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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
I’ll start from the beginning. I have 3 buns, want to pair up two and then eventually a trio. I started by coupling them up to see who gets on better, so I’ll start there.
Tuesday, July 6
Put Olivia and Stormy on the kitchen chair for a few minutes. They just sat there as I pat them, side by side. Nothing happened.
Wednesday, July 7
Stormy and Bindi on kitchen chair. Stormy acted same as with Olivia at first. Bindi kept putting his head under Stormy like he wanted to suggle. He then started looking for a way off the chair, like he was bored and just wanted to go run. Storm tried to bite Bindi so I ended it there.
Friday, July 9
Olivia and Bindi on chair. Didn’t go as well as I thought it would since they are both housed on the floor where they see and smell each other. Olivia tried to bite Bindi several times. Bindi seemed to like her too ( I knew he would he’s such a sweetie!) and did the “wanting to snuggle” thing, putting his head all smooshed in her side. Olivia freaked out and fell off the chair (she was okay, don’t worry). To end on a good note I put her back up and made them snuggle for a minutes.
I decided to repeat all the pairs again before deciding:,
Monday, July 12
Storm and Olivia back on chair. They just sat there. Both ate a candy.
Tuesday, July 13
Bindi and Storm on chair. Storm just sat, staring straight ahead, looking stressed out. Bindi just sat and stared at Stormy.
Wednesday, July 14
Stormy and Olivia again. Doesn’t seem like a good match. He puts his head down, she freaks out and tried to bite him. She is so nervous and insecure.
Decided on Bindi and Stormy
Monday, July 19,
Put them both in tub. Bindi showing signs of dominance; immediately humping poor Stormy. Stormy freaked out and tried to bite Bindi. Afterwards Storm was really stressed out in his cage. Laying down, breathing really crazy.
Wednesday, July 21
Back in tub. Very aggressive. Both angrily trying to go at each other. I had to take Storm out before someone got hurt.
Friday, July 23
(I know I have to be more consistent and do it EVERYDAY!!!)
Put them in laundry basket and did “Whaky Shack” for a minute. Put them in tub. They were like dazed a few moments and then Bindi started humping Storm. He tolerated it for a few moments but then wheeled around and tried to bite. Was gonna get really nasty.
Saturday, July 24
Wanted a positive session so I just put them both on the kitchen chair. They just sat.
Sunday, July 26
Put them in laundy basket and went for walk outside. They were okay until I put the basket down for a moment so my neighbor could see them. Then the humping started but Stormy didn’t try to attack. I think he was too terrified at being outside.
Tuesday, July 27
Back in laundry basket, took them for a walk in the basement. Then put them both on the futon (basement is neutral territory). They explored the futon a bit, then Bindi was beside Stormy and started doing the humping action and Stormy got really agressive. I separate them when they start getting really agressive. I’m not willing to let them get hurt.
Wednesday, July 28
Same session and results as last night.
Friday, July 30,
Put them in the hay bin together. Want to sort of switch things up so they don’t start anticipating and getting stressed out. Stormy was really bitey. Luckily, Bindi has such long hair that he hasn’t been able to grab Bindi when he bites.
Sunday, August 1
Whacky shack and futon. Same results: humping and then Stormy tolerates for a minute and then attacks.
So as you can see things are really not progressing. I’m wondering if I chose the best pair. I’m at a loss as to what to do next because I can’t do much with them because they get so agressive. It just looks so futile. I know I have to stop skipping nights, it’s just so stressful on the buns and I hate it! I wish they weren’t so difficult.
This weekend I bought some cubes and I was thinking of rearranging the rabbit room to put Stormy and Bindi beside each other just out of biting range. Would this be a good idea or no based on my bonding sessions?
Please give me some advice because I really don’t know where to go from here!
This weekend I bought some cubes and I was thinking of rearranging the rabbit room to put Stormy and Bindi beside each other just out of biting range. Would this be a good idea or no based on my bonding sessions?
You could do this and do cage swapping but they’ve lived in the same room already a long time haven’t they? So they’d be familiar with one another. You can always use cubes anyway. You could make a bonding pen maybe in the basement.
At this stage it’s about them having time together and learning to read each other. Build some trust. Bindi’s actions (request grooms & humping)could read as a dominant move by both Stormy and Olivia. Yet for him, the humping may be a stress reaction or he’s over stimulated by the change.
