Lola, the first bunny I got in 2005, passed away March 11th, 2011. She had lived a rough life. There are several topics about her abscesses and stuff. She would pull through every surgery (lost count at 15). She was the strongest little creature I ever knew…. sometimes i would just see her give up on the floor, pick her up, and spend a few hours with her falling asleep in my arms, then she would have hope again!
A few months ago, I was told by my vet that her ongoing lower jaw bump is not an abscess, rather it is a tumor or a bone infection. He gave me options for surgery and jaw breaking but I could tell with Lola that she was happy running around and being with her husbunny Cinnabon and I. I felt it would have been the last straw if I were attempt to place her under that stress and surgery again for the fourth time in about a year. I told the vet that she is happy and in an effort to allow her to enjoy life, I was going to have to opt out of surgery and do the best i could with medicines and natural remedies. He gave me the med’s he recommended and a list of things to buy at Whole Foods. I think this was the best decision I ever made for her. Up until the day she passed, she wanted nothing else but to lie in my arms and just fall asleep, or jump on my back, or just run circles around my feet while i try to walk…. Silly bunny!
I had a strange dream about her disappearing over a graveyard Thursday night and then Friday when i gave them dinner, she did not show up and I knew. I had to leave the room and when i came back, Cinnabon broke my heart. He stopped his eating, looked up at me, and ran over to lola. He sniffed her face and looked up at me again as if he was trying to say…. “Look what happened mama!”.
It is difficult for me especially because over the last 5 years with her, I always imagined this day scared it was going to happen. So when it did, i just wanted to believe i was just imagining it again. My parents got her for me at the age of 17 when i was going through a depression spell, so Lola became much much more than just a pet rabbit from the beginning. Helping her through all her pain and struggle, I always saw her strength shine through and it helped me get through anything. Not only have I lost the best bunny I could ever ask for, I have lost a great friend and mentor. A fluffball to cry with and play in the grass with.
I know she is in a better place and she is happy, looking over me. I just think it was too soon, she deserved more time to play and enjoy life.
I cannot wait to reunite with her… I just needed to write a little something about her.