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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Bunny has passed away

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    • equalsign
      220 posts Send Private Message

         Can’t sleep and decided to post to just vent a little. My rabbit Bunny had to have her bottom incisors removed due to infection a couple months ago. The bottom of one of them had actually rotted away by a few millimeters.


        Unfortunately her abscess came back and has spread to some of her molars. Going in to get at least one (most likely two) removed tomorrow. I wasn’t at the vet for this appointment, but our vet apparently showed my girlfriend with the scope an open sore next to one of the molars. That and her chin are both leaking puss. She’s going to be on antibiotics and pain meds for a long time. Luckily, she is our tough bunny and I know she can get through this.


        I’m just freaking out because of the long term health complications all of this has for her. Has anyone had any experiences with molar extraction? What does this mean for my rabbit? Are the differences not going to be too big after the changes of incisor extraction? Has anyone had success stopping dental abscesses?


        How should I handle the situation with her bonded partner? Should I seperate them except when I can watch them until she heals a bit? I’m worried about him trying to groom the surgery wound. He freaked out when we brought her home from the incisor extraction and her chin was sewn open. At that time they were not living together, so I did not observe what he actually would have done. Should I switch them to water bottles instead of water dishes? Is there any risk of reinfection from the water dishes?


        Thanks everyone.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          My rabbit Bobby has had a few molars extracted due to abscesses and infection. What type of antibiotics is she on? My vet did pen-g injections for Bobby and that was successful in eventually stopping the infection along w/the molar extractions.

          I do take Bobby regularly though (about every 4 months) for a regular dental trim and dental check-up. Because of his molar extractions he does get molar spurs because the teeth aren’t growing as they should.

          I feed him normally but do shredded carrots for him.

          I would not separate Bunny from her partner at all as long as he doesn’t act aggressive – she probably needs his support during the healing. As for bottles vs crocks, I don’t think it matters at all – Bobby drinks from a dish with no problem, I think as well, it’s just more natural.

          Vibes to Bunny. Please keep us updated.

        • equalsign
          220 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By Sarita on 01/04/2012 05:53 AM
            My rabbit Bobby has had a few molars extracted due to abscesses and infection. What type of antibiotics is she on? My vet did pen-g injections for Bobby and that was successful in eventually stopping the infection along w/the molar extractions.

            I do take Bobby regularly though (about every 4 months) for a regular dental trim and dental check-up. Because of his molar extractions he does get molar spurs because the teeth aren’t growing as they should.

            I feed him normally but do shredded carrots for him.

            I would not separate Bunny from her partner at all as long as he doesn’t act aggressive – she probably needs his support during the healing. As for bottles vs crocks, I don’t think it matters at all – Bobby drinks from a dish with no problem, I think as well, it’s just more natural.

            Vibes to Bunny. Please keep us updated.

            Thanks for the info! Bunny’s on Baytril. We’ve got an apple flavored, compounded solution waiting for us at the vet’s office. I was going to ask you guys about pen-g shots, but I was afraid of the answer I’d get. Wildly afraid of needles myself.

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              I’m not fond of needles either. I’ve given many pen-g shots to rabbits though. From what I understand with rabbits is that they have less nerve endings around the shoulder area which is where I give fluids or shots – it’s also easier to tent that skin on a larger rabbit.

              If your rabbit is a smaller rabbit, doing anything with a needle is harder (at least in my opinion).

              Pen-g shots though are great for abscesses because generally abscesses are hard to “cure” and pen-g seems to be very effective.

            • equalsign
              220 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By Sarita on 01/04/2012 09:11 AM
                I’m not fond of needles either. I’ve given many pen-g shots to rabbits though. From what I understand with rabbits is that they have less nerve endings around the shoulder area which is where I give fluids or shots – it’s also easier to tent that skin on a larger rabbit.

                If your rabbit is a smaller rabbit, doing anything with a needle is harder (at least in my opinion).

                Pen-g shots though are great for abscesses because generally abscesses are hard to “cure” and pen-g seems to be very effective.

                Thank you for the advice Sarita. I’m asking my vet about the pen-g shots when I get the chance to talk to him. He was not there yet when we had to drop Bunny off this morning. I think he mentioned them as a possibility last time, but I forgot to ask when I had the opportunity to speak with him a week ago. Bunny’s a little over 4lbs, though she’s big for a holland lop. Hopefully it won’t be too difficult.

              • equalsign
                220 posts Send Private Message

                   This should be moved to the rainbow bridge. Bunny died today during surgery. Sincerely, I loved her more than anyone else in my life and this is very hard for me.


                  I don’t think I could bear bringing her body home for Mr. Bunbun to see unless it is very recommended.


                  Does anyone have any advice for services? I was considering the lop necklace here if we decide to cremate her:



                  Still looking for a pet cemetary.


                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh hugs, I will move this for you.

                    I’m so sorry, it’s hard to be hopeful and then lose then.

                  • Sam and Lady's Human
                    2001 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no, I’m so sorry

                    • LBJ10
                      17058 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that Bunny didn’t make it. Poor little thing. =(

                        I do like that necklace. I have been looking for something for my cat. We had him cremated at the humane society, it was only $80 there. Does your vet have somewhere they use/recommend? Otherwise, you might check with the humane society, they might provide a service there.

                      • SirThumpsey
                        539 posts Send Private Message

                          OMgosh I’m so sorry. I was shocked when I saw this. I’m sorry that you have had to go through this.

                          It’s been reccommended to let the partner sniff the bunny that has passed on because it helps them cope. If you don’t he may go “looking” for her…which could be tough for both of you. It’s really up to you though.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m so very sorry for the loss of Bunny. My heart goes out to you. I know what it’s like to love a bunny so very much. **Hugs**

                            (((((Binky Free Sweet Bunny))))

                          • Cassi&Charlie
                            1260 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m so sorry that this has happened! Poor Bunny. Binky Free Bunny.

                            • equalsign
                              220 posts Send Private Message

                                 We did end up taking Mr. Bunbun with us to the vet. For some reason I didn’t think of it until my girlfriend suggested it. Seeing her like that freaked him out, but he has closure. He’s been extremely reclusive and sad, but I think he’ll pull through.


                                We decided to have her cremated through the service the vet contracts and will have her ashes in a few weeks. I loved her so much. I wish things had ended differently. There were still so many places I wanted to show her. Thank you all for your support.



                              • Monkeybun
                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                  So sorry for your loss Bunny has a wonderful life with you, and knew you cared for her deeply.

                                  Binky Free Bunny, watch over your Mama and Daddy from across the Bride.

                                • bunnyfriend
                                  2368 posts Send Private Message

                                     I am so sorry Binky free Bunny! You guys obviously cared about her very much and I’m sure she could feel it.

                                  • RabbitPam
                                    11002 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oh, Brent, I am so sorry.
                                      It’s fortunate that you were able to give Mr. Bunbun closure. He needs your comfort now for a few weeks, but spending extra time with him will bring you comfort as well.

                                      {{{{{{{{Binky Free, Bunny}}}}}}}}}}

                                    • lashkay
                                      1548 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry! Bunny had a wonderful life with you!

                                      • jerseygirl
                                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                                          Oh gosh I’m so sorry. : (
                                          It may small blessing perhaps, but she slipped away while sleeping so their wouldn’t have been pain at least.

                                          Peace {{{Vibes}}} for you, your partner and Mr BunBun.

                                          Binky Free Bunny!

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                                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Bunny has passed away