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› Forum › HABITATS AND TOYS › Do you have a Bunny Condo???
Hey everyone!!
I think it would be a great idea to get a thread going with pics of everyones bunny condos/living area/room where there bunny lives. I think this would be great to do for people who need new ideas for there bunny condo or just for people to see and enjoy.
Heres my buns condo, it is 3 grids long by 2 grids wide and 3 grids high with a bottom, middle and top level!
* i also have an outdoor hutch for him that i put him out in on days that im outside doing stuff like swimming or working in the yard. Note: it is in a shady spot and in my dog pen away from other animals and hes only out for a few hours max.
Whats yours look like?
Awesome 3 levels. Thats a great setup. My buns just have big rectangle condos. Not very exciting. I tried to come up with some ideas for levels but I think they would chew any materials Id use.
Bunjamin is a spoiled only-bunny and he has to travel with me to my parents house often so he has TWO condos. They’re basically identical though. And he now has a pen (thank you parents for the awesome bday gift) at my parents house because he’s now upstairs and he wouldn’t get as much out-of-condo time without it
His condo at my house (this pic also shows “his” closet/room):
His condo at my parents house (before moved upstairs)
This is the best pic I could get of his pen. It’s twice the size of what you see in the picture at least with an old rug under it for binkies!
Esarv, How did you get you condo supported for 3 levels? I eventually plan to expand bunjamin’s space but can’t figure out a practical way to get support for a third shelf
Thats awesome condo. Wish Brittany liked the levels i offered her. But shes not much of a jumper. So she just has a single 2×3.
FF- All the levels in todds cage are supported with wooden dowels going through the center cross wise. And then they are alll just zip tied up and then have a peice of card board and then carpet on them.
LPT- you would be surprised that they tend to leave the carpet alone. When i first got the carpet i sprayed it with fooie which is sorta like bitter apple and he doesnt bother with it and i made sure i got carpet that was tight and not easy to rip out, its like woven carpet.
Dowel rods are amazing!
FrankieFlash, it looks like bunjamin has really taken over your closet
Here is my Diva’s condo. The door is always open, as she is a free range bunny in a rabbit proofed apartment. Spoiled brat.
I used to have a condo for my girls, but took it down recently-ish when i moved the buns around. I’ll probably build a new one for the boys when they finally bond, as Smudge wasn’t fond of levels anyway. She was too scared to jump down
Without the buns:
With the buns, investigating new stuffs.:
Yup I do, this is from when i first made it, it now has a hay rack type thing xD
gah, couldnt get the picture to work heres the picture: click here
I do now! Boyfriend got ambitious over the holiday weekend. Don’t task an engineer with building your bun’s condo, or you end up with an obnoxiously large bunny palace. No takers for the third level yet, but I think they’ll get there soon. Liam spends tons of time on the second floor. I’ve added sticky rug tiles for better gripping, and lengthened the second floor ramp to make it less steep. An x pen is attached, so they have a big front yard too. Spoiled monsters.
Wow i love everyones bunny condos everyones is differnt but very awesome its great to know we have such great bunny owners in this world who take GREAT care of there bun buns!
Here’s Lola’s condo…I posed it earlier so here’s the instructions if you are looking for ideas to start building ( Also, I’d like to add make sure if you are carpeting your buns condo not to use carpeting that is “looped” (so you want a cut pile carpeting). I never even thought of it but the lady at Home Depot said lots of people buy carpeting to make cat scratching posts and their nails can get stuck and torn-off (ouch!) in the looped — I’m so glad she suggested it because everyone knows bunnies can resist the urge every now and then to dig!
bmt87 where did you get the big purple tray from. I have been looking for one?
It’s actually the bottom to her baby cage (the size XXL Super Pet My First Home). We built a little shelf/ledge on the back to accomodate the size difference for a 3×2 NIC condo and just set the grids on top of it. It has worked PERFECTLY.
Here is the mega fortress NIC condo that I built for my 2 big buns, its 4x6x2, and I was planning on putting in more shelves, but since the two have decided to bond themselves, I might make it smaller and just let them free roam my bedroom.
Here are my bunny condo’s. I have had two. The first one is the one I have now and the second is my old one. They are never shut in their cage.
My new condo.
My old one.
OMG I am learning SO MUCH from this group! Clearly the cage I got for my bun is only going to be adequate for a short while longer… I want to try to build this …. …. however I am NOT crafty. I think I’ll have to get the supplies and recruit my dad to come over and help me construct this thing :/
Here are my bunnies condo! I’ve had it for quite a while now and it is still holding strong! Not sagging like the other one I made a while back. The room setup has changed a bit (and I havn’t gotten an update picture. But the condo is the same
Posted By kamdynandsunshinesmom on 05/29/2012 10:18 AM
bmt87 where did you get the big purple tray from. I have been looking for one?
