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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Rescue Remedy?!?

  • This topic has 17sd replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by Ana.
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    • CowieCow
      39 posts Send Private Message

        So today I had a scare with Cowie. It started last night when I got home from work. She seemed very odd. She spent the whole night in one corner of her cage and refused to come out. She did have her breakfast in the morning, but I noticed she hadn’t eaten any hay ALL DAY. They are currently painting our apartment building, so there has been alot of noise and activity the last couple days. Well this morning I was getting ready for work and I went to feed Cowie. She didn’t want anything to do with it. And I noticed she still hadn’t had any hay and it didn’t look like she pooped at all the WHOLE NIGHT! So at this point I’m freaked out. I called out of work and called my vet. Of course they tell me there is no exotic vet on until tuesday. All this and I’m supposed to be leaving for 9 days next wednesday, so I’m very worried about Cowie and about my trip not happening. So anyway I finally get her into another vet a couple hours later and he says healthwise she looks great. She doesn’t seem to be impacted, and her belly feels good, a little gas, but otherwise fine. He then asks me if anything is going on at home that might have her stressed out. And then I realize all the noise and excitement from the painters! They powerwashed our building yesterday, which I can only imagine was incredibly loud and scary for a little bunny who is at home all alone. So anyway, he gives me this stuff called Rescue Remedy. It is a natural stress reliever made up of 5 Flower essences. Well he gave her some at the vet. As soon as we got home she started munching again. She hasn’t eaten all her breakfast, but some and she started eating her hay agian. So I’m just soooo relieved.

        I’m really just telling you all the story to ask if anyone has heard of this stuff or used it themselves? Either for yourself or your skiddish freaked out animals?! I’m going to research the ingredients right now, but I wanted to know what everyone thought about this?!

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          i have heard of this but never used it. i’m glad she’s back to her normal self!

        • TARM
          1253 posts Send Private Message

            I bought some for my dog but it didn’t do anything for her. I tried it myself and I didn’t notice any calming effect, though I wasn’t stressed either…lol

            My rabbit rescue sells it. Maybe it works for critters as small as rabbits but not for larger animals.

          • CowieCow
            39 posts Send Private Message

              I wonder if you just need alot more for bigger animals. Either way it seems to be doing wonders for her. I was just looking at the website for this stuff and there is a kind especially for pets that is alcohol free, and what he gave me is not. It says contains 27% alcohol. Should I be worried about this?? Man I’ll tell you these animals don’t realize how spoiled and well cared for they really are. It makes me sad to think about all the poor animals out there that arent. :o(

            • Kokaneeandkahlua
              12067 posts Send Private Message

                I bought some, I tried it first to ensure it was OK.

                I give one drop before a car ride or vet trip. My understanding is it’s been used for years and is safe.

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  Yes, I’ve used it. I’ve never used it in water though – I’ve just dabbed it on them.

                • CowieCow
                  39 posts Send Private Message

                    Ok, well that makes me feel better. She is a very skiddish bunny, any little noise and she freaks, so hopefully this will help her relax and just do her normal stuff, like eat and poop. Thanks guys I feel better already. And I think Cowie does too!

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      are you using it everyday, or just as needed? i would maybe reserve it for stressful occasions like KokaneeandKahlua said… can it lose effectiveness if overused? does anyone know?

                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                        Well apparently you can use it all the time. I actually bought it for Rupert as he was so skittish when we first got him, but didn’t end up needing to use it much for that, he promptly became a diva buny anyways and lost the skittishness! But I do believe you can dose frequently Not sure about it losing potentness.
                        I just use it for car rides etc. now…

                      • TARM
                        1253 posts Send Private Message

                          hmmmm….I wonder if this would work for Thumper….

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            really K&K&R&C?

                            i might try this for Max. he’s still a bit skittish. he loves Mead to death… but we’ve still not fully bonded with him b/c he’s a scaredy bun. he’s the only bunny i’ve ever seen who actually hops cautiously. i wonder if that could help him. where do you get it, just at the vet, or do they have it other places, store, online?

                          • Balefulregards
                            715 posts Send Private Message

                              You can often find it at health food type stores, Beka – My Mom used it for us in the 70’s and I think it was called “Dr Bach’s Rescue Remedy” – but yes, it is distilled herbs and generally quite safe. I used a derivation for my daughter when she was teething and it was awesome.

                            • Beka27
                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                but then i’d have to get dosage from the vet? is it the same exact thing for people and animals?

                              • ScooterandAnnette
                                1090 posts Send Private Message

                                  We picked some up for our cats on the reccomendation of our vet. Well on cat in particular, who hates the car and we knew would drive us nuts during the 14 hour drive for the move. Gave a bit to him and to the dog before we left and the cat – who normally meows like he’s got his tail stuck in the door the entire time he’s in the car – barely made a sound. He was awake and moving about but seemed calm. And the dog was well behaved the whole time too. One of these days I’m going to try it on myself!
                                  – Annette

                                • CowieCow
                                  39 posts Send Private Message

                                    There is a website and you can order the kind for pets, it’s alcohol free. I’m not giving it to her daily, she got some at the vet and he told me just to put 4 drops in her water for the next couple of days to help her chill out. Poor bunny was so stressed that she couldn’t eat, poop, or even lay down, it was crazy! So I stopped giving it to her and she is the same old Cowie, we are going on vacation for a week so I’m going to bring it to the boarding place and ask them to put it in her water to keep her calm while we’re away. Other than that I won’t give it to her except for visits to the vet or if we need to take her in the car somewhere. It does do wonders though I was very surprized.

                                  • Scarlet_Rose
                                    4293 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’ve used Rescue Remedy for a long time during stressful periods for my two, car rides, vet visits and the first couple of days at a bunny sitters house with no problems.  It works great on my two, I put it in the water ahead of time (if I have advance notice) 4 drops in a big crock, otherwise I dose them with a couple of drops driectly in the mouth.  The one without alcohol is perferable but the one with, since you are not administering a lot of it and only a few drops, is O.K. (this is what I was informed of by my vet).  I buy mine from my local health food store.  You can also go to their web site:


                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                        *snorts* K&K&R&C LOL

                                        I bought mine on ebay, sealed and with packaging, just because it has paypal and is easy for me. You could probably buy it in any natural health product store, and there’s a site for it too (as scarlet posted above). I paid decent cheap on ebay, and it was safety sealed when it came so that works It’s not like a drug, so you don’t get doped up drug results. I think it’s just a nice natural stress reliever. We dosed Rupert a little when we first got him and everyone gets a drop for car rides

                                      • Ana
                                        182 posts Send Private Message

                                          There is an equivalent for cats: Feliway. I worked with ferals, and we recommended it for some. You plug it in, and only cats can “smell” it. It is like any other plugin, where it is just released constantly. Most of those things are safe, especially made with natural ingredients. If the package doesn’t say “Not recommended ofr daily use” I wouldn’t worry.

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                                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Rescue Remedy?!?