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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Could use support/advice

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    • FrankieFlash
      1710 posts Send Private Message

        Bunjamin is about 5 months old and is a very happy Bun. But lately, there’s been issues that I know could be related to the fact that he isn’t neutered yet. The vet said she would like to wait until he is at least 3 lbs to fix. Me and bf just tried to weigh him and it said he was 2.24 lbs. The vet appointment a month ago was either 2.6 lbs or 2 lbs 6 ounces. But either way, he’s either not gaining very much weight or he’s losing weight.

        I’m worried about this. Also, I’m kinda stressing out. He’s had two pee accidents near his litter box (both orange colored) and I can’t figure out if he’s marking or if he’s missing the box. Has anyone found a full-size or small cat sized litter box with high edges on one end of it? he’s currently using just standard cat litter box. (I couldn’t find picture). But these are his first pee accidents EVER.

        He’s also not “home” right now. We’ve been staying at my parents over break and its actually better that the accidents happened here because my parents own whereas I rent.

        I also seem to have irritated my knee (the one with 3 previous surgeries) because it woken up painful and as my med-school sister said something something adema (swelling). So as I’m trying to help clean and cook for my parent’s party tonight it’s becomming increasingly harder and I was about to cry when I got home from exhaughsting trip of limping through grocery store to find Bunji had peed on superyard and cardboard right next to his litterbox. Luckily it didn’t soak through to carpet like the other night but I had just made a bunch of adjustments to his diet. Less treats like carrots and cranberries which I know can cause orange pee.

        Any advice or kind words would be greatly appreciated. I don’t really know where to go from here but I’ve already forgave him after I finished cleaning he did circles around me binkying. Then continue to make everyone in the family fall in love with him because anyone who entered my room got circles and binkys and if there was more than one person in the room it was figure 8s.

      • RabbitPam
        11002 posts Send Private Message

          Hi, I’m on right now so I’ll say first, what my best friend always tells me: breathe. 1234, breathe. that’s it.

          Seriously, first, if he’s doing binkies then he’s basically fine. A change in environment for these little creatures of habit is often the cause for a change or misbehavior. Next, a change in diet will bring on a bit of digestive issues as well, so he may be reacting to both. Orange pee is normal. I would give him a supper of gentle greens, plus his regular hay and pellets and water. For treats, if you have bunny type treats those are the healthiest, but a bit of apple or banana is fine too. Let him play with everyone, but give him his supper and a regular bed time so he can be cozy in his house and near his litter pan for the rest of the evening.

          I am a bit concerned about the bigger issue of his weight and neuter, so I wonder if you could look up vets that are local to your parents’ home and take him in to see one next week? If there is a rabbit savvy vet nearby, you may get a second opinion on his health and size. I don’t know how far you traveled from home but if that vet is more comfortable with bunnies, you might even be able to arrange his neuter if you like the vet better. A more experienced rabbit vet will be more comfortable with a smaller bunny. But if there is something going on to cause weight loss combined with the pee accidents and color, it would be good to know soon.

          And since he binkies right now, cross him off your list of worries tonight, take some strong pain killers (I like that Arthritis Tylenol stuff for my knees) and put your legs up. Wishing you and Bunjamin a happy and healthier New Year.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            He may not get much larger than he is now, but smaller breeds of rabbits have been successfully spay/neutered countless times. Wanting to wait until he is 3 pounds, IMO, seems to indicate the vet’s “uncomfortableness” (my word!) with the procedure, so I would seek out another vet.

          • Sam and Lady's Human
            2001 posts Send Private Message

              I second Beka, at 5 months he’s gained near his maximum weight, he may not get to that 3lb minimum. Can you find another vet?

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                He may not ever reach 3 lbs as other BBer’s have stated. My rabbit Bobby is only about 1 1/2 pounds and he was neutered with no problems. I would see out another vet if possible.

              • KytKattin
                1195 posts Send Private Message

                  Keep in mind that different scales can give different weights. He might still be about the same weight, it is just your scales read different. If in doubt, have the vet weigh him again on the same scale. Most clinics will do this for free!

                  I think everyone else covered your other concerns.

                • bunnyfriend
                  2368 posts Send Private Message

                    My vet spays/neuters guinea pigs, which most are definitely under 3 pounds. I echo everyone else in that your vet seems to not be very comfortable with rabbits in general. A great way to determine if a vet is rabbit savvy is to ask them the questions that are listed on the House Rabbit Society’s website (just search “spay” in their search box and the page is the first result). They also have a list of reccomended rabbit vets. At 5 months he is ready to be neutered.

