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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Plastic Bag Dispenser Hayrack

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    • Chazz
      78 posts Send Private Message

         So after seeing that someone uses one of those plastic bag dispensers as a hay rack (I’m sorry I don’t remember who) I’ve been on a mission to get one. I’m all about being neat and tidy, and this seemed like a great way to keep hay in order. So not having an IKEA nearby, I searched the internet and found something on amazon I really liked the look of. I don’t have it yet, but I’ve ordered it. I just was curious to see what people thought. Or maybe I’m just a spontaneous buyer of bunny paraphernalia. Anyway here’s the stock photo taken from

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          LOL – spontaneous buyer of bunny paraphernalia. I don’t know for sure what to think if it will work – kind of skeptical (but I’m not always good at envisioning things like this), but I hope it works for you and I’d love to hear if it does.

        • MissKris&Koji
          279 posts Send Private Message

            I think It could, but maybe seeing dimensions would help more to assess. It needs to be large enough… both to hold enough hay, and so the wire spacing allows the bun to get at the hay. I don’t think it will “fall down” to the opening really, you may have to mash it downward periodically to help.


            Also FYI, Ikea I think does do internet orders for some items. Not sure about the particular item in question.

          • LoveChaCha
            6634 posts Send Private Message

              Bwahaha, well, the item that I found was from Catalina while looking through her bonding photos of her 2 boys.

              Ikea isn’t accepting orders online for this:

              I’ve been using it since Saturday and my bunny loves it, lol. No more hay in the water bowl!
              I hope that you will find it!!

              I”m always on the look out for things that can be used for my bunny

            • Chazz
              78 posts Send Private Message

                Yeah hopefully it works. I buy hay that is really substantial. Like it’s got thick pieces among smaller pieces, so it would stay contained I think. It’s says the dimensions are 16.5″H x 7.25″W x 4″D. Not very deep, but I should be able to stuff hay down in there. If not, I guess I have a place for plastic bags……

              • mrmac
                2156 posts Send Private Message

                  That is neat!

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Chazz, I think that will be a great hay rack, very contained, bunny can’t get inside.. easy to fill and well-ventilated. It gets an A+ from me.

                  • Lintini
                    3329 posts Send Private Message

                      Yea it looks great, I am sure it will work well!

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        Pics please when you try it out!!!

                      • Chazz
                        78 posts Send Private Message

                           Alright, so it came in. Looks great, but never thought about one problem……It doesn’t have a back to it. I guess it is meant to drill into a wall, like in a supply closet. So I decided to cut a piece of cardboard to fit and zip tied it to the frame. Seems to work for now at least. Otherwise, I really like it and I think it will work great. 

                          And the box came filled with shredded paper! It was like bunny Christmas! Little Larry is a paper fiend! 

                          Oh, and I attached it the the x-pen with one of those little key chain clips. You know the small version of what rock climbers use….


                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            That’s good that you came up with a clever way to attach it! It looks great – has Larry figured out how to use it?

                          • Chazz
                            78 posts Send Private Message

                              Yeah, I caught him pulling hay out of it and I heard him messing with it this morning. Anything that will make him feel like he’s destroying it, is good.

                              I’ll probably still put some hay in his box….but this makes it so that there is always hay that is clean.

                            • Beka27
                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                That looks wonderful! If that cardbaord doesn’t fully keep the hay in the pen, you could even attach a larger piece of cardboard on the other side of the pen… I like that the spacing is larger enough for him to get his nose in there!

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  It looks great and very sturdy. No back is fine, in my opinion, as even many petstore hayracks do not have a back either. The cardboard is a staple anyways in all things rabbit ~
                                  Do you find that the hay moves down as he pulls out strands at the bottom?

                                • Otti
                                  535 posts Send Private Message

                                     I actually bought something similar for my rabbit Sammy’s xpen recently at The Container Store.

                                    It is also meant as a plastic bag holder and has a back to it, as well as a larger hole at the front towards the bottom, which makes it easier for my bunny to pull hay out of it.

                                    Here it is:



                                    Here it is in his pen. Sorry for the blurriness, taken with my iPhone. He has a bigger litter box now with a high back, and the hay rack hang just above it.

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      What a pretty setup, Otti.

                                    • Otti
                                      535 posts Send Private Message

                                        Thanks! I’m pretty particular about how my apartment looks so I knew any pet I brought into it would have to adjust to my sense of aesthetics LOL

                                      • Chazz
                                        78 posts Send Private Message

                                          Otti, what do you have along the wall there? What looks like clear stuff? I’ve been looking for something like that, I keep marking up my wall with the pen when I move it…or Larry moves it. I also need something like that to cover the bottom shelf of a bookshelf…

                                          I too am particular. I thought about getting that dispenser you have there, I like that it has the hanging hooks.

                                          Petzy, since we just started using it last night it’s yet to be seen what will happen as he starts eating hay out of it. I’ll probably have to mess with it

                                        • Otti
                                          535 posts Send Private Message

                                             The plastic stuff behind the xpen also comes from The Container Store. It’s good to protect my floorboards (which he could still reach through his cage bars) and also the walls from the pen and from possible spills. 

                                            They actually are meant as shelf liners. They’re called Metro Clear Shelf Liners and I bought the 18 by 48 type, two of them. They’re stuck to the wall with white sticky tack and fitted into the space between the carpet and floorboards so they cover the floorboards completely. The pen holds them up really well on their own though, so the sticky tack is more just in case. 
                                            I did rearrange his pen so that it is a full loop, instead of open on one side, because he seemed to interested in escaping when it was set up like the picture. I’m waiting for additional panels to extend it again to the full size of his flooring, without having to open the pen itself. 
                                            Here’s a link to the liners:

                                          • Chazz
                                            78 posts Send Private Message

                                              Thank you!

                                            • DallasDelight
                                              187 posts Send Private Message

                                                Can I just say that you are all brilliant? There are really great ideas all OVER this site.

                                                Someone should make a binkybunny tips/ideas book, I swear.

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                                            Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Plastic Bag Dispenser Hayrack