I use one of those roll-under-the-bed bins. I put the litterbox in there so they don’t track hay and poopies everywhere.
MW, I was so excited to see that cardboard tube in your pic! I’ve been looking for one for my buns and I googled it so now I know where I can get one! Did you buy yours at a store or online?
Haha Thanks! I bought my tube at the store, at home depot! Yeah they are nice, the buns love it! and they store nicely upright!
This is my bunny Scribbles’ condo. It’s 2x3x4 with 4 levels. He loves it!
I love everyone’s condos. I think I will have to make one when Twig & Spelda are bonded.
I always feel that i want to make todds condo bigger bc it can never be good enough LOL but i thinnk my parents would call me crazy…..
How did you find your original condo? I am looking at doing something similar with an old cabinet. I like the idea of the barn doors that open the whole thing making it easy for cleaning etc. vs. the NIC cube condos. Thought I should ask someone for their feedback that has already used the two types.
Hey, I went to Home Depot the other day and bought two of the 8 inch tubes! My buns are crazy about them! So thankful for the info on them! They go in and dig and play and don’t want to come out! Thanks again!
Is it expensive to make a bunny condo? I have a bunch of x-pens but I really like the bunny condo look and I feel like the bunnies would like to hope around those more. I could make a section that is a bunny condo and still have the x-pens set up (when the buns are bonded) too but I am worried it will cost me my whole wallet. The ones I’ve seen only come with like 6 or 8 pieces and they are like $20. I don’t know how to set them up or anything so I don’t know how many I would need. Does anyone have a website I can buy the panels on? I don’t think my wal-mart carries them. I’ve seen similar items at bed bath and beyond. Haven’t really looked at target. What do you think? Also, where do you get the carpet to put on the ramps? How do you make the ramps? Do they even need ramps?
I got my nic cubes at target and they were 20 bucks a box and i got two boxes. and for the bottom of my cage i used the bottom of a dog crate. i dont have ramps in my buns cage he just hopps level to level. For the levels though i put down card board and then carped ontop (got the carpet at walmart). Then inorder for the levels to be strong you have to get wooden dowls to put under them. The cage is put together with zip ties and thats about it. If you have any more questions let me know.!!!
Awesome thanks! I think I am going to try making one of these once the buns are bonded.
Hi guys, I’m new here–but I thought I’d share my bun’s condo with y’all! Quinn’s condo is a 3x2x3 condo with NIC cubes that I got from target. Some of the cubes did have rather large grids but I covered the important sections with carpet so my little girl didn’t get any ideas about going through them. The smaller grid sections I used for the bottom area, and it worked great! She loves to hang out in there even when the door is open!
FancyQuinn, I love yours! We bought the same things from Target to build our bunny condo and have been having some … issues … with figuring out the best things to use! Where did you get your carpet for the bottom? We totally love your idea!
Posted By tanlover14 on 06/30/2012 07:30 PM
FancyQuinn, I love yours! We bought the same things from Target to build our bunny condo and have been having some … issues … with figuring out the best things to use! Where did you get your carpet for the bottom? We totally love your idea!
Thanks, tanlover (and thanks for the welcome over at my intro thread, lol)! Yeah, those target ones can be sort of troublesome, but I honestly couldn’t find any other store that sold them, so I had to make do. I got the carpet at a really good price at Lowes. It was a huge amount, I think 7’x8′ or some other large amount for about $20. It is outdoor carpet so the pile is very low, and also sort of waterproof? It reminds me of the carpet in elementary school, actually. I bet you could buy it off the giant rolls of carpet they have at any home improvement stores for a decent price, too-even if they don’t have it pre-packaged like I got it. Hope that helps!
Thanks so much! It’s really helpful!
So… we FINALLY built a bunny condo that we LOVE!
Thank Goodness for this thread! We took a lot of ideas from here and our buns love it! Here’s some pictures and thanks for all the great ideas guys!!!!
TL: those buns are adorable. I DEMAND more pics.
Here is my little guy lounging in his condo…
It is up on wheels for ease of cleaning and to quickly move it around the room so I may access my utility closet…and is up off the ground in case the water-heater or AC have any leaking issues. It is on my first floor and, to the right of the photo, out of frame, are floor to ceiling windows looking at the front garden.
We have three codos in our living room.
I wonder what the boys would think of a condo like one of these. They look so neat! They have never been caged since I got them. I’ve always let them be fairly free roam of at least one whole room, all the time. I think Chubs would still be very unhappy about being restricted but maybe not…I may have to try making one of these!