When there is aggression, intercede with a voice command, spray of water or startling noise or physically push them apart. Keep doing that until they settle enough just to stay put. They may appear like 2 frozen lumps but this is actually progress! If you pull them out anytime there’s aggression, they’ll learn that aggression will give them what they want… to be put back home, away from that other stinky-bun. If you keep on top of any aggressive move toward one another, hopefully you’ll see it start to wane and their interaction should change a bit. It is slow going I know.
How did Olivia try to bite the boys? Did she just go for them? I’m just wondering if you shouldn’t give her another chance – one time is just not enough to tell sometimes.
Sarita – I actually had tried some “bath tub ” sessions with Olivia and Stormy before I started the journal. They were both very agressive. Olivia was growling and lunging at Stormy. Originally, I planned on bonding Olivia and Bindi but she just really seems to dislike him. What would you suggest? I want to pick the easiest pair but I’m not sure who that is. I thought Storm and Bindi seemed the best, but I’m having doubts now.
I’m going to try get some video and pics of my next sessions so you can get a better idea of what’s going on.
Sometimes the first few meetings look very nasty. I don’t think you need to allow any injuries, in fact, you shouldn’t! But you can have more meetings, just scale back your expectations: expect they will be nasty and focus on how to control them. What about the car rides? In the beginning it is just about the bunnies being in each other’s proximity without bloodshed. I think you are too stressed out which I can related to, but you need to believe that they can bond. I always get this feeling from you that you don’t really think it’s possible.
About the close housing… I really don’t think it will make a big difference. The sessions is what bonds.
one more thing: can you take two of yours to another place, like your boyfriend’s house?
Thanks for all the advice, guys! I really appreciate it!
Petzy, you’re like my Bunny Bonding Mentor! Yes, I am very stressed out about the bonding but I’m a very stressed out person anyways. And you’re right, I am pretty pesimistic about the bonding. I can’t help it.
Based on my trials, do you think I chose a good pair? And with regards to the car rides, how much is too often to bring them in the car? I don’t want to get them super stressed and upset by doing this. As for bringing them to someone else’s house I was thinking of taking them to my , Mom’s house, about a 15 minute drive away, she has a spare room I should use.
It would be reassuring if they would do something positive, like a grooming or something. Something to help motivate me.
I’m not Petzy, but I would say that you should do a car ride to your mom’s house, with them together in the car, then do a bonding session at her house, then keep them together for the car ride home. I don’t think you can really do *too much* in the car. I know a rescue owner who basically claims (half jokingly) that a long enough road trip can bond any two bunnies.
I also agree with Jersey that you may be taking them out of the situation too soon. If you remove them from the situation as soon as they show signs of aggression, you won’t give them an opportunity for them to get past that reaction. At worst, you’ll teach them that they can end the session by acting that way. If you really can’t keep them from fighting, throw them back in the laundry basket and shake them up mid-session, then put them back in the bathtub or whatever. Lather rinse repeat until they can sit next to each other and do nothing for a while – you’re really looking for ignoring at this point. Teach them that if they fight, they go in the shaky box, and if they sit quietly, you leave them alone and eventually take them home. This technique gives you control because you can stop fights and redirect their behavior whenever you need to. It’s also powerful because if you’re feeling nervous that they’ll hurt each other, you can put them in the basket, where you know they won’t hurt each other while being shaken, and take a break to shake without ending the session.
In my first few sessions I freaked out when Hannah humped and Otto freaked out and I ended things, but I didn’t progress when this happened. By shaking mid-session I snapped Hannah out of it and we were able to move on with a bit calmer session.
Elroh, you say it so much clearer!
Puffy, bonding will be a bit stressful on the bunnies. I noticed with mine though that they became curious about the bathroom and seemed to both independantly go in there as if looking for that other rabbit.
Things like vet visits, nail trims, grooming, medicating can all stress them but they get over it. With bonding they will too and you only have to do bonding once. With those other stressful events we unfortunately have to keep repeating them! This is my round about way of encouraging you on. The outcome is so worth it.
Elrohwen, Jerseygirl, thanks for the info…always much appreciated! I love Binky Bunny because there is experts in every area! I don’t know how any bunny owner gets on without it!
I will probably take them to my Mom’s this weekend.
Just wondering if I should work on it everyday, or give them a break once in a while. Do you sometimes do more than one session in a day. My sessions don’t last very long so I’m thinking of maybe doing more than one when time is available.
If I remember correctly, I did those kind of sessions you are doing about twice a day. Right in the morning and right before bedtime.
The more friendly type of sessions like being on my lap and being petted, I did those 4-5 times a day. These are the ones, I will be going back to again at some point.
