I found a bonded pair that needed a home or they were going to go to a shelter so I adopted them to avoid them going to a random home or a kill shelter. The bonded pair loved each other I kept them separate from my lion head in different rooms which worked out great the minute they were comfortable with me they came out of their cage and started to run and play.
Everything started to change the minute I introduced them to my rabbit whose name is Binky. the bonded pair are Flopsie who is a black and white Lop and Rosie who is a brown lop. I introduced them both to my rabbit and Binky immediately started lunging at them so I separated them immediately.
So I tried a different approach I had read online about introducing them one at a time with close supervision, seemed easy enough. I introduced Flopsie as I thought she was more timid and not going to entertain the idea of fighting where Rosie had stood up to binky. They ignored each other at first which I thought was good and then binky came over sniffed flopsie then immediately mounted and peed on flopsie when flopsie ran binky kept chasing and mounting. I broke it up immediately and washed flopsie.
when I put flopsie back rosie everything was fine. so I gave it a few days for them to calm down and hopefully forget. so I tried to do it with rosie. I figured lets give it a shot. Same thing happened I seperated them washed rosie off really well and placed her with flopsie again. whats different this time is flopsie is chasing rosie around and nipping and pulling fur as well as mounting and humping.
It seems to be happening every time Rosie is near something that Flopsie wants at a particular time like the hay feeder the water bottle but not the food bowl which they eat at the same time which I find weird also they still groom each other and lay with each other during the day.
What do I do I want to keep trying to bond them but at the same time I don’t want any of them to hurt each other.
Also am I breaking the bond between the lops and if I am can I fix it if I stop trying to bond them with binky.
further info the lops are 4 years old and both spayed