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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE does anyone else see the similarities between buns and horses?

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    • dlscanne
      149 posts Send Private Message

        i was just thinking today how much my knowledge of horse behavior and learning natural horsemanship (I used to work on a ranch) has helped my understanding of rabbits.  I know this probably sounds completely crazy, but are there any other horse people who have my back on this?  from territorial issues, fight/flight instincts and more i just feel like it has helped me so much to understand rabbits.

        also, when people have visitors, do you notice that  they automatically try to put their palm out, right under the rabbits’ chin, like they would with a dog?  this happens literally 100% of the time in my experience! sometimes I just let it go because Franklin is so laid back and Winston is too timid to go close to new people anyway (if you do this to him though he will growl and box you!).  sometimes I feel the need to explain that herbivores have eyes on their side of their head, and a blind spot in front, and that gesture is extremely threatening to them.  then i think, i wouldn’t get that either unless i rode horses!

      • corpathina
        326 posts Send Private Message

          i think you have a very good point! i used to work with horses as well and do know what you’re talking about. their body language is very similar.. i’m sure you could link the behavior of most animals, but i think you’re right in the how especially similar rabbits and horses are. they’re both playful grazers. and yeah, most people don’t know how to treat rabbits and horses alike. unfortunately, while a rabbit might hurt a bit, horses can be fatal if they get rubbed the wrong way.

        • KytKattin
          1195 posts Send Private Message

            I’ve noticed this a lot. In fact, I find them to be quite similar in some ways physically as well. I sometimes joke that if rabbits had hooves they would be the worlds smallest horses! While I no longer have horses (except for my mom’s miniature) I still really value the things I learned from having my dear mare.

          • MooBunnay
            3087 posts Send Private Message

              I’m always asking my mom questions about horses because I also think that they are a lot like rabbits. Whenever one of my bunnies gets stasis, my mom’s advice is to try to keep the bunny moving around because she said that when she was younger, her horses would get something similar to stasis, and she would just keep walking and walking them to try to get things “moving” again. I don’t know if that is an old remedy, but it seems to help my bunny Raymond who stops eating every once and awhile. We give him a tummy massage, and then keep playing with him to keep him moving around.

            • Kokaneeandkahlua
              12067 posts Send Private Message


                Their digestive systems are almost completely the same -colic = stasis (my vet says it’s ‘those darned cecums”)

                Someone told me they were related (not closely of course) they had a distant ancestor-I never looked that up but now I HAVE to.

              • somebunny
                168 posts Send Private Message

                  yes…i don’t know anything about horses, but my sister always comments that hershey is a like a little horse, galloping around, eating hay etc…hence i often call her horshy

                • kralspace
                  2663 posts Send Private Message

                    I agree! I had horses for 32 years and I’m amazed how much the bunnies are similar to horses. My mare was prone to colic (tummy ache) and the number one treatment was to keep her moving until things begin to ‘pass’. I always wanted to build a house out of a barn, now I seem to have made my house into a barn. I love the smell of hay and feed even in the house and I love the little ‘herds’ galloping around.

                    The non verbal communication is similar too. Having to watch behavior and subtle signs as opposed to a cat meowing, hissing, etc.

                  • Elrohwen
                    7318 posts Send Private Message

                      I absolutely think buns are like horses and I think this is why I have become so attached to Otto. I rode horses for 10+ years growing up (and recently got back into it 🙂 ) so I I feel comfortable around horses and with their communication style. I really do find Otto pretty similar to most horses I know and I love that about him 🙂

                    • MarkBun
                      2842 posts Send Private Message

                        I tried putting a saddle on Maryann once…


                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          Lol! *shakes head*  Maryann morphs into one of the horses of the apocalypse – Death!    