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      Scales vary-so if one weight was taken at home-the recent one; and the other was taken at the vet, I’d not worry at all. Scales-even the ones in doctor’s offices are very different.
                      That said if they were on the same scale, that might be worth looking into but again, weigh at the same time of day in a typical enviornment. It’s a good idea to weigh regularly anyways and then you’ll know if there is some fluctuation. Could be a full bunny who has to pee vs. one who has not eaten in a few hours and/or just peed.

                      Now *hugs* for the trouble-I know that ‘it’s one thing after another one’ type of day/week etc. He could also be weeing because he’s in a new envionrment so perhaps while he’s at your mom’s you could cut down his area he’s allowed to be in, supervise closer and/or provide another litter box (preferably where he had the accident).

                    • FrankieFlash
                      1710 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks everyone. It makes me feel better to have so many people share their concern. I found my vet through the great lakes rabbit sanctuary so I know she’s done plenty of spay/neuters so I’m unsure if I should see a new vet or not. We go home tuesday so I might give them call if orange pee continues even with the diet rabbitpam suggested which is what he mainly gets. I’m pretty sure he’s okay though because of how happy he is and how well he’s eating hay and stuff.

                      • LBJ10
                        16999 posts Send Private Message

                          Our vet asked if we wanted to wait for Wooly to be a bit bigger, but I don’t think it was a sign that they were uncomfortable. We just weren’t in a huge hurry and it seemed better to have him a little bigger since he was such a little guy. He was just over 2 lbs when we had him neutered at 10 months.

                          How accurate was the weight you got? Sometimes when they are moving around, it can cause an inaccurate measurement. Scales can be different too. I have a postage scale at home but it seems the vet’s scale is more accurate.

                        • FrankieFlash
                          1710 posts Send Private Message

                            I used my kitchen scale I use for postage. I don’t think it’s super accurate. I trust vet scale more. I think you bring up a good
                            Point about the vet. She already knew I wasn’t in a hurry to get him fixed bc he wasn’t very hormonal and still isn’t and I told her I’m waiting until we find new place in August to consider getting him a friend possibly.

                          • Monkeybun
                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                              Agreed, he may never get to 3lbs. My Monkey was spayed at 1.5lbs, so your boy should be fine with a neuter at 2.whatever. lol.

                              Ask your vet if it is possible, if she says no, call around for a second opinion. It is your right to ask other vets

                            • Sarita
                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                I wonder if she didn’t realize he was a smaller rabbit. I’m sure if she does the rabbits for Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary she is very experienced. I would call and discuss it with her again.

                              • FrankieFlash
                                1710 posts Send Private Message

                                  I think I will call her Monday or Tuesday, whichever day I get home. I want to schedule another consultation before I hand him over to be fixed :/

                                • FrankieFlash
                                  1710 posts Send Private Message

                                    OH and sarita, I just remembered how they said they don’t see a lot of young rabbits because their primary customers are rabbits from the sanctuary so you could be right on the nose about that. When me and the bf went to the sanctuary a few weeks ago to donate veggies, there was none that I saw that were bunjamin’s size. So it’s most likely just a rarity for her to see one so small.

                                  • RabbitPam
                                    11002 posts Send Private Message

                                      With the info. you’ve added, I would agree about calling the vet again on Tuesday. Just mention that you think it would be better to get it done now, after all, rather than waiting until after the move. I also think that is a better plan for you, too, because now he will recover in familiar surroundings. Then, if you still want another you can take him to have bunny dates without risk. (You mean you’re moving in august 2012, right?)

                                      But no harm in finding a second vet near you, just in case.

                                    • FrankieFlash
                                      1710 posts Send Private Message

                                        yes. We’ve decided we’re not going to renew our lease in august. And my mom’s already on board to watch him at her house while we move so he won’t be stressed by that (and mainly won’t overheat in the hot temperatures). And I’m adding it to my list to call the vet tomorrow. I’m going to insist on a consultation before hand though. I have a list of vets who treat rabbits in our area but I chose her based and online reviews and recommendations. Depending on what they say when she calls, I might have to find another one. Thank you everyone for the advice. My boyfriend squealed a little when I told him Bunjamin won’t be getting too much bigger.

                                      • Elrohwen
                                        7318 posts Send Private Message

                                          I saw this one kind of late, but just wanted to say I hope your knee is feeling better! You got some great advice about the neuter and his size shouldn’t be a problem at all if you find a vet comfortable with it.

                                        • FrankieFlash
                                          1710 posts Send Private Message

                                            thanks! I just made my knee worse easily by taking my sister to the mall but I’ve put in calls to the doc and I’m on ice And tomorrow- I call the vet!

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                                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Could use support/advice