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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Our rabbits are not a rabbit they are the rabbit!

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        I know this is a silly post but I just have to say it. My dad always says that my bun is a rabbit. But I always say to him that he is the rabbit cause he belongs to me, he is my own special bunny that I take care of, when you get a rabbit and it becomes part of the family, isn’t it the family rabbit. And the bunny that you all love? Don’t you agree? What are your rabbit called, what do you call them?

      • Stickerbunny
        4128 posts Send Private Message

          Pft, mine aren’t the rabbit or a rabbit, they are master and mistress hehe but yes, no pet is ever “just a X” when you love it

        • flopsydobinkies
          53 posts Send Private Message

            My bunny girl is known around here as The Flops. Rarely do we use her actual name (Flopsy). So when I come home from class at five: “Hey, sweetie, did you give The Flops her salad?” When she’s being bratty: “The Flops is digging out her litterbox again.” She is one-of-a-kind! <3

          • Silly Sungura
            451 posts Send Private Message

              I agree.They’re never just “a rabbit.”

              My DH does a lot of his work from home, and when he comes out of his office he has to pass through Hodari’s room. She just sleeps during the afternoon usually, but I always ask him “How’s my little one?” or “What’s my baby doing?” Other versions of the same questions are peppered with words like “sweetie” and “cutie pie,” or whatever. Even DH does it. We just bought her a ton of stuff for Christmas. When I told DH how much we spent, he shrugged and said, with total sincerity: “That’s okay, she’s our little darling!” Lol. I could NOT believe he used such a mushy, girly word as “darling”!!! He usually teases me if I am being even a little gushy. Just goes to show how much charm and influence a bunny has!

              So, yeah, Hodari gets called all these very sugary terms of endearment much of the time. In addition to “Booger,” and her actual name, that is.

            • kralspace
              2663 posts Send Private Message

                I’ve noticed that almost everyone here changes from “rabbits’ to ‘bunnies’ quickly after being owned.

                We call our first bun (the lovely Pringles) the Queen.
                Toby is ‘that sneaky little catfood snitch’, Daisy’s the Shy One and Dammitcharlie is pretty self explanatory.

              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  I can’t call mine The Rabbit, as I have 4 of them, and they’d get jealous

                • kinggoblin
                  416 posts Send Private Message

                    I call my Goblin “my little boy” more than anything =S Maybe I have issues XD Like when he runs up to the edge of his pen when I come in the kitchen I am all “what is my little boy doing, do you want something yummy??”

                    I call him Goblin when he is acting like one though and being naughty! Which he does so often.

                  • peppypoo
                    1945 posts Send Private Message

                      Peppy and Milo go by “the bunnas” collectively, “bunna girl/boy”, or sometimes “dem fuzzy bunna butts”.  Remy is just Remy, but my mom can’t quite say his name correctly so it turns out to be something like “Lemmy” half the time, haha.

                      I had a hamster when I was younger, and my dad only ever referred to her as “that mouse”…just the type of guy he is. Tammo and Remy have never been called by name and he still refers to them as “that rabbit”, but even he lies on his stomach on the living room floor after dinner to talk to and pet “that rabbit” .

                    • Jessica Rabbit
                      72 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh, quickly it goes from “a” rabbit to “the” rabbit(s) to the buns.
                        Harvey is still Buzz Buzz sometimes, or fuzz buzz, buzz b. bun, humpy, binky monster, lopsy,and sometimes, when he’s spent enough time annoying DH, “you little a*hole”.
                        Jack is Jackalope most often, but also action bastard, flopsy, lord binkerton, and foot-flicks mcgee.

                        I catch DH using terms of endearment with them, too. He swears he’s attached to *me* and that’s the *only* reason he has rabbits, but the little guys have grown on him whether he wants to admit it or not

                      • Stickerbunny
                        4128 posts Send Private Message

                          Jessica, of COURSE he likes them, no one can live with the cuteness and not fall for them. My boyfriend always wants to give mine craisins now because he found out it’s how to get bunny kisses.

                        • emkvet
                          377 posts Send Private Message

                            I call Hazel “Little Squee” or “Baby Squee” since she is so itty bitty. And also makes you *squee* when you look at her! SO cute.

                          • babypumbaa
                            70 posts Send Private Message

                              pumbaa def. thinks he’s the king 

                            • FrankieFlash
                              1710 posts Send Private Message

                                well I’m glad I’m not the only one that has a bunch of names for her bun! and so true about guys. My boyfriend lost interest in Flash after a week of helping me take care of him saying “he’s too much work” but after we learned his personality and how to care for him right, I usually have to limit how much my boyfriend gives Flash treats because he loves spoiling him because he now says “he’s so cute”.

                              • bunnyfriend
                                2368 posts Send Private Message

                                   I agree. If I’m talking about Totoro and Wilbur it’s “the buns”. Wilbur gets called Mogwai (after that Gremlin movie) when she’s being evil or crazy, sometimes I say “my Mogwai” or “Mugs” (short for Mogwai). Totoro gets called “Toto”. Both of them get called things like baby bunny, ect. There’s lots of things I call them that I just can’t think of right now. I’m sure they’re embarrassed by me.

                                • LoveChaCha
                                  6634 posts Send Private Message

                                    When I talk to my customers at work, I will refer to Chacha has my house rabbit. Otherwise, it is bunnies, hehe.

                                  • Jessica Rabbit
                                    72 posts Send Private Message

                                      Haha, I’m sure my boys are embarrassed by me too. And I think it’s funny that the boyfriends and husbands want the bunny to go away cuz they’re ‘too much work’, and then fall head over heels for them anyway. DH wanted to give Harvey away after a week (and after finding he’s allergic), but another bun later and they are absolutely here to stay.

                                    • Stickerbunny
                                      4128 posts Send Private Message

                                        My boyfriend would never tell me he wanted to get rid of my pets – I would leave him first and he knows it lol but he initially thought buns were just annoying, stinky, boring cage pets. Powder quickly proved him wrong.

                                        My rabbits get a lot of nicknames too.. Powder is Pow-Pow, Binkies (if you say that fast/loud/cute enough he’ll do binkies for you lol), little boy, etc Stickers is brat, princess, “HEY STOP THAT!” (ok, not really, but it should be one of her nick names ), bunbungirl, pretty, etc. Together I call them thing 1 and thing 2 sometimes, or bun 1 and bun 2. I should start calling them Lady & Tramp cause they keep doing the spaghetti scene from the movie with their salads. lol

                                      • Michelle&Lolli
                                        2347 posts Send Private Message

                                          My dad isn’t completely sold on having Lolli in the house. So when he talks about her, it’s usually the rabbit or that rabbit. And occasionally he will refer to her as Lolli.

                                          When I talk about her to other people, I usually refer to her as my rabbit. When I talk to her, I call her Lolligirl, Smushyface, Punkin, Pretty girl, Sweetheart, Stinker, Tease and occasionally other not nice words if she nips me. lol

                                        • kamdynandsunshinesmom
                                          910 posts Send Private Message

                                            I just always tell sunshine she is a piddy little girl. She always has to stand up and check herself in my full length mirror it is so funny. Kamdyn my sweet boy I always say you are being such a good little boy!

                                          • kamdynandsunshinesmom
                                            910 posts Send Private Message

                                              I just always tell sunshine she is a piddy little girl. She always has to stand up and check herself in my full length mirror it is so funny. Kamdyn my sweet boy I always say you are being such a good little boy!

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                                          Forum THE LOUNGE Our rabbits are not a rabbit they are the rabbit!