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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Bailey is gone (was: Bailey possibly sick – advice needed please

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    • ScooterandAnnette
      1090 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone, I posted this over in the Q&A section as well but thought I’d post in here as there always seems to be more “action” here.  We’re hoping you can give us some input on Bailey.  We’ll be taking him to the vet tomorrow – even if we thought that his condition was critical the emergency vet doesn’t see rabbits so we couldn’t take him in before then anyway.

         Bailey is 7 1/2 now.  He’s been slowing down a lot lately, and enjoying spending most of his time just lounging around.  But today is different.  Today he’s not eating very much, and what he does eat he’s eating very slowly.  We tried to have a look to see if maybe there was a problem with his teeth (there never has been before) and we’ve noticed that he isn’t opening his jaw very much at all, especially not in comparison to the other buns.  He took a craisin earlier, chewed it a bit and then it fell out of his mouth, still mostly in one piece, just a little chewed.  We’ve given him some critical care.  He was fine this morning with his banana, but we don’t think he’s had much of an interest in hay lately.  He’s been like this the last couple of days – sometimes interested in his pellets, and other times not.

        ETA:  We just gave them a bit of cantaloupe, and he was interested in it and licked at it but didn’t bite into it at all.

        Does this sound like this is old age and getting close to “it”?  Or does it sound more like he’s got a tooth/mouth problem?  Or maybe a side effect of pain from something like arthritis?

        –  Annette

      • equalsign
        220 posts Send Private Message

          I haven’t had a rabbit die of old age, but I think this sounds more like some sort of other problem. My boy was just acting like this the other day and he’s only two. Started slowing down for a couple weeks, then one day he wouldn’t touch his food and stopped pooping.

          I force fed him some Critical Care (with about 1mg of Reglan crushed in) and a little Infant Simethicone. I could feel that it wasn’t a blockage, and it was night time so I didn’t want to wait. I made a fresh plate of veggies available all day and moved it to whatever room he was in. Eventually he started picking at those, and after 2 days he was back to normal.

          It could be molar spurs if it is a teeth related issue. I hear it’s pretty common with older rabbits and that could explain his disinterest in hay (all that chewing would be uncomfortable). That can be a pricey procedure to treat, but isn’t really dangerous if treated. You’d probably need it done every 6-12 months at a cost between 300 and 600 USD. If it’s taken this long for that problem to arise, he might be fine for longer than 12 months with one treatment. I would do bi-annual vet visits to keep track of his teeth if it turns out to be this.

          Based on what you said, I think he’ll be fine. Try not to worry before tomorrow.

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            He may just have a bit of gastric upset. I would try giving him some simethicone. It cant hurt, at least. It could definitely be teeth problems or something like an oral abscess. If you havent been to the vet yet, try to keep him hydrated until you do. Please let us know what the vet says.

            (((((Feel Better Bailey)))))

          • ScooterandAnnette
            1090 posts Send Private Message

              Hi all. Scooter here. Some not-good news. Got up this morning, and Bailey’s teeth grinding is very loud. His right eye is also very swollen and dry, and doesn’t seem to be blinking. He was not interested in their breakfast banana.

              The vet doesn’t open until 8 AM. We fear the worst. I’ve canceled all my appointments for today. We are not sure if he will make it til 8 AM.

              The one good thing we can say, is that he got pissed off at us holding him and wanted down. So he still has some fight!

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Huge vibes to Bailey – please keep us updated. That does not sound good about the right eye…keeping positive that you will make it to the vet soon and find out what is going on with Bailey.

              • ScooterandAnnette
                1090 posts Send Private Message

                  Scooter here. We called the vet right when they opened, and have a 12:30 appointment. Bailey may not make it til then. His condition seems to have stabilized somewhat, although it’s far from good. He is mostly lying there, his teeth grinding is on and off, and he will occasionally try to hop off, possibly to find a quiet place to pass on. His hopping is erratic, he either cannot see or has poor motor control or both.

                  However, he still has some fight because he just charged the dog, who was getting into his face.

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    It makes me wonder if he has an inner ear infection? More vibes for Bailey – don’t give up hope it sounds like he still has some spunk in him.

                  • bunnyfriend
                    2368 posts Send Private Message

                      I don’t really have any advice to offer but I just wanted to send some vibes for Bailey!! I hope he is okay and well get better soon.

                    • ScooterandAnnette
                      1090 posts Send Private Message

                        Annette here. We’re sad to report that Bailey didn’t make it. As with the others, as soon as I’d made arrangements with the vet to take him in, he was gone. He put up quite a fight, but it was just his time. I think he might actually have had a stroke during the night because that entire side of his face was kind of “off”, his eye wasn’t moving at all and he didn’t have the same kind of motor control or reaction on that side. He went fairly quickly, and died with us right there with him.

                        And when Scooter picked him up after he was gone, Bailey’s final act was to pee on him – which is quite fitting because it was also Bailey’s FIRST act when we were looking at him as a baby.

                        Scooter, of course, is berating himself for not taking Bailey in to the vet last week when he started to show less of an interest in food, but I keep telling him that since Bailey was still eating, and drinking, and moving about and being bossy and not showing any signs of pain that the vet would have just said “you’re bringing your senior bunny in because he’s eating slightly less food?” It wasn’t until last night that his eating really became an issue.

