Comet. I know how much you loved him. He was certainly a little cutie. Please take comfort in that you gave him the best life with someone who loved him. (((((Binky Free Little Comet)))))

                    Just make sure to spends lots of extra time with Chubs. Make sure he`s eating and pooping normally. Give him a hug for me.

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh, I’m so sorry about your little Comet. He was lucky to have you and Chubbs. Hugs to you.

                    • tanlover14
                      3617 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so sorry about your bun bun, Comet. I’ve read a lot about bunnies dying and how the other bunny needs to spend “alone” time with the dead bun so they can fully comprehend what happened. It’s supposed to help them get over it and be able to move on. Did he have that time? Or were they separated?

                        I would definitely give him lots of bunny love and time to grieve. And I would definitely get him a stuffed animal to snuggle with! It may help him feel closer to something/someone if they were bonded and give him someone to groom/love.

                        I really hope you can get past his loss. <3 Healing vibes to you and your buns and BINKY FREE Comet! He was lucky to have such a great person who loved him as much as you did.

                      • FrankieFlash
                        1710 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m so sorry for your loss! Hugs to you and chubbs.

                          Binky free comet!

                        • MimzMum
                          8029 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh Jenna, I’m sat here in tears for you and Chubs. Gutted for you.
                            You both tried so hard, but you know he had such a wonderful and loving home with you and Chubs…such a special wee bun…sometimes we fight and fight but our dear ones hear that call and they have to answer.
                            I am so sorry. I will light a candle for Comet, but I am certain he is a bright star lighting the way to Rainbow Bridge.
                            Take time to be with Chubs when you can. Get him that little plushie snuggler for when you aren’t and just be aware that he’s eating and eliminating well. Bunnies grieve in their own ways and it can take some time.
                            Huge hugs for you. Again, I’m so sorry.
                            Binky free, precious Comet. You will be very much missed. :'(

                          • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                            617 posts Send Private Message

                              Thank you guys. I’m having a really hard time to be honest. Can’t seem to stop crying. About to take a nap on the floor with Chubs. The vet was pretty surprised by this and she is running some tests to make sure there is nothing I need to worry about with Chubs. They are having him cremated for me and I’m going to take his ashes somewhere peaceful and pretty. He was only 4 years old which is still so young for a house bunny…I thought he and Chubs would have a lot more years with me. I got Chubs a stuffy today, it’s actually a dog but it’s really soft and got floppy ears so I think it’s okay. He is laying near it but isn’t doing much else with it yet. I also got him some new tunnel cubes and gave him some banana treat this morning with his breakfast. I panicked thinking he wasn’t eating because there was a lot of food left in the bowl before I realized that he ate the half he normally does I gave him the same I always gave them.

                              Anyway, thank you for the thoughts and wishes. Please keep sending them to Chubs so he can move on from this and be okay.

                            • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                              617 posts Send Private Message

                                He just groomed his stuffy…breaks my heart in a million pieces even though I’m glad. He has never taken interest in stuffies before. He is also letting me pet him constantly and just laying…not incredibly chubs-like. He’s feeling s bad as me

                              • MimzMum
                                8029 posts Send Private Message

                                  Poor wee bub. But at least you both have one another to give comfort to. ((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))
                                  I hope the PM results can help give you peace about Comet’s passing.
                                  Thinking of you at this sad time.

                                • Almcv
                                  57 posts Send Private Message

                                    aw im so sorry jenna
                                    breaks my heart to read , tear up alittle

                                  • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                                    617 posts Send Private Message

                                      Thank you again for all the support. Chubs had an episode of diahrea today…I don’t know if it’s stress related because of all of this or not… He has had some normal poos since the vet had me give him som ereglan and gas drops earlier so I’m really really hoping it was just a tummy upset from stress. He seems to be okay otherwise…eating, being his semi-normal self. Maybe slightly more mellow than his normal self. We have an appointment in the morning for a check-up just in case (which I had actually scheduled before this as a precaution). Keep your fingers and paws crossed for him.

                                      On another note, I was thinking about funny antics Comet had today…he was a little piglet disguised as a bunny. He once grabbed the pellet scoop out of my hand and took off with it as I was dumping pellets leaving a trail across the kitchen floor. He loved to do flops and did them all the time…he was crazy about banana but really all food in general. Had to feed him and Chubs multiple times a day so that he didn’t eat all of his food at once or all of Chubs’ food. He absolutely loved to be petted but preferred to be under something like a a box hidey hole. Then he would bunny loaf down for as long as you would sit there and pet him. He had the softest and thickest coat of anybunny I have ever met. He was so very very sweet.

                                      I so wish I hadn’t pushed snooze the couple extra times I did on Tuesday so that I would have spent more time with the bunnies that morning. I hope he didn’t suffer when he passed I keep thinking about that and trying not to. He really seemed okay on Tuesday morning…he ate his breakfast with gusto. He looked like he was flopped over sleeping when I came in but he wasn’t sleeping. I don’t know what that means. Sigh* I miss him.

                                    • jerseygirl
                                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry Jenna. I still remember when you brought Comet home to be a friend for Chubs. Such a cutie!
                                        **Binky Free Comet**

                                        Sending you hugs and lots of nose rubs to Chubs too!

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                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Comet :(