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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Hay Clarification

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        I was wondering if anyone could clarify what kind of hay I should be giving my bunny. From what I think I remember there is certain kinds at certain ages, right?

      • Lion_Lop_Lover
        971 posts Send Private Message

          Alfalfa is good for young ones, but as they age unlimited Timothy hay is the proper hay to use.

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Any kind of grass hay which includes timothy hay, orchard grass hay, oat hay, mountain grass hay, etc…

            Alfalfa is basically for young rabbits and rabbits who need extra supplements – it should only be given in handfuls though along with a good grass hay.

          • kimberleyanddarren
            2520 posts Send Private Message

              why do they sell bog standard hay in pet stores and stuff? just wondering considering you are meant to give the buns timothy hay so whats with the bog standard cheap stuff?

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                What do you mean by bog standard cheap stuff? I know the hay they sell in petstores around here is timothy hay but it’s not necessarily the best hay you can purchase.

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message

                  Gosh I have no idea what bog standard is?? *off to wikipedia! *

                • kimberleyanddarren
                  2520 posts Send Private Message

                    its just basic hay it isnt timothy or alfalfa its just cheap brand hay, its about £3 for a massive bag which is about 6mnths worth supply.

                    I have tried finding a picture, this is one of them but this is a more expensive version than the one i have seen, its not even called meadow hay its just called ‘Hay’


                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      So…the bog standard is just called hay, not meadow hay?? I was on wikipedia and I can’t find a description of types….I’m gonna keep looking!

                    • kimberleyanddarren
                      2520 posts Send Private Message

                        i dont think it is any good, im just shocked because if someone knows enough to know buns need hay so they buy this crap not knowing about the different types and i dont think it is safe for buns to be honest.. i wouldnt give it to my buns for a start!

                      • Scarlet_Rose
                        4293 posts Send Private Message

                          I am going to venture a guess that the bog hay is grass that grows in a bog rather than what grows in a meadow. I have not encountered this type of hay, but any hay should be green, not a lot of dust, weeds or other material and smell sweet. Some meadow hay is really nice stuff, depending on your region.

                          I also wanted to add that my two, when they have meadow hay, their poops get smaller which is a concern. I think this has to do with the strands of the meadow grass hay being smaller and thinner, even though they eat the same amount if it were timothy. So, I just stick with the timothy hay with my two.

                        • rabbitsmba
                          475 posts Send Private Message

                            It says on the bag “Ideal bedding for…” Are you even supposed to feed that to a rabbit? Or is it maybe just substandard hay meant to be used as a bedding?

                            Alfalfa hay for young bunns, timothy hay afterwards.

                          • Scarlet_Rose
                            4293 posts Send Private Message

                              O.K. from what I have found bog hay is a low-grade, low-nutrition hay generally fed to stock animals and yes, is grass hay growing in a bog and I would not feed it to your rabbit, it is rubbish.

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                          Forum DIET & CARE Hay Clarification