                        You know the phrase “quick like a bunny”? It’s true. Bunnies do things quickly. They find places in your heart quickly, and sometimes they’re gone just as quickly. Binky free Bailey, we love you.
                        – Annette

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          Hugs Annette and Scooter – I was hoping for better.

                          I will light a candle for Bailey. I’m glad you were there to comfort him as he passed on.

                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            Scooter & Annette, I’m sorry to be reading of your Bailey passing. You are so right, they get so quickly into the heart! It reminds me to cherish every day we have with them.

                            Binky Free Bailey!

                          • Roberta
                            4355 posts Send Private Message

                            • Quantum
                              286 posts Send Private Message

                                Binky free, Bailey and know that your humans loved you very much.

                                I’m so sorry, Annette.

                              • tobyluv
                                3310 posts Send Private Message

                                  I’m very sorry about the loss of your sweet Bailey.

                                • Monkeybun
                                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                                    So sorry

                                    Binky Free Bailey. Watch over your mama and papa from the other side of the Bridge.

                                  • equalsign
                                    220 posts Send Private Message

                                      Scooter should not be berating himself. In my experience, vets usually cannot identify a problem until it’s really manifested itself. It seems unlikely to me that anything could have been done before last night. Bunnies always seem to fall ill after the vet is closed.

                                      If you think it was something microbial it might be worth it to have the vet take a look, for the sake of your other rabbits.

                                      I am so sorry for your loss. Poor Bailey. I hope you and your family are able to recover from the loss soon.

                                    • MimzMum
                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry to see that Bailey has passed on.
                                        ((((((((Huge hugs))))))))))))) to you.
                                        Binky free Bailey.

                                      • bullrider76543
                                        1288 posts Send Private Message

                                          We went through this a short time ago with Donna christopher( don’t ask me Ihave a weird 18 yo). He was very underweight when we got him, but gained weight and was diong well. we left him and he was fine when we left and came back a fwe hours later and he passed on. we knew it wasnt long cause his body was still warm. the vet couldnt find anything wrong. but at least he is at peace across the rainbow bridge, so my heart goes out to your famly.

                                        • bunnyfriend
                                          2368 posts Send Private Message

                                            I am so sorry. It does sound like Bailey put up a good fight. Lots of hugs to you. Binky free Bailey

                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                              Im so very sorry you lost Bailey. May he always be in your heart.

                                              ((((Binky Free Sweet Bailey))))))

                                            • FrankieFlash
                                              1710 posts Send Private Message

                                                I’m so sorry for your loss. ((Binky free Bailey))

                                              • tanlover14
                                                3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I’m so sorry for your loss of Bailey. <3 Hope you guys recover quickly, like everyone has mentioned — they sure do have a quick way of moving into your hearts.

                                                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Ohhh Annette & Scooter!! I’m so sorry!!! I was just reading your other thread and it didn’t sound like anything was terribly wrong and then I couldn’t believe the link was leading me to this part of the forum. I’m so sad to hear this **HUGS** to you both. It sounds like it was just his time to go, and you are right, they do leave us so quickly. {{{Binky Free Bailey}}}

                                                  • chromashadows
                                                    39 posts Send Private Message

                                                      My baby just died today. Just a few minutes ago. I know your pain. I bet ours are binkying together right now <3 <3 <3

                                                    • ScooterandAnnette
                                                      1090 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Scooter here.  Thank you to everyone for your kind words, they are a comfort.  We have taken Bailey’s death a lot harder than other pets we’ve lost.  In large part, this is because Bailey was the very first pet we got as a couple.  We basically fell in love with him the minute we saw him, and the next thing we knew, he was on his way home!


                                                        We brought him home one last time today.  His ashes are in the little urn that also contain those of Reno and Keiran, two of our other bridge bunnies.  His are in a plastic bag (in case the urn is dropped and broken), on top of the bag that contains Reno’s.  This is quite appropriate, given how Bailey and Reno first met!  See this thread for details….we think the little guy is pretty pleased with this turn of events!


                                                        We’ve bought a little photo book and printed out some pictures of Bailey over the years in remembrance, and will figure out how to include the clippings of his fur that we saved after he had passed.  His coloring reminded us of Bailey’s Irish Cream, hence his name.  And it is good to have him home, to provide some closure. 


                                                        Here are some pictures of him in better times:


                                                        –At 9 weeks of age, the day we brought him home for the first time;


                                                        –In our backyard one spring day with the other bunnies in their X-pen;


                                                        –Finally, on the dining room throw-rug, 2 weeks before he passed, where he is doing his favorite thing:  lounging.  It was really hard to tell how much he was slowing down over the last year or so, since he was such a lazy bunny and just loved to relax.  (That’s his cagemate Tegan next to him).


                                                        Binky free Bailey.  We love you.

                                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                          He was truly beautiful and so lucky to have you.

                                                        • tanlover14
                                                          3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                            He was such a gorgeous bunny! He was lucky to have such a loving home and family throughout his life and when he passed. <3 Binky Free, Bailey!

                                                          • Chesters Mommy
                                                            94 posts Send Private Message

                                                              So sorry for your loss 

                                                            • RabbitPam
                                                              11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I love those pix of Bailey. He was so lucky to have his forever home with you, and he will be in your hearts forever as well.
                                                                {{{{{{Hugs, you guys}}}}}}}}}}}

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                                                            Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Bailey is gone (was: Bailey possibly sick – advice needed please