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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A rabbit+rat=friend?

  • This topic has 6sd replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Bam.
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    • meow1
      322 posts Send Private Message

        Does anyone know if houe rabbits and pet rats could be friends? I don’t have a pet rat, but I am very curious about this.  I’ve thought about having a pet rat before.

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          You have to be very, very cautious with having animals of different species in the same space. For one, microorganisms that are native to one, may cause an issue in the other. Plus, you run the risk of one or the other getting injured (bitten, scratched, etc). I would keep rabbits away from other small animals.

        • meow1
          322 posts Send Private Message

            Oh, I see. Well, of course they would have their own actual living space, but then be able to “play” (if they wanted to, of course), just like how I do with my dog. They aren’t together 24/7, but usually I let them together in the living room. They pretty much leave each other alone for the most part.

          • mossling
            229 posts Send Private Message

              well first of all, you can’t have just *a* rat.  rats are extremely social and must live in same sex groups.  single rats are depressed, less likely to bond with their people, more prone to illness (do to stress and depression), and live shorter lives.  now that that is out of the way! 


              something a lot of people don’t realize, in the wild, rats are also preditors.  they frequently hunt birds, eat mice, lizards, and other small animals.  if you have a dwarf breed rabbit, i would be concerned that the rat’s wild instincts could kick in.  unlike dogs, you can’t teach a rat to control its prey drive.  my sister was visiting once, and brought out my new little ferret, not realizing that several of my rats where playing in the living room.  one of my big male rats attacked the ferret, and nearly had him for lunch.  the only time i have ever been bitten by a rat was when i was trying to pull templeton off of vash.  conversly, most rabbits are significantly larger than rats, and could seriously hurt one if it was mad enough.  you can easily own both at the same time (i have), but i would suggest keeping them separate.  better safe than sorry! 

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Rats are extremely intelligent pets but they ARE NOT good friends for rabbits. Just really are not compatible at all.

                They would be totally fine separate but never ever together.

              • Shanni
                8 posts Send Private Message

                  People telling you to keep them away from each other are wrong. Any animal has potential to bond with another animal, my pet rat Sasha bonded with my rabbit Angel. I just had to put Sasha down, and right now Angel is grieving so badly I’m not sure he will survive. I’m currently working on bonding him with my other girl Luna (pet rat) and things are going ok. So in my experience, yes, rabbits and rats do get along. Don’t believe people who say otherwise.
                  It takes time, patience and love…but I did it.

                • Bam
                  16993 posts Send Private Message

                    Shanni, I’m very sorry you and Angel lost Sasha.

                    This thread is very old (2011), we ask our members to rather start new threads than revive old threads, because knowledge and science and medical care regarding rabbits is so  rapidly evolving. I’m not at all up to date on rabbit + rat bonds, but I think it’s lovely that Sasha and Angel found each other.

                    You’re very welcome to write about Sasha in the Rainbow Bridge -section.

                    I hope you’ll be able to spend extra time with Angel now to help him through his grief. (I know its not always possible due to work or school etc.) You need each other extra now 💚

                    I’m locking this thread now (because it’s so very old).


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                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A rabbit+rat=friend?