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            I want a horse very much and my rabbit Deirdra reminds me of a tri-color paint. Well, a bonsai-version of one, of course! That’s why maybe she’s my favorite out of my three. The big plus with rabbits is that you can have them in your room. That would be hard with a horse. i do think, there are people who have kept horses in their basement….or wanted to. If I ever have a horse, I would have to sleep in his stable sometimes, at least when he’s sick…

                            –yes, I see it, too, horses and rabbits have a lot in common!

                          • babybunsmum
                            3896 posts Send Private Message

                              lol mark… poor maryann… what she has to endure

                              i had the horse vs. rabbit discussion years ago with a friend who owned horses. i love how two so seemingly different creatures can have so many similarities. the colic / stasis, the diet and especially the behavioural similarities.

                            • dlscanne
                              149 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By corpathina on 09/01/2009 06:47 PM
                                i think you have a very good point! i used to work with horses as well and do know what you’re talking about. their body language is very similar.. i’m sure you could link the behavior of most animals, but i think you’re right in the how especially similar rabbits and horses are. they’re both playful grazers. and yeah, most people don’t know how to treat rabbits and horses alike. unfortunately, while a rabbit might hurt a bit, horses can be fatal if they get rubbed the wrong way.

                                Yes!  agreed!  one plus side to bunnies is that it would be pretty hard for them to kill you  i  have a pretty gnarly scar from a horse bite (the horse’s name was Snappy fyi).  And that is just a bite.  

                                however, size/power aside behavior is soooo similar.  what made me think of this is when I do nails on Winston and Frank, Frank (usually very mellow and affectionate, but a little slow.  lets be honest)  puts up a huge fight and tries to kick and gets all worked up.  She really will fuss and resist.  Winston, the extremely feisty yet very intelligent one hates it too but never fights me.  

                                I always think of what the owner at the ranch always said when we were worming the horses.  the more difficult ones we had to put into a little box and clip their halters to chains (kinda like a bunny burrito).  he always said “you can tell the smart ones because they always know when they can’t win.”  meaning the horse that just broke a fence rail takes his wormer in the stocks with no problem, while others will still try to fight.

                                the psychology is just so interesting to me.


                              • MimzMum
                                8029 posts Send Private Message

                                  Hi-ho Maryann! Away! *theme from Lone Ranger plays*
                                  (Markus I almost fell off my chair laughing at your post)
                                  I think more and more of horses when I look at my rabbits. Something about the very features suggest the similarity, not to mention the herbivorous connection. I think it’s the quietness of both species that causes me to compare them too, and hey, they both stomp their feet when they’re upset at something! xD
                                  Although I think a horse thump does significantly more damage if you’re in the vicinity.

                                • bunnytowne
                                  7537 posts Send Private Message

                                    you know thats true they are similar.   Their digestive systems and  same meds seem to be ok for both of them.   And the GI stasis and colic.  

                                    Also when I first got Johnny horse as a colt then I would lunge him if I looked at his face he would be frightened and lunge in a fast run.  I learned to not look at his face then he got used to me.   And lunging

                                    Also I would sit and let him graze on the rope ignoring him like with a new bun.  He eventually would approach me to check me out like a rabbit will.   Right they are both prey animals.  Horses run when scared to escape mountain lions predators wolves and such.  RAbbits too.

                                    While ;predator animals may try to fight other predator species  horses rabbits and deer run.  

                                    OH deer are also similar to rabbits too.

                                    Interesting points you have all made and glad you brought it up Discaine

                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m always noticing the similarities too. I’ve commented on it many times before. I’ve trained and ridden horses for years and I have a Morgan mare who is almost as spoiled as my bunnies!!!!

                                      When I’m trying to catch a rabbit I use the same method I learned to catch an unwilling horse in a field. Great for those rascally uncatcheable buns!!!

                                    • MimzMum
                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                        You’re right there, BT! Fiver often reminds me of a deer. He’s got such dainty feet and a tiny little face. Those big brown eyes of his just bulge out like a deer’s. lolz!

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                                    Forum THE LOUNGE does anyone else see the similarities between buns and horses?