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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Holland Lop Owners!

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    • SugarbearNPepper
      310 posts Send Private Message

         Hello! Some of you may have seen my other post saying we picked up our third bunny this weekend! A sweet little boy who turned 7 weeks yesterday.  We had trouble naming him, but my daughter finally decided on COCONUT! Which suits him very well!

        Anyway, I have two Netherland Dwarfs and I was wondering if there is anything different I need to know about raising a Holland? Are there any books out there you’d recommend specifically for Holland’s?

        Thanks in advance!


      • littlemissflip
        154 posts Send Private Message

          Congrats on your new bunny! I’m a sucker for Holland Lops Our first bunny, Mr. Hop Hop, was a Holland Lop, and now I’m hooked!

          I haven’t personally had any other breed of bunnies, so I’m not sure whether there are any major differences in terms of behavior/care, etc. I have heard that, because of their head shape/structure, Holland Lops can be more prone to teeth problems (malocclusion, etc.), and in fact, our first bun passed away due to complications that arose from teeth problems. So that might be one thing to pay extra attention to…

          Enjoy your new bun!

        • mocha200
          4486 posts Send Private Message

            Congrats on the new baby bun bun! I have a Holland lop and a dutch and I have noticed that Mocha ( the holland lop) has thicker fur the my other bun. I have herd lops can be lazy, some people call them lazy lops, but Mocha seems to binky more then my other bunny. It really depends.

          • SugarbearNPepper
            310 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you littlemissflip and mocha! My Sugar has malocclusion…I’ve heard this is common with smaller type bunnies. I hope Coconut will be ok with his teeth! Lazy lop is good…hehehe…although this one is pretty feisty (already)!

            • LBJ10
              17079 posts Send Private Message

                I only have a Jersey Wooly to compare my Holland lop to. Leopold is much more laid back (almost aloof) than Wooly, but I suppose that could just be differences in personality. He is usually the trouble maker of the two and he does not listen at all. He will be doing something naughty and I will yell at him. He will just pause to look at me and then continue doing whatever it is he is doing. At least Wooly stops when I tell him too. His is also a biter, the little turd never learned any restraint when using his teeth (yes I tried the squealing thing, totally did not work). Other than that, there really isn’t much difference between the two. They are both piggies and they both like the run around and play. I have heard about the teeth problems thing, but so far we haven’t seen any problems.

              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  My vet told me the same thing about my holland as my nethie: they are prone to teeth issues, due to their smooshed face. So make sure he is a big hay eater.

                • Doe of Chai
                  33 posts Send Private Message

                    I have persnoally found that Hollands are the more sociable of the rabbit breeds and also seem to be a bit more intellegent ( quickly learns any training but they seem to have ADHD, so they choose when they wish to follow commands).

                    One thing to keep an eye out for is for ear infections. With the Hollands ears hanging down, high humidity and moisture can get trapped in the ear canel which can cause the perfect breeding ground for infections.

                    All the best to your expanding family!

                  • SugarbearNPepper
                    310 posts Send Private Message

                      LBJ, I had to laugh when reading your post… “the litte turd”…lol

                      Monkeybun, right now I’m giving him Alfalfa and he seems to like it although not eating a whole bunch like my other buns….

                      Doe of Chai, thanks for the tip… I see him drinking water and his little ear just kinda hangs in the bowl. Or he’ll lay by his water bowl to sleep and it’s hanging in there…its really cute but I have to move it out of the way!

                    • Monkeybun
                      10479 posts Send Private Message

                        My vet actually told me to give my baby lop timothy hay from the start. He can get all his needed baby bun nutrients from his baby bun pellets. But timothy hay is what he suggested I use as hay. He loves it so far he even passes up pellets for a fresh handful of hay these days

                      • LBJ10
                        17079 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By SugarbearNPepper on 07/04/2011 06:39 PM
                          LBJ, I had to laugh when reading your post… “the litte turd”…lol

                          Monkeybun, right now I’m giving him Alfalfa and he seems to like it although not eating a whole bunch like my other buns….

                          Doe of Chai, thanks for the tip… I see him drinking water and his little ear just kinda hangs in the bowl. Or he’ll lay by his water bowl to sleep and it’s hanging in there…its really cute but I have to move it out of the way!

                          I meant that in the most loving possible way, of course. But it really is true!

                          Both of my rabbits eat oat hay. It’s the only kind of hay that they will really eat all the time. I can throw some other stuff in there, but they usually get sick of it after a few days.

                        • SugarbearNPepper
                          310 posts Send Private Message

                            Moneybun and LBJ: Ohhh… I thought they get alfalfa when they’re babies? Ok, I will try timothy and oat as well! Thanks!

                          • littlemissflip
                            154 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh! I don’t think you had the picture up when I posted earlier. My oh my, he is a CUTIE!

                            • SugarbearNPepper
                              310 posts Send Private Message

                                Thanks littlemissflip! Your baby is adorable as well!

                              • LBJ10
                                17079 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By SugarbearNPepper on 07/04/2011 07:57 PM
                                  Moneybun and LBJ: Ohhh… I thought they get alfalfa when they’re babies? Ok, I will try timothy and oat as well! Thanks!


                                  You can give them alfalfa. But like Monkeybun said, it isn’t necessary if they are already getting alfalfa in their baby bunny food.

                                • littlemissflip
                                  154 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By SugarbearNPepper on 07/04/2011 08:49 PM
                                    Thanks littlemissflip! Your baby is adorable as well!


                                    Aw, thanks!


                                  • Arson
                                    97 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m completely jealous. What a sweet looking bunny.

                                    • Elrohwen
                                      7318 posts Send Private Message

                                        Love hollands! I’d have tons of them if I could.

                                        There’s nothing different about raising hollands from any other similarly sized bun. Some claim that they have more issues with teeth than others, but about the same incidence as nethies (since they both have kind of smushed in faces). Otto’s never had issues, but he came from a breeder who tracked teeth issues.

                                        Alfalfa or other hays are fine for babies. It can be problematic if you only give alfalfa and then they won’t eat timmy hay when the time comes, which is why a lot of people suggest mixing them together or just feeding timmy from the start.

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          So cute! Looks like mine but mines just is a broken brown version!

                                        • Marshall91
                                          34 posts Send Private Message

                                            I don’t have much to contribute except OMG SO CUTE! 

                                            Peppy seems to be much more sociable than the little dwarf I had years ago (RIP, JD), but I didn’t have such great resources for bunny info then, either.  This forum has made a huge difference for us!

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                                        Forum DIET & CARE Holland Lop Owners!