I understand all your stress. It is so hard when going through this. I have put mine on pause, because Karl is so easily stressed and he was not feeling well during all these sessions. I could not continue to put him through this, especially since we were not progressing.
I hope they will bond soon, so you can enjoy bunny-life again!
I personally only did one session per day, but I do think that more sessions is better and will help things progress faster.
Also, as far as stressing them out goes, yes, it will be stressful, but like Jersey I found that my two were less stressed out than you would think. Otto would spend whole sessions curled up in the ball in the corner of the tub, yet every day he would climb right in the carrier to do it again. Previously, he wouldn’t get in the carrier without force, so I think some part of him liked going to a new area and meeting this strange new bunny, even if it was stressful. And Hannah is fearless and loved Otto from first sight, so I don’t think she was even very stressed by it. Haha.
LPT, there is no wrong pair really to choose since in the end each bun will be bonded with each bun in a trio! You worry too much about small details. I would stick with what you started with. About the rides, do as many as you can fit into your schedule. The more they go on rides the less stressed they will be! It sounds like you have much options here, mom’s house, car rides… and they are your own, so you can take all the time in the world.
I see no reason why they shouldn’t bond. The only people I know of who had unsuccessful bonding experiences are those that gave up, or those who encountered health issues in the rabbits preventing sessions. ~
I certainly don’t put myself in the “expert” camp. I’ve only bonded one pair lol. Butl ike you, I did lots of reading before and during and have observed others bonding adventure. So you acquire a bit about what seems to work and what doesn’t. The Bonding Specific forum has been a really beneficial addition to this site. Would be nice to see some more acounts of the straight forward easy bonds though!
Just wondering if I should work on it everyday, or give them a break once in a while. Do you sometimes do more than one session in a day. My sessions don’t last very long so I’m thinking of maybe doing more than one when time is available.
I say Yes try do session every day and more if time allows. If you’re time poor, even a quick walk around with bunnies in a box together is better than nothing. The only times that I really encourage a break is when the bonder is stressed to the point it is affecting sessions Or if the bunnies are not well or have had a particularly bad fight. Again, this is my thoughts based on observation and also sage advice others have given on BB.
I’m in the same boat as Jersey – far from an expert, especially since I freaked out quite a bit during my own experience (which was pretty easy). But I’ve read a lot of other stories and learned from them. I also learned from my own experience and took away from those anxious moments, so I’m giving you the benefit of my wisdom Haha. It’s all so easy in hindsight! But I do remember that it wasn’t so easy in the moment.
Not much to report these last few days. Mostly the same. I wasn’t able to find time to bring them to my Moms this weekend but it will be done soon. I thought this week some night when my bf is free we could take them to the pet store. It’s a pretty short drive, maybe 10 minutes so it wouldn’t be too stressful. I have a collapsible type soft carrier that opens both on the side and top that I will use for this. It’s quite small, they won’t have much room to move around (it was for Moms Yorkie) but they won’t be in it very long so I think it will be okay.
Tonight I think I will take them outside and set up an xpen on the deck like in the Dexter and Riley thread. It seemed to work well for them.
That’s a great plan, LittlePT. I think you will have a good session at the petstore.
Sunday, August 8
Set up a pen downstairs. I sat in the middle with them and I’m quite pleased with the session. Ricky was cleaning and making a lot of noise in the basement so that may have helped make them a bit more mellow. Bindi only tried to hump a couple of times and he didn’t seem as aggressive about it as usual. Stormy tried to bite but only a few times and, as well, wasn’t as aggressive about it. They sat nose to nose for a few minutes while I pat them and Stormy put his head down on the ground like he does when I cuddle him. I assume this is him being submissive? When Stormy wanted to get away from Bindi he would go behind me and Bindi didn’t chase him. I really wish they would groom each other! This session last about 15/20 minutes and I will do the same thing tonight, but for a longer period of time. I have pics to come later when my computer lets me.
Where can I get some good information on housing them after the bond? Bindi has a huge cage and I want to move Stormy in there but I assume it’s not just as easy as that? It will take some time to figure out how to set up there cage, because Bindi loves his fleece blankets, Stormy hates blankets, Stormy is a neat freak and Bindi lives in a pig pen! Oh, well I won’t worry about that too much now, that’s still a ways off!
Good! Don’t worry about grooming. I am still waiting for Neigey to groom anybun in my quartet~
Can you post pics of their housing situation? You will have to redo it. You cannot just move them into their old habitats, it would be too risky.