OMG. So many people have soooo many HUGE ones — BullRider, 3!?!?!?! Holy crap! Spoiled little rascals! How many buns do you have? Are they all separated and just a few bonded?? Sorry for all the questions! We just bonded our little guys — for the sake of not having three cages to clean and built them the condo so they’d have more room being in one cage together.
Jenna, Chubs, & Comet — I bet they would still love it! Our buns LOVE the levels since they didn’t have that many different areas to jump through around our house. You could even build them a condo but have them free-roam still, give them a little place to call their own! But interesting enough — our buns wouldn’t even come out of it for like the first two days even though they’ve always loved their playtime outside their cages. It was funny. Like they thought if they left they wouldn’t be able to go back in or something. hahaha.
Can I just ask what people are using for ramps? I’m re doing our condo and can’t work out what to use, sorry for bringing up and old thread!
We just got a piece of wood cut to size from Home Depot and then carpeted it in the indoor-outdoor carpet — worked perfectly for us and they loved it.
Posted By Stitchntwinks on 08/25/2012 12:44 PM
Can I just ask what people are using for ramps? I’m re doing our condo and can’t work out what to use, sorry for bringing up and old thread!
I used a wooden plank that my dad cut out and then some wooden slabs for the buns to grab onto when they go up and down. I had to glue them on though. If you have a short enough nail you may be able to use that? Not sure.
MY ENTIRE livingroom is Yeti territory. his personal touch is all over it. (bits of hay.. rogue poops, lost pellets and toys)
he’s only closed in his cage at bedtime and hes back out in the open by 6am SO! he’s quite wild.
here are a couple of pics .
*see the top left corner.. Yeti playing hide n’ dont-you-dare-sneak
*yeti’s area to go after the bigger badder things in life.
I have what is probably going to be a dumb question, regarding levels, jumping, and bunny size.
I haven’t owned a rabbit since I was about 14 (and I am now 31, which is depressing, but that’s another story), and I’m currently in the process of stalking petfinder to find one to bring into our little family. In the meantime, I am putting together my condo (a triple level, 2×4 C&C cage) so that it’s all ready to go when I finally find the right bunny.
The bun I’m currently eyeballing (and have inquired about) is a jersey wooly, which, from my understanding, is on the smaller side of the rabbit spectrum.
Now here’s the Dumb Question part of my post: if I end up with an oompa loompa-sized rabbit, will it be able to easily jump the 14″ to the next level of grids, or would it be better if I installed a ramp? I’m assuming it’ll be able to make the jump, but thought I better ask since I’m pretty much a bunny noob at this point.
Sorry if this has been asked/posted about before. I’ve been reading through the forum, but haven’t come across this info yet.
my Yeti is a teeny tiny lionhead cross with jersey wooley and he can JUUUUUUMP. BUT! a ramp is always a good idea because jumping can be dangerous no matter what the height is. so i definitely suggest a ramp.
Oh boy, I’m glad I asked. Otherwise I would have just chucked him in there and wished him good luck and godspeed.
Ramps it is! Once I get the coroplast and get the rest of the cage put together, I’ll post pictures.
I’ve made C&C cages before for guinea pigs, so I’m no stranger to how big they can get (I used to have two 2x5s and a 2×4 in my dining room when I was fostering), but something about this multi-level cage just makes it seem SO much more massive to me. I walked past the cage skeleton this morning on my way to the kitchen, and literally stopped to stare at it for a minute with a “” look on my face.
My husband thinks I’ve lost my mind. I’m not entirely sure that he’s wrong.
oh yeti cage is always getting bigger which is totally un necessary because hes totally free range but i find bun owners just cant help themselves!
you’re not crazy.. there are some HUGE cages out there. after a certain point i wouldnt call them cages anymore.. more of a “wildlife enclosure”
Okay here is my bunny condo… It is split into two different small ones because i have two non bonded bunnies. On the bottom is Molly and on the top is Izzy. There a 3 levels for each rabbit. I have a xpen that i let them out seperately in 2-3 hours a day they absolutley LOVE it!!!
Is it alright that I revive this thread?
I’m so excited about my bunny condo arriving today that I just had to! I got the Petworks Bunny Abode 2-level condo. I live in Manhattan so space is a precious commodity. I originally gave them their own room in the 2nd bedroom of my apartment, but my landlord had a HUGE issue with it, so we compromised and managed to not get kicked out, lol. I think Skittles and Ginger are OK with it though! I’m still in the process of accessory shopping to make their condo super cute, and have a large x-pen for the rest of the living room on the way. Any ideas for home improvements?
We ask that you don’t bump up threads older than a month or two. Feel free to start a new thread with your pictures and questions.
I’m going to lock this one.
› Forum › HABITATS AND TOYS › Do you have a Bunny Condo???