Well Bindi has a huge cube condo one level. What would I have to do to make it okay? There’s not much I can do with it. I sort of like the idea of one level, it makes it a lot easier to clean and Bindi is a messy guy. I will get pics or draw out a room plan so you can try to help me out. I bought more cubes and was actually thinking of adding a section onto Bindi’s cage, and making an area for Stormy to be right beside Bindi while the bonding process is going on. The I was just going to open it up when they are bonded. Right now, they can’t see each other. I plan on putting Stormy’s cage he’s in now, in the new cage so he doesn’t get too upset.
OMG, I’m stressed out!! Just did another pen session and it really didn’t go good at all. Stormy seemed pretty stressed out and after Bindi tried to hump once, he wouldn’t stop trying to bite Bindi. I guess it doesn’t help that I didn’t do anything with them last night. I kept putting them in the basket and shaking it a bit to get them over it but he started biting as soon as I put them down. Bindi seems to be getting scared of him, he tried to jump out of the basket. I’m so terrified of someone getting a bite wound and most of the time Stormy goes for Bindi’s face. I had to intercept and got bit myself. It’s very discouraging But try, try again. Can anyone suggest some good websites I should take a look at?
Tomorrow I will do a chair snuggle session before putting them in the pen. Hopefully that will help. Just be friends, dangit!!!
I tried posting to you last night and I had typed it up but then the forums went down.
I meant to say that you don’t need to stress, LPT, because obviously the pen is just not working for sessions for these rabbits of yours. Pen sessions are usually not working until later stages of a bond, so don’t fret yet.
Keep trying new places to bond them, it is very much a guessing game, until you find the spot that they interact more positively in.
When I bonded Mops and Neigey, Mops would attack Neigey, and I kept moving them from place to place. I was running put of spots, as I was already trying odd setups such as a session on my basement stairs, a session inside an open fabric zipper bag… but nowhere Mops would suffer Neigey near him. Then I put them in my dog’s wire crate which is a huge thing, 54″ long. I was sure it would work because of the large size but from then on in I held all Neigey/Mops meetings in that and the attacks by Mops never resumed as long as they were in there.
I say try the petstore trip, or your mother’s house, just keep transferring the sessions till a place works and then stick with it.
About your habitats… you could cement them when time comes in another enclosure or even a room, or sectioned-off corner, and after cementing they will be able to move into their former combined condos.
LPT, a friend of mine came up with this unusual bonding setup… I loved this one. It would work well with difficult rabbits especailly on a hot day. There are so many ways of creatong a session, if you feel you are stuck and not progressing, just give it a few days until you get a new idea.
oh God, that song is stuck in my head now!! That’s cool, I wonder how long it would take Lola to bite a hole and sink the box?
I tried her and Charlie in the box the other night and it was two rattlesnakes going for each other’s throats as soon as they touched ground. They weren’t in there but a few seconds because even 2 of us couldn’t keep them from latching on. I guess Lola’s still mad about before and maybe Charlie’s still feeling the post neuter urges. Their condos are only a foot apart so they know who they are. aaaggggg!
OK, don’t try the pool bonding setup if your rabbit will sink the boat. No wonder ‘LOL’ is part of Lola’s name.
but, THAT might stress her out enough to stop it! Can you see them with those little doggie life preservers hahahahahhahah
I love all these unconventional bonding ideas! The pool bonding set up otherwise known as the Bonding Boat Cruise (you know like Love Boat) is so ingenious. I do want to know where she got that little pool thing that just managed to fit the cubes in perfectly! How lucky was that.
She has kids and it was a toy for them before it became the Bonding Boat Cruise. I will ask where she got it exactly though.
Petzy, my husband and I just laughed so hard at the video. The music makes it hilarious!
That bonder is brilliant, she has the best ideas, very creative.
–I ask where she got the float thing and it turns out it is actually round, it is a baby pool and she just forced the cube to fit.
I did a session on Saturday. It went pretty well. I set up the pen on my back deck. They mostly ignored each other. I put a plush pet bed filled with hay in there and Bindi spent most of his time sitting in there. No humping or biting but I kept my hand ready when they went face to face. Each ate some hay and had a facewash (separately). Ricky went and got them some goodies from the garden and they munched on those. Stormy seemed obsessed with the bird and squirrel noises. But I guess ignoring each other is better than chasing or fighting and I’m pleased that they were relaxed enough to wash and eat. I’m going to do a few more outside sessions this week as well as some car rides. I wasn’t able to do anything the last two days because I was sick but they’d better get ready for some serious bonding the rest of the week!
That sounds like great progress! Hanging out and ignoring each other (and being comfortable enough to groom and eat) is really what you want to see. Keep up the good work.
I remember you saying in another conversation how scared your rabbits would be outdoors, so I think these outside sessions are just the thing for yours! It sounds VERY promising. Now you just have to find time to do lots of those sessions and things will go well for you ~
hope you feel better!
Pics to come this weekend…
Looking forward!!
Here are some pics from the very first pen session which was a couple of weeks ago. Please forgive the bad quality, it was in my basement and quite dark. I remember someone mentioning here that there is an easier way to post photos to threads without going through Photobucket. I would really like to know how because Photobucket takes forever!!! It’s really ticking me off today… it won’t let me resize some pics. grrrr
First face to face…
Hey, this guy smells funny…
This is a pic of my setup I had downstairs. I like you all too much to post what I look like in this pic so please enjoy the lovely pink star
They look quite sweet together in the pics but there was actually a lot of biting going on!
They compliment each other in looks. I love a white rabbit bonded to a flashy-colored one. Your rabbits are very beautiful, LPT, it is easy to spot how well-cared for they are.
So stay away from any pen sessions for a little white since they weren’t working and focus on the crowded situation of them being in a basket or box tightly together.
Thank you for complimenting my boys, Petzy
Last night we went in the bathtub because, like you suggested, I wanted a smaller area to work with. Everything would be fine if I could get a wee little bunny muzzle. That Mini-Rex loves to bite! They stayed in there over a half hour. Bindi seems to really want to be friends. He is always interested in Stormy and likes to follow him. I had them both flattened, getting pats, Bindi’s head was buried in Stormy’s side and they seemed quite relaxed, Stormy even did a bit of tooth purring. When I took my hands away, Storm put his head under Bindis (which I originally thought was a submissive gesture but after reading Binky Bunny’s journals now know that it could be dominance. How do I know the difference?). Then after a few seconds like that Stormy attacked Bindi’s face. I sort of feel like Storm is just trying to put up a show, he’s attacked Bindi but never
made any wounds. Bindi gets mad at Storm after and tries to chase him and sometimes hump. They need to sort this out, Mama is getting annoyed! It’s hard finding the time to work with them.
Don’t concern yourself too much about who is going to be submissive or whatever. It actually does not matter much. Rabbits can work these things out. For now, they are just testing each other or feeling out the boundaries. If there are no injuries at all, your session was a success! Nippy is not the same as actual biting. Even if a chunk of fur gets ripped, that’s acceptable in bondng too.
Soooo cute! I love Bindi’s pink eyes, such a soft ruby. You just have got to love white rabbits, how can anyone not love the REW’s??? It makes no sense to me!
— you are on the right track: lots of coffee for bonding sessions!!! (or what is in your cup?)
Someone please talk me into not giving up because I’m almost there. Friday we went for our first car ride. We went about 20 minutes or so to the petstore. They were good in the car and when we got home I put them immediately in the pen downstairs. For the first 5 minutes or so they were really good, smelling each other, no biting or humping. Then the humping started…really bad. I’m now convinced that Bindi humps due to stress because he got super humpy after the car ride and he had been pretty good about humping lately. Storm freaks out and attacks him. Not sure where to go from here. Should I not do car rides if they are going to make Bindi worse with the humping? The pen doesn’t seem to be working nor the smaller space like the tub. I’m so discouraged I didn’t do anything else with them this weekend.
Don’t use the pen at all. Pen sessions are not right for this bonding.
Why don’t you have sessions in your car then, but just park it, and sit with them loose on the seat.
As soon as you find the setup that works, you’ll start enjoying this more~
You may also like to introduce a stunt double to coax Bindi into getting rid of his stress on it instead.
Do you mean take them for a ride in the car first or just use the car as a place to work?
Okay and just looking ahead. If my sessions start to go really well then and I think it’s time to move on…what would the next step be: un-neutral territory sessions?
I’m working on some ideas with my bf to transform my rabbit room. I’m hoping having them as neighbors will help.
I really appreciate all of your help, Petzy! Thank you so much!
I enjoy keeping up with your bondng, it is my pleasure, LPT.
I would have no rides now, just sessions in the parked car. It can be helpful to tone down the stress at times, and make a routine of the sessions so the bunnies learn what to expect and become more predictable for you too. I am hopeful that the car as a space will be enough to just make them be together without going all nuts on each other.
The next step, once they are ready, should still be neutral. I would set up a place on your patio or in your yard before moving on to un-neutral space indoors.
Do you have any suggestions for a second option to the car idea because I can’t put them in the car during this terrible heat wave we’re having. Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day we’ve had all summer…yuck. I have a futon couch in my basement, I guess that’s similar to the back seat of a car but not as distracting.
I’m wondering if food would be a good distraction. Some hay, leaves, rose petals etc. Maybe Bindi will be more inclined to graze then to hump. They can become stressed in strange places but I think if they have normal things to do (like eating) then this could help counter act the stress. You could do this on the futon. Maybe turn it against a wall so it’s more enclosed then climb in?
Oh sure, that would work! It might even give you and them an easier space to navigate, more secure footing and less stress. ~
Just wanted to update that we took a little break for a few days because of the extreme heat we had (thank you Hurricane Earl). I wasn’t into it and it was so hot everywhere in the house but we’re gonna get back on track.
This afternoon I put them both on the kitchen chair for some snuggle time since they haven’t been together for a few days. They were fine so tonight I put them on the futon with a pile of hay and they were both fine for a while, ignoring each other then they did a whole lot of face snuggles. Stormy was totally flat and they were nose to nose. Then all of a sudden Stormy turned around and Bindi bit him on the but. No marks but Stormy had a big wet spot on his bum. He was really stressed out. It’s so weird that Bindi turned aggressive. Stormy didn’t try to bite him at all tonight. Does this make sense? I put them in the laundry basket and shook it up a bit but Stormy was too upset. To end on a good note I put them back on the kitchen chair for snuggle time. I hate to be so negative but it feels like we’ve been working on this forever and getting nowhere.
You need to be realistic and budget a large of chunk of time for this bonding. This has always been the hardest part for myself, that it just takes rabbits such a long time to drop the hostilities. You will see a lot of this back-and-forth, you need to be immune to it. It’s just part of the game.
The last bonding sessions got me so discouraged I’ve decided to give it up for a while. The stress is just too much for me to take. They won’t behave in the pen so I decided to make a bonding cube like Petzy and the results were terrible. I feel so upset and like I’m letting my bunnies down. I just don’t think I will ever get them bonded. I don’t have the experience and I’m terrified they will hurt each other. I’m not saying I will never try again, but right now I’m taking a break. Once I get all their cages side by side, I may try again.
Sorry to hear this, LPT, but I completely understand how you are feeling. It is a pain with bunnies like that who despite all efforts still do not make any progress AT ALL. It is horrible to put them through long-term stress and not even see them getting friendlier towards each other.
I hope a small break might be good for both you and the bunnies. I have started over myself, and already today on day 2 I am back with Bonder’s Blues, so believe me when I say, I know what you are going through.
I hope living side by side for a while will make it easier on you. I did a lot of “shared feeding”, e.g putting a carrot between both their cages, so that they were both chewing on each side. I hang delicious treats right opposite each other, so that they were eating the treats face to face etc. Fingers crossed it will work out for you
Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 10/06/2010 04:20 AM
The last bonding sessions got me so discouraged I’ve decided to give it up for a while. The stress is just too much for me to take. They won’t behave in the pen so I decided to make a bonding cube like Petzy and the results were terrible. I feel so upset and like I’m letting my bunnies down. I just don’t think I will ever get them bonded. I don’t have the experience and I’m terrified they will hurt each other. I’m not saying I will never try again, but right now I’m taking a break. Once I get all their cages side by side, I may try again.
I totally understand. Your setup allows for separate bunnies so it’s fine. I know you like to keep your rabbits like fragile china, and I don’t mean this as criticism. Bonding can be rough, it’s hard on rabbits and the humans overseeing them.
I can relate because I went through the same emotion with Neigey just these days. I am taking a break too.
You might go back to sessions, and even just bond one pair. You don’t need to pressure yourself.
I know the first cube session can be terrible… don’t discount the possibility of them working out though.
Setbacks in bonding are just another part of it!
Thanks guys. I definitely will do more work on it in the near future, I’m not 100 percent giving up. I’m just waiting until I can afford all the materials for the new cage setup. Moving my horse across town totally set me back… The plan is to make 3 cube condos of the same size. Bindi in the middle, and Stormy and Olivia on either side so at least they will have a neighbor buddy. Since Stormy and Bindi already know each other and Olivia and Bindi see each other across the room right now, I figure that’s the best setup. Stormy may not like being taken down from his pedestal as right now he’s on a big table/shelf thing and he is overlord of the